Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mysterious Creatures in Clouds Photographed Above San Francisco On Day Fires Began in California August 18, 2020

Who's Surfing Up There?
This is the first post of my new blog transition to Head Up In Clouds, based in Colossians 3:2, "Set your affections on things above in the heavens, not on things of the earth".
Though I'm posting this first photo (left) to catch the visitor's interest with a  dramatic sunset on the day the California fires started, I really want to begin posting hereafter in sequence from my iPhone timeline so everyone can witness how things rolled out that day.  

First, this photo at left was taken on August 18, 2020 around 7:38 p.m. that showed unusual markings on a feathered body of some creature that I've never witnessed anything like  before! There's also an eye with an iris you'll see in the magnified version I'm posting next. The tiny figure above looks like some anomaly as well.  

Please understand I don't touch up these photos, I only put in my copyright info, arrows/text and magnifiers on originals and, on rare occasions, I do crop the edges. I can revert them back to the originals on my iPhone to show they're not my artistic work.

Click to Enlarge - zoom in to see the iris of eye if you can.

So in this post I'm going back to my iPhone timeline so the viewer can see how these photos all rolled out on August 18, 2020.  In other words, what had initially caught my attention to start looking at the sky again since I hadn't taken cloud photos in a few months. The reason for the absence of photos as of late has been due to the fog.

Earlier that day at 12:25 p.m., I copied and cropped this photo for a podcast I did about FEMA camps and government contracts for slave labor rolling out in California. 

Click to Enlarge - This was the first cloud that started it all on August 18, 2020 I call the Military Tank cloud taken at 7:13 p.m.

The next section of photos followed my iPhone timeline of the opening metaphor of warfare from the tank as follows:

This photo taken at 7:25 p.m. seems to have all kinds of spirits in it but what caught my attention the most was a distant man's head suspended in the air (top left). I show the original and magnified versions of what I call Man's Head Repertoire.  Note the creature at the top right corner and its eyes and gaping mouth! Please forgive me for the naming convention, I don't put that much thought into naming my photographs, can you tell?   

What follows is the magnified version:

Click to Enlarge - Magnified version of Man's Head Repertoire - Man's head top left.

Click to Enlarge - Many spirit creatures in this photo I named Birds of Prey since they exhibit feathered fowl. I also see fish creatures so the birds are feasting off of them apparently. There's also a ghostly apparition with large fish eyes at top left I'll magnify next.

Click to Enlarge - Magnified version of Birds of Prey.

This photo was taken three minutes later at 7:26 p.m.  Aside from the bird and wing shot I didn't magnify that's flying to the left, there's a ghostly apparition figure with eyes and mouth gaping wide at top left.  The next magnifying glass down is a fish head with its mouth open and some creature on the right.  The next creature has its mouth open wide that resembles a rodent's head and.  The last figure is elongated, I just got the head fish creature spitting out something.

Click to Enlarge -- Taken one minute later at 7:27 p.m.  The creature at left is looking down toward the lower right of the photo.

Nothing that interesting here except I named it These Eyes, the eyes of two spirit creatures. The one at left appears to have the head of a rodent with iris's of realistic eyes. 

Click to Enlarge - Just a plain sunset I zoomed in to take at 7:37 p.m.

Click to Enlarge - I see a lot of activity in this photo I'll cover in the magnified version below.

This photo was taken at 7:37 pm even though it doesn't look like it.  Keep in mind the sunset is way off in the distance on the west side of the sky. This blue sky is on the southeast of the sky that appears to be day believe it or not.  This photo is very odd I'll cover in the magnified version what I see in the figures.

Click to Enlarge - I've got to be honest, I see doggies in this photo, one running on the right hand side.  

At the top left of the magnified version of this photo, I see a tiny hovering masquerade drama mask.  I then see a few dog heads and snouts on the next one to the right of the mask, and a dog running at far right.  I see a male figure at the top of the photo facing the right side of the photo.  None of it makes any sense.

Click to Enlarge

Back to the start of this post, to the feathered body of a creature with an eye with an anomaly figure appearing to be surfing or dancing on top of it.  This photo was taken at 7:38 p.m. and zoomed in significantly. 

Click to Enlarge - As the sunset in the west, the southwest sky was still blue full of strange spirits in the sky at 7:40 p.m.

Click to Enlarge - Speechless!

Well to summarize, this last photo is full of all kinds of crazy looking things.  I have to deduce NASA's up to something with its electromagnetic frequencies again shaping the nanobot entrenched conductive clouds this way using templates in computers cutting clouds up in the sky remotely from their fusion centers.

Then after all these interesting photos of clouds I took came the dramatic ending of the photo roll that day, a bloody looking sunset due to the California fires in the area I call Devil's Eye.

  Click to Enlarge - Devil's Eye taken at 7:43 p.m. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

My Blog's Transitioning to Things of Heavenly Realms!

My photography Head Up In Clouds, 2019
After several years of the second phase implementation of this 13 year old blog, I'm once again transitioning into a third phase of a new theme related to the heavenly realms based on the Scripture, "Set your affections on things above, not on things of earth." Colossians 3:2   

This idea came to me this morning from the Holy Spirit. What happened next after I quickly implemented a new title and blog url is I received my first phone call in two days, that from a little child! A baby's voice was on the other end of the call from Crescent City, California and even called back again, then hung up. I interpret this timing as confirmation God wants me focusing on heavenly things not of the earth. 

Yes it's true, back in the 1980's I spent many years hanging out in Southern California at the Good Earth Restaurant, a natural food chain that had many locations near where I lived in the South Bay including Torrance, Manhattan Beach, Marina del Rey and Westwood. I loved their food and heavily caffeinated cinnamon tea having spent many hours there reading and socializing. The chain went bankrupt in the early 90's likely because it permitted folks like me to remain on the property far too long being addicted from free refills of their iced tea. Decades later I still buy Good Earth Tea at the local grocery store.

My new blog will be phasing out earthly matters as I'm led, including man's politics, in anticipation of leaving this world and preparing to be in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. I'll be going wherever His Spirit leads.