Sunday, April 26, 2020

Spirit in the Clouds Series, Devil Patrolling the Sky Above San Francisco - March 16, 2020

I'm starting a new posting series on short videos explaining photos I take of unusual clouds above San Francisco from 2015-2020. Many of these photos show what I believe to be spirits mentioned in the Bible as princes of the air.

I was on my way driving home from a customer in the Mission Delores area of San Francisco when I observed a very strange cloud.  The cloud appeared to be a large pig headed somewhere I managed to snap a shot of while the light was turning green.

Spirit in the Clouds Series, Patrolling the Sky - March 16, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Video Presentation of Spiritual Warfare in My Clouds Photography Above San Francisco

It's not every day that one gets pulled away from their own business under lock down, a form of citizen's arrest, along with the rest of San Francisco. On March 26, 2020 I was finishing up cleaning my Nob Hill apartment that I ran out of ideas on what to do next. I then prayed to God asking Him what I should do next and sat down at my apartment window with a cup of coffee. That's when I happened to glance up at the sky over the San Francisco Bay area to witness a very unusual cloud formation.

People familiar with my blog likely know about my cloud photography already that began back in late 2017 when I saw unusual spiritual warfare of alien-like cloud figures along with God's intervention. Once again, on March 26th I saw the same kind of spiritual warfare that appeared to be alien-like demonic creatures rolling out parading something in the clouds attempting to mimic the woman on the dragon in the Book of Revelation. 

  My latest video presents my iPhone film roll in proper
sequence taken on  March 26, 2020

What makes my iPhone film roll unique this time is a three part story unfolding with gaps in time that day. I put the time stamp on each slide so people can witness how the order of photos is correct in shaping a story for me to witness to others about what's taking place up in the heavenly realms above us. 

My latest podcast about the lockdown in San Francisco.

God gave me something to do and I really didn't have to try very hard at all.  Every time I went back to the window there was something unusual to take pictures of.  I didn't hang out at the window all of the time either, the timing was just right for me to put together three parts that form a meaningful way of witnessing for Jesus Christ my Savior.   

The San Francisco Municipal Pier in the presentation is so deteriorated like ruins that I was taking photos of it prior to the lock down.  It was a good metaphor to use for God's intervention for restoration. How people want to save the pier is a good metaphor for our need for salvation, such as those who dress up in unicorn and worm balloon costumes I took photos of later that evening.

Thankfully, the iPhone affirms these are original photos without alteration so it's easy to prove I didn't alter these photos in any way.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Why Do Americans Put Up With Being Lied To So Much? That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore!

Americans have been known to love a good laugh watching an eyeful of pranks on the once popular now defunct Candid Camera program. I've often wondered at what cost do we all pay, how heavy is the price for comedic relief observing political based cons in our midst such as Nancy Pelosi's surreal Onion-like behavior, Donald Trump's alleged King Cyrus reincarnation as well as the late Senator John McCain's bomb bomb bomb Iran routine gaff? What about President George W. Bush joking of there being no alleged weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq thousands died for?

It's true that Candid Camera became an American comedic tradition being around for decades up until lawyers gathered round like vultures suing it out of existence. See, Candid Camera on Trial (video).  Ever since Candid Camera left the collective's awareness, it seems the United States government has picked up the baton to the max utilizing its techniques primarily due to the ease of which psychological operations could be successfully initiated among an unsuspecting naive populace.

Candid Camera's psychological operations entertained Americans for decades.

Then there was President George W. Bush joking with an audience over not being able to find the alleged "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq that American troops died for including 500,000+ Iraqi's after 9/11.

Suggesting the American public was swindled into a senseless war over imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, politicians laughed and joked after hundreds of thousands lost their lives over a lie.

The point of this post is really to get the information out I've included in my latest podcast, How Public Gets Played Like A Violin Just Like Days Of Candid Camera, provides significant evidence what's happening in the nation isn't what it appears to be:

[Entire podcast censored by Spreaker in 2021]

Yes, it can all be very entertaining and interesting to any predator class to witness how naive Americans can be to our own detriment. To those of us out here observing the unending strong proclivities among millions to trust a lying political class out for its own interests, it can be depressing not to mention horrendously disappointing. It can be truly daunting for citizens to realize state governments can so easily shut down the entire state your living in based on information provided by highly political based questionable sources. See When Can The Government Lock You In Your House? - Institute for Justice, April 2, 2020

My Lord Jesus Christ wasn't amused with the absurd naivety of fallen mankind that he issued a command "Take heed that no man deceive you." Matthew 24:4. Note that Jesus didn't add to his command "unless the deception's based in comedy." I do believe Jesus' Word, who always has my best interests in mind, not some lawless government that invites invasions into our country facilitating a Communist-like occupation at our expense and livelihoods. If the American public's not careful being vigilant to learn any lessons through God almighty's Word to repent from its gullible foolish past, the devil may indeed have the last laugh.

Supporting Links:

My latest Podcast: How Public Gets Played Like A Violin Just Like Days Of Candid Camera

See Videos:

When Can The Government Lock You In Your House? - Institute for Justice, April 2, 2020

A Few Things To Consider, Israeli News Live YouTube Channel - April 2, 2020

Candid Camera On Trial