Monday, February 17, 2020

Haven't Been Blogging Lately, Busy Working on 4K Videography - San Francisco's Ruins in 2020

My new 4K Videography of San Francisco's Ruins - Aquatic Park
Since I've been working in other mediums such as podcasts lately unable to focus on my blog for the past several weeks now, I thought I'd put up my first 4K video I edited and uploaded today from a February 11, 2020 shoot. The visit was to San Francisco's 100+ year old  Aquatic Park that's now ruins in many ways. 

At first I was going to keep the video private but thought I might as well put something up on this blog to let visitors know I'm not abandoning it. Yes, I've been shooting footage lately and wanted to also add that my new Linux OS configuration enables me wonderful free open source video editing in KdenLive.

Taken February 11, 2020

I use a refurbished 2013 Dell workstation that works well with this 4K format and the Sony Handycam from 2015 was heavily marked down so I got a good deal.