Sunday, November 13, 2016

Liberal Americans Struggle in Quicksand Leading to Hell

Rebellion is rising against God in the land of America. The unsaved lost souls are still struggling to grasp God's divine intervention after having granted the prayers of His people. You see, God doesn't hear prayers of those who have rejected Him, (John 9:31) so the sucker punched liberals in America are on their own continuing to struggle in the trap of their own sinful devices. Consequently, the more these unrepentant sinners struggle, the more spiritual quicksand is bringing them closer to the pit of eternal hell and the point of no return.

Which category do you find yourself at this point in American history? Are you grateful for what He's done thanking Him and praying for and forgiving your enemies? Or are you busy rebelling against who God has placed in the White House? Have you allowed yourself to become the chaff spoken of in Scripture that God separates from the wheat prior to bringing in His crop?
"He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork. Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.”  Luke 3:17
Because with each passing moment you rebel against God's divine intervention and not REPENT and turn back to Him asking for forgiveness, you are condemning yourself to eternal hell up ahead. Rebellion is always a sign of one being in spiritual danger unless it's based upon His righteousness.

METAPHOR: How to escape quicksand - Accept and follow Jesus out of this world.

You don't want to find yourself struggling in spiritual quicksand being on the side of the wicked at this time in history because time's running out!  You'll be wanting to be on the side of accepting God's grace and mercy being grateful for what God did so he can protect you. (Pslam 91) You don't want to be one of those people rebelling against God's divine hand!  Repentance is the only means of responding and asking Jesus into your life by asking for His forgiveness.

The lying liberal media continues to stirrup rebellion against who God has placed in the White House.  Don't be tempted to fall into their trap. The DNC is a criminal network!  It's their goal to bring as many souls down into the pit of hell along with them because hey sold their souls to the devil.