Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Like Groundhog Day: The Case For Trump Supporters Mindless Soul Degeneration In 2019

Something atrocious happened the other day as I was visiting my Facebook account. Someone by the name of Holly Medici was presented by a FB bot for me to consider as a friend.  At first I thought the profile of Holly Medici was some satirical joke like what I've seen on The Onion years ago. I anticipated a good laugh when I proceeded to browse through Holly's page only to discover in utter horror this lady was dead serious! Imagine my horror to learn this lady was very serious and what kind of depth of insanity it took for her to post her profile photo as an apparent worshiper of Donald Trump.

You see, under Biblical standards Holly is an idolater of President Trump, so much so that she's being served up by a FB bot for me to possibly invite. Being far beyond a mid-life crisis, Holly made an abomination of herself by degenerating so far as being presented to me in this manner by a bot. I considered why me? I'm not a supporter of Trump but a vocal opponent as of late due to his war hawk administration and lies. I'm continually posting factual based evidence of what a bad leader President Trump's become. 

I can't understand why FB's bot chose this Holly to offer up as a potential friend, but I do know I'm currently battling to be disengaged with any rebellious so called Zionist Christian who refuses to repent supporting the antichrist nature of Trump and his current war-hawkish administration.  I still have very few remaining FB friends who refuse to see the light and acknowledge the truth Trump isn't really who he claims to be.  I'm working on letting them know I'm not "one of them" but their skulls are quite thick for now.

Whenever I bring up the points regarding idolatry of Trump I am told by Zionist Christians I'm being "prayed for" at which time I respond with the following appropriate Scripture.
“Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.” John 9:31   (KJV)

A good metaphor for such a mindless existence of idolatry is that of a human who once had a divine purpose with a soul, albeit turning into a programmed Internet bot. As a bot one is serving their master mindlessly. Much like in the film Groundhog Day, you awake each day to the same purpose in life which you are unconsciously programmed to pursue like a prisoner behind bars.
Groundhog Day is about a man reliving the same day over and over and over. Every time he wakes up it's Groundhog Day again, and people always say the same things and do the same things over and over, and he's the only one who is aware of the infinite repetition and who is capable of doing things differently.  StackExchange.com
It's very easy to be a bot, you don't have to think or do anything other than what you are programmed to do. Both Democrat and Republican parties program participants with great ease. You don't take any blame for being a bot in your empty soulless existence, you just put it all in the hands of your party's programmers.  Such is where the term selling one's soul to the devil came from, is when people have no spirit of God, becoming mindless soulless machines.

Trump bragging of receiving honorary Kabbalah Tree of Life Award from the 1990's
Far from being Christian, whenever Trump claims to be we know he is lying to his base.

If I present a factual based case to these bot-like humans as to why Trump isn't a Christian, being far from it as a proud recipient of The Tree of Life Kabbalah Award in the 1980's, they're either programmed to ignore, dismiss or weaponized to attack. It doesn't matter what video link or article you share, they don't have any rationale because Trump supporters have become programmed bots.

In my experience Trump's supporters are much like a cult just as Obama's and Hillary's were.  In fact, America's culture has become extremely cultist for decades. The reason for these growing cult networks is, without God's Holy Spirit, there's only man made religions and various cult-ures around the world. I never thought I'd witness so many drink the cool-aide of lies coming out of the Trump Administration.  If you try to reason with them the facts, they will turn on you like a pack of wolves.

Attention Mindless Bots - Have I Got News For You!

Donald Trump isn't operating in the role of a President of the United States but clearly as an agent of a foreign power who he serves loyal and true. This loyalty happened for many reasons over long periods of time as well as due to Trump's bankruptcy in the 1990's in having to depend on the salvation of the Rothschilds since no U.S. banks would help his failed casino empire.  When Americans believed they voted for a wealthy disengaged billionaire who didn't have to answer to anyone they were all mistaken.

At 25:56 in this video Adam Green of Know More News correctly states and supports with facts throughout the video who President Trump serves and is an agent of.

President Trump is nothing but a willing puppet for a foreign power, a wrecking ball for the United States of America who plans on one day allowing it to be nuked by Russia at the sacrificial alter of Israel. Trump's a traitor!  A fraud!  A liar!  A con!  A rotten human being piece of filth!  Provocative, arrogant and untrustworthy, Donald Trump is heavily mind controlled Zio politician who could care less what ultimately happens to America as long as he serves his masters who bought him a long time ago. Trump could care less if America gets nuked to smithereens! They all plan on escaping underground.

President Trump's deliberately causing world chaos through tariffs and sanctions to bring down world economies in order facilitate his alleged New Liberal Order.  What a dufus Trump is! Those who still insist on supporting and following Trump are clearly degenerate mindless bots whose souls have not been redeemed for Jesus Christ due to failure to yield to God's spirit of forgiveness and redemption.

If you are one of those who continue to accept and believe whatever the main stream news says, rest assured that's a grave symptom your soul's been seriously compromised into bot-hood.  God expects us to seek His truth at all times and not settle for outright lies. See Seeking God, Why Is That Important?