Sunday, May 28, 2017

When Christian Zionists Like Perry Stone Ask for Mo Money, Send Them Your Research

Dear Ministry of Perry Stone:  I purchased your book Revelation Generation and donated $10 additional.  After your prompt email asking for further donation I wanted to take this opportunity to respond. Due to what I read on page 11’s last paragraph that continued onto page 12,  I see Mr. Stone’s still clinging to the false propaganda that real Jews of Abraham’s seed have taken over the land of Israel.

“. . . restoring to the possession lands promised to Abraham’s seed that were in the possession of often antagonistic-Gentiles control or influence.” 

Mr. Stone, I'm entirely shocked at your deliberate suppression of the new evidence allowed for us to use by God through DNA testing that has since taken place. (Reference: DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline – Texe Marrs) The DNA results of alleged Jewish peoples were published by Dr. Eran Elhaik  on December 14, 2012 proving indisputably there is no longer any such thing as a Jewish race of people, that the current day Jews have been determined to be largely from the 8th Century Khazarians under King Bulan who converted his nation to Babylonian based Judaism (Talmud, Kabbalah). It was further noted the fake Jews of today attempted to cover up the lack of support of their DNA years prior to the conclusive DNA results.

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Perry Stone's email sent one day after I donated $10 and bought his latest book.

Suppression of Factual Evidence is Negligence and Thus A Form of Lying

Mr. Stone, you simply cannot be considered an honest Christian researcher to completely overlook the DNA evidence and continue to ignore the facts Israel is not occupied by genuine Abraham blood line Jews.  Furthermore, it deeply concerns me your complete non-disclosure of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 in God’s revealing the “fake Jews” who are lying about themselves in the last days. Your suppression of pertinent facts is a form of lying as it would be in a courtroom. You simply can no longer ignore the facts of DNA test results along with the long standing contradictions of historians and archaeologists related to the migration of ancient Jews throughout the world without being considered a Christian Zionist Propagandist.

The DNA evidence shows the Palestinian people have more claims to the land of Israel than do current day fake Jews who were taught Judaism by Babylon Jews at the request of King Bulan in the 8th Century.

As a result of this new DNA revelation about current day Jews, I am therefore no longer interested in your works Mr. Stone that you are unwilling to consider the facts and acknowledge Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 disclosing the later day fake Jews you continue to support of their brutal sinful rebellious activities claiming God’s land that does not belong to them. The Bible says fake Jews are given over to the Synagogue of Satan who currently own 96% of America’s media we see manifesting Satanism every day on our television sets.

Why Christians CANNOT Support Israel

Ignoring that America’s Jews aren't of the seed of Abraham will not be allowed to continue without exposing Zionist Christians who refuse to acknowledge the evil that is being done in Israel that the Palestinians have closer DNA that links them to the true Jews of the Bible.  

No one is perfect and we are all living in a dark world today, but God has granted us extraordinary tools and resources to clarify who His people are in this day and age and they are clearly Gentiles of faith. There is no pure blood Jew to be found on our planet!  Those who say they are Jews who have a right to the land of Israel are of Satan and the AntiChrist spirit.  If you can’t see it for what it is I can’t possibly take the time to read your book let alone donate to you any longer.

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. . .He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. . .” Revelation 2:9,11 

In Christ Jesus,
Cheryl Meril