Thursday, January 9, 2020

What God Showed Me In Demonic Clouds Above San Francisco My Friend Died In A Slow Kill Back Surgery Scam

Back on December 8, 2019 on a Sunday, I was called to The Embarcadero Waterfront in San Francisco near the baseball stadium for a customer who needed mobile services on King Street.

Little did I know what this day really meant that I decided to hold back any related blog article until the Holy Spirit informed me of what this was all about.

What I had initially believed about cloud photos I took that day was that my psyche had been affected after reading about a local ancient tribe from 1,500 years ago, the Rammaytush, on a sidewalk plaque after I parked my bike.

Sidewalk plaque of 1,500 year old local tribe Rammaytush on King Street, San Francisco

I was located on King Street.  Jesus is King so I tried to discern what the Holy Spirit was saying to me back on December 8, 2019 over the past few weeks. 

There on King Street in front of a Divine Yoga business was a plaque pictured above. At first I believed this was maybe about some Hindu leader. The tribe was Rammaytush that had also lost its language to the Spaniards who invaded the area 1,500 years ago. To make a long story short, I finished with my customer and got back on my electric bicycle looking forward to getting back home on the weekend.  I wouldn't get very far however due to my coming across some unusual cloud formations.

The first clouds that got my attention as I was riding my eBike home on The Embarcaderos.

The first cloud that caught my attention appeared in the distance ahead of me like a head rising up below the bridge so I decided to get off my eBike and zoom in to see more detail.

Zoom effect: I could see it looked like some demon with its mouth wide opened with a tongue hanging out! Note that I didn't do any contrast of colors, this was the original aside from magnifying glass. This caused me to look around the area for similar cloud formations.

The photos above are what first caught my attention that the area may be infected with strange cloud formations as I've written about on this blog before. (See below for related links) This cloud caused me to continue to scan over the Bay Area sky to see if there were any further unusual cloud formations. After I searched the sky, I was absolutely shocked to discover the following photos, some that will require an artistic eye to see what I saw. I won't be drawing or typing text on them nor using arrows to point it all out. 

I'll start out with the easier photo first to interpret so you can absolutely observe what I saw.  The apparition photo below appears as if landing on a runway.  It's interesting I interpreted the ghostly figure that way since the definition of Embarcadero I took the photo from is a "landing place".  

Ghostly apparition appears to be making a landing on a runway December 8, 2019

I was riding home on my eBike on The Embarcadero's bike path along the waterfront the day I took these photos on Sunday, December 8, 2019.

Okay, I provided the easier two photos first for the reader to view the nature of what I photographed. The next photos are slightly more challenging to see what I saw. I can say I erred in zooming in with my camera so I couldn't crop them as high definition photos as I meant to.  

The next images are really one cloud in two parts.  The first part is what I saw first in the cloud, a huge corpse up to its waste with a huge head tilted back (at left) on its back with its arms to its side.  The face of the head isn't well defined but I saw a mouth and tongue hanging out indicating it was dead.  

In this cloud I saw a corpse laying on its back with a large head (at left) with a tongue hanging out and arm at its side.

After I took a photo of the huge head and corpse, I saw what followed was like a funeral procession of a  smaller body with hands folded that was wearing a hat of some kind (at left). 

I looked over to the the other part of the cloud, (corpse head at right, new body at left) and zoomed in with my camera seeing a small body with a hat, face and arms folded as if in a funeral procession. You can see on the right of the photo the other large head with its chin, mouth and tongue hanging out.

Just another day in the life of a citizen journalist, right? I just wanted to get back to my Sunday morning cup of coffee, it was cold out there. Later that day I did some research on the Rammytush tribe but the Holy Spirit didn't direct me to write a blog post so I waited all this time since if any further information would come my way. I decided God's timing has to be involved and that I needed some other observation of timing by coincidence to help my understanding of what this was all about.

Discovery of Nob Hill Watchman Neighbor Passing One Day Prior to My Cloud Photographs on December 7, 2019

I learned a few days ago my neighbor and friend, the watchman of our neighborhood, Michael Rawls, 68 had died the day prior to my taking these photos.  Michael had just one year prior helped me leave the Eye Surgery Center accompanying me home.  He died prematurely due to getting back surgery he was ill advised to receive. I did some research to see if the cloud photos I took were near the time of his passing and yes they were the day after he died. I therefore found it necessary to do additional research what the Holy Spirit was saying to me.  

Michael Rawls was scheduled for back surgery on November 18, 2019 at the San Ramon Regional Medical Center over dealing with pain the past year. Michael had waited several months to have this surgery. I researched and discovered this Tenet Hospital owned medical center has many complaints in Google reviews for over billing customers and poor services. You see, Michael had no real back injury just wanting to get rid of the pain. The doctor clearly could have recommended cortizone shots, infrared or physical therapy along with whatever else rather than take a chance of Michael suffering and then dying under such unnecessary circumstances. 

How doctors are pushing the "new procedure" for back surgery, just one small incision much like cataract surgery along with fast same day recovery in some cases.

Bait and Switch 
Bait = Small Incision, Quick Healing Back Surgery 
Switch = Slow Kill Dying 19 days With Infection at Hospital For Huge Profit

Today's back surgery ads are full of the new faster small incision surgical procedure where they claim same day recovery just like my cataracts surgery Michael gave me a ride home from last year. Unfortunately, Michael took the bait and went to this medical center hospital in San Ramon on November 18, 2019.  On December 7, 2019, Michael died from an infection at the age of 68.  Michael's health wasn't good, he drank and smoked and shouldn't have been advised to get back surgery in his condition. Any good doctor wouldn't have provided back surgery under those circumstances.  Had Michael not had back surgery, he'd be alive today with several years left of his natural life.  I'm certain the transfer of wealth from Michael's credit card to the hospital was significant for a 19 day stay at its facilities including related treatments for infection.

My podcast:

The reason the Holy Spirit wanted me to get this information out is doctors are luring patients into these deceptive ads for back surgery as if it's a cataracts one day eye procedure. The elderly are being slow killed in these facilities where hospitals make hundreds of thousands of dollars hospitalizing them until they ultimately die from infection or some other reason.  The hospital medical centers then send patients to the local funeral home where they are put on display, then cremated the next day as requested in their will.  

The funeral procession in the sky I saw was God's way of saying these hospitals plan to slow kill patients this way using the appearance of their age and health to back up why they die and that it's not the doctor's fault.They keep the patient alive as long as possible until they die for the hospitals to get to the deceased credit cards on file.  The surgery is already prepaid by credit card in most cases.  Demonic spirits celebrate their deaths as a victory.

The elderly are falling for this new surgical procedure to relieve their back pain that can threaten their lives. Doctors shouldn't be approving of any back surgery for any elderly person especially in poor health with alcohol and smoking issues who are seniors especially.  

My related Spreaker podcast three days after cloud photography:

My related cloud photography based blog articles: