Google recently provided the IP records for the blogs.
Cyber #2 at deposition: "Did you create the blog? A: no comment"
People reading this blog who are considering any further mischief should really consider I have gathered a tremendous template of legal documents to work with in a lawsuit should I ever run into this problem again. A few are very sophisticated legal instruments that deal specifically with cyber stalker, defamation issues.
Here's a few document templates I have now:
Motion to Compel Response to Subpoena DECUS TECUM (includes Memorandum of Points & Authorities, Declarations) (this legal instrument really works in getting major corporations to respond with records. Google immediately coughed up partial records after I forwarded them the draft)
Ex Parte Motion to Transfer Instant Case to . . . . . ." (for when they try to file a case in the wrong venue from where you filed the lawsuit)
Motion for Petition for Injunction.. . .. (w/Memo of P&As")
This is only a small few of what I have and will have. I'll soon have other documents to counter another's vain attempt to squirm out of the lawsuit. I'll have a full arsenal of legal documents to use again should I require them.
The person on the other end, not being an attorney or legal professional, will be forced to pay out as little as $20,000 to defend their case. I also have fairly good skills at conducting my own depositions, asking the right questions and submitting interrogatores.
So, I guess the message here is don't mess with me because I'll come after you with a case you'll have to spend thousands of dollars to defend yourself from.