Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nosy Harassing Neighbor Apparently A Scientologist

The neighbor I wrote about and shot videos regarding a few weeks ago has resorted to new forms of non-recordable harassment activity of slamming her front door when she comes home at night to avoid video detection.  See My Spooky Poltergiest Neighbor.  

I wouldn't be surprised based on her degree of monitoring for common noises in my flat that this neighbor has been reading this blog.  It's clear to me the nosy one is looking for any excuse to complain because she's a lonely control freak. Yesterday I observed a package waiting for her at the mail box from the Church of Scientology that says it all.  Lonely people are always vulnerable to falling into the jaws of some crazy cult if not the government.

If she indeed visits this blog, this lady must now realize I'm videotaping her harassment activity for doing my laundry on a Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. and/or cleaning my bathroom.  Imagine the audacity one would have to have to confront a neighbor for doing a few loads of wash within building time rules?  It's not like I was doing my wash after hours.  At first I thought it was just the noise of the door so I began being very careful to close it like a mouse. Then I learned it wasn't that at all, it was her apparently wanting to prevent me from leaving my flat at night since she was still complaining.

I've also duly noted this lady's appearance in front of where I did a loan signing at a coffee shop on the other side of town.  I first saw her walking in the area as I rode my eBike to the destination and then parked my bike at the coffee place to meet with a customer.  About 30 minutes later I came out to find this neighbor walking past me and where my bike was parked. My bike has my business signage all over it so it's easily recognizable.  Her appearance was spooky as she had holes in her pants and seemed frail from her walking journey. Her hair was a mess and she had a water bottle with her.

I've been told by someone aware of her that this lady walks all over the city as a means to occupy her time otherwise being holed up in her place without any visitors.  I've never observed this lady having one friendly visitation the past eight years I've lived here.  It's not that I was that aware of these details until this lady began complaining and harassing me that I had to take note.

I was nice enough towards this nosy neighbor when she knocked on my door in 2008 about my singing after having left a long winded note on my door. I later learned you give these kind of lonely people an inch and they'll take a mile.  They get their way the first time and they will take it to the next level. Okay, so I stopped singing and playing music at night, so now in 2011 it's the bathroom cleaning noise and doing my wash? Who does she think she is, my former privileged crazy  roommate from 1999?  This building I call home is not a prison, camp, hospital or senior home facility!

I'm not saying I'm an ideal neighbor to have, but I've greatly improved since the years of singing in my home recording studio and working on sound mixes with loud speakers.  Comparatively to then, I'm as quiet as a mouse except when it's that time of month and I have a bad case of acute PMS that I have a need to vent occasionally with a few "God damn it!" and  "Mother fucker!" kind of language, that only lasts a few minutes.  Occasionally I become frustrated with my computer and browser glitches and pound my desk in frustration.  I do play talk radio programs during the day at times but can't imagine that being a problem to anyone.

I've got my handy iPhone now and will use it to record pounding on my wall and any further confrontations.  I wish they had iPhones back in the days of the crazy control freak roommates I've had over the years.  Now when I have my own place, they still find ways of attempting to control how I live.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Clear Evidence Laws of Karma Are For Real

Yesterday I witnessed another micro example of the laws of karma at work.  The past few weeks I've been giving small donations that are much needed to people in need of funds.  Though the amounts I give are just $10, if many people donate to one person it all ads up to large amounts of money they desperately need.  Whenever I donate as such I always witness good karma boomerang back in some way either with increased business or in some other unworldly manner. 

First, let me begin by saying this week has been unusually slow for my business.  This vacuum of little call activity followed several of my busiest weeks ever.  There seems to be no logic behind the ebb and flow of customer calls I receive that sometimes drops off so dramatically I have to call AT&T to ask if there's something wrong with their cell phone tower.  Regardless of the slowing in the second week of June, yesterday was quite interesting to say the least.  It wasn't a big cash day, it was a big karma day instead which was just fine with me.  Here's my testimony for the day:

"The one call I got Thursday was a return customer a few miles away who needed one notarization, a doctor of a non-profit life expectancy medical research business.  After I performed the notarization for the doctor, he surprised me with a vintage 1998 bottle of wine from the Dry Creek Vineyard. Aside from the fact that doesn't happen very often that customers just start offering me free stuff out of the blue, on the way home on my e-Bike I came upon another surprise.

I was at an intersection waiting for the light to change.  Suddenly there was crisp cash flying around on the ground in the middle of the road just a few feet away. The cash had apparently come from a vehicle's window that was long gone.  As I watched the cash begin to fly away, I thought for certain others would run out to grab it but no one apparently had seen it.  The light finally changed enabling me to ride past to see how much money was there.  At first I saw a few dollar bills and then came upon a $10 bill.  I stopped in the middle of the road since no cars were behind me, and picked up the $10.  One of my donations came right back to me within a few days! - C.M.

In one day I essentially got a free bottle of vintage wine from 1998 and a crisp $10.  This is just one micro example of how the laws of karma can operate.  When you give to others in need it comes back to you sometimes ten fold manifested from the spiritual dimension.  This doesn't mean I'll ever be a sucker though, I carefully screen who I give to to make sure they're not parasitic money junkie con beggars.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

U.S. Department of Education Teaches Student Loan Debtors SWAT Raids 2.0

If you thought the FDA's S.W.A.T. raids of health companies and dancers I've recently posted about here and here were bad, get ready for the next roll out of S.W.A.T. Team 2.0 for student loan default debtors.  The U.S. Federal government through its gestapo Department of Education is now issuing unconstitutional Federal warrants against debtors who default on their student loans!  

Recently, 15 heavily armed S.W.A.T. team members raided the Stockton home of an innocent bystander who happened to have an estranged wife who allegedly defaulted on a student loan.  At 6:00 a.m. the S.W.A.T. team knocked down an unarmed Kenneth Wright's door and violently pulled him out of his house by the back of his neck onto his front yard.  Wright was wearing only his boxer underwear.  The S.W.A.T members then placed Wright in a police car for 6 hours as they searched the home.

Kenneth Wright shows evidence of the damage done to his front door by the S.W.A.T. team as well as describing what they did to him.  The police issued a statement they did none of what the man claimed and that the raid wasn't about a student loan default.

What was this man guilty of to be treated like that?  Being formerly married to an alleged student loan defaulter?  Wow!  Welcome to Nazi Germany.  Later, the police so obviously lied to the media claiming they didn't knock the door down or even place the man in handcuffs.  We can see with our own eyes in the video the damage they caused to Wright's door.  Children were inside the home who were also detained for two hours.  Let's hope Mr. Wright finds a good lawyer for the damages a government run amok caused he and his children that day.

The U.S. Department of Education apparently has a lot it wishes to teach Americans.  In view of this insanity, maybe the time is ripe for Americans to teach something back to their corrupt out-of-control government.

Welcome to America's S.W.A.T. Team 2.0.

SWAT Team Busts Into Student Loan Defaulter's Home -

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Discovery On Mars Claim By Armchair Astronomer

I've been listening to many new radio talk shows lately thanks to my iPhone.  Last night I used the Shoutcast App to listen to Jeff Rense's radio program where I heard how an amateur astronomer recently claimed to have discovered a new structure on Mars. On May 28, 2011, David Martines used Google Mars, a program that creates a map of the planet's surface using satellite images.  Finding something in that map program is like finding a needle in a haystack so it's quite an accomplishment to come up with anything whatsoever.

There's a growing number of people scouring satellite images for anomalies so we'll likely be seeing more of these kind of discovery claims regardless if they're valid or not.  I have no idea if the video below provides evidence of a structure on mars. All I know is when I was in third grade I brought in a large rock to the teacher I found from an old flood zone I believed was an ancient whale bone.  They went so far as having the thing tested at USC where the teacher's husband worked.  Of course, it was just a rock. I had dreams, big dreams of being famous for my discovery so one can imagine how shattered I was over the news.

Mr Martines is convinced this object is a genuine structure on Mars.  Maybe he should add one "a" and remove the "e" in his name to make it "Martians"?

I've always wondered about all those NASA smudged images that obviously appear to be covering up what the artifacts or structures are.  Below is a NASA image they didn't bother to smudge for whatever reason.  

The photo was included in an article NASA Finds Doorway Structure on Mars - 

Meanwhile, the sun's been acting up again releasing a massive solar flare on June 5, 2011. Prior to the flare's eruption, (video below) a YouTuber noted an anomaly appeared (second video):

Video showing massive sun flare activity on June 5, 2011.  Thankfully it wasn't aimed toward Earth.

Second video shows an anomaly of a UFO near the sun prior to the flare up. 

I personally find the sun activity more interesting since it's real and so unpredictable.  Most planets are basically dead shells of some sort while the sun is a living intelligent life form of some capacity.

Please excuse me for now as I return to my talk radio programs. 

Armchair Astronomer Discovers Structure on Mars -

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FDA Terrorists Seize Elderberry Concentrate As Unapproved Drug

The psychos at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are busy making sure Americans have as little access to health supplements as possible with their latest criminal raid on a fruit juice company.  Wyldwood Cellers in Kansas was recently raided under claims its Elderberry concentrate is an "unapproved drug."  Bullshit! 

Fitting the pattern of laying low a few months after its initial harassment, the FDA typically refuses to cooperate with clearing health supplement companies from its accusations in spite of their efforts. In this case, Wyldewood hired a consultant to respond and adhere to the FDA's requests to modify certain health claims that were allegedly made in violation of federal law.  After making the appropriate changes, and clarifying that the elderberry products in question were supplements, John Brewer, co-founder, says his company had done what it needed to in order to be in compliance.
"We hadn't heard anything from the FDA since," he told reporters, noting that following the changes up until the raid, the FDA had ceased communicating with Wyldewood. 'They've been in our facility multiple times. It's like, 'C'mon guys, we changed our label, we changed everything we thought we were supposed to do.' And then they show up and do this. Supplements seems to be one of their hot buttons these days."  FDA Sends US Marshals. . . .
The bribed scoundrels at the FDA are obviously on the level of the Mafia terrorizing and intimidating legitimate businesses that are competing with greedy pharma companies that want to drug Americans into oblivion.  The FDA has proved that it's nothing more than a terrorist organization owned by monopolistic pharmaceutical companies that pay out bribes in the form of campaign contributions.
"This tactic, of course, has become all too common in recent years. A company receives a warning letter from the FDA, makes the appropriate changes, never hears anything further from the FDA, and out of nowhere gets raided. Such actions on behalf of the FDA are ultimately unwarranted and illegal, and the offended parties have every right to sue the agency for damages."  FDA Sends US Marshals. . . .
 In a pattern similarly described in my other posts, see here and here, these government agencies' intent is to ensnare and entrap victims in order to call in SWAT teams to wage micro wars.  Once an allegation is made, there is no mitigation allowed.  The FDA and police agencies are blatantly behaving as criminal terrorist organizations violating the rights of Americans and businesses. 
"You think you are doing things correctly, and there hasn't been any word, and all of a sudden you get this," said Brewer to The Kansas City Star.
The FDA isn't even trying to hide its criminal activities from the American people that it has the audacity and arrogance to issue press releasesSee FDA Seizes Elderberry Juice Concentrate at Kansas Company - FDA Release thru PR Newswire 

Clearly the U.S. Federal government openly works on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry that feels threatened with health based supplement companies.  The pharma industry so profits from ill Americans that it wants to prevent health supplements to keep them healthy and/or heal them.  As such, Americans are viewed as nothing more than cattle to the pharma industry and Federal government.  

Is the FDA testing for radiation?  Testing U.S. milk or Alaskan fish?  The Federal government cares nothing more than about various industries its been bribed to protect through enormous campaign contributions.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

SWAT Team Called In At Jefferson Memorial For Dancing American Protesters

Anyone who cares to research the facts knows a slithering perverted sick government oversees America today.  This hijacked government's not only robbing American future's blind conducting fraudulent unconstitutional wars, but is molesting people and children at airports through Homeland Security's TSA while setting up an incredible high tech matrix of mind control and oppression.

As the government inflates its value from war and greed, the authorities are now claiming people can't even dance at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.  Yesterday dancers were so apparently threatening that a SWAT team was called in.

Yesterday Adam Kokesh, an Iraq war veteran and the guy who was body slammed at TJ's memorial last week, brought a larger group to dance at the memorial.  This time the police were less violent, but they did call in a SWAT team as an indicator of their attitude towards the First Amendment.  The video taken at the protest shows people were standing up to the thugs who think they own America and its citizens' lives to deny them such a right of freedom of expression.

The second time at the TJ memorial a larger group of people were dancing.

Judge Napolitano interviews Adam Kokesh on his program.

Alex Jones interviews Adam Kokesh after he was body slammed at the Jefferson Memorial for dancing.

How it all ended was the SWAT team put a fence around the Jefferson Memorial after driving out American citizens. I  think this sends a clear message America's being occupied by its enemies who are in control of its government.  The TJ Memorial is a public monument paid for and maintained by the U.S. taxpayer.

“At 12:17 p.m., police, some wearing hard helmets, formed a line and began moving most of the protestors out of the inner chamber. But numerous people remained inside, continuing their silent dance. Others filtered back in, and the rotunda quickly filled again.  Police announced the memorial was closed and put up fences, leaving just one route of exit. Officers would not answer questions as to why the fences were erected. At 12:30 p.m., police were aggressively pushing people out of the monument, but refrained from using excessive force.”

Riot Police, SWAT Teams Called On Dancers at Jefferson Memorial -

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Viral Video: 35 Years Backwards Thru Time with Sam Klemke (Time Lapse)

Sam Klemke's an interesting guy, a caricature artist who travels all over the world doing drawings for people.  Back in the 1970's Sam decided to chronicle himself each New Year after he turned 20 up to when he uploaded his video in 2011.

It's interesting to consider without YouTube few would have ever seen Sam's video that has 900,000+ views in less than two months and is even getting media coverage. See An Internet Hit 35 Years In The Making -

Here's the video description:
"Time Travel backward thru the years with Sam as he grows younger with the passing decades, from a paunchy middle aged white bearded self deprecating schluby old fart, to a svelt, full haired, clean shaven, self-important, inspired but clueless 20 year old

We can all relate to the bittersweet passage of time, but thanks to the mystery of Self-Chronicling, we can now actually go Back In Time!  Put your seatbelts on and travel with Sam on the bumpy ride back into the precarious final years of the 20th Century in this Lifetime project .

Sam is a professional Caricature Artist.. For over 30 years he has been drawing faces all over the world, all 50 states, All over Canada, England, Japan..."

Sam Klemke's famous in 2011 thanks to his 35 year time travel movie.

An Internet hit 35 Years In the Making -

Friday, June 3, 2011

Grand Jury In John Edwards Probe Denoted Corrupt Balls Prevalent

A Federal Grand Jury caught a whiff of the evidence against former presidential candidate and attorney John Edwards, indicting the two-time con artist liberal Friday.

One of the grand jurors described the nightmarish ordeal after two long years of probing stating, "After reviewing much of the evidence, an overwhelming determination came over us we believe from the imprint left throughout of this man's corrupt balls".  Another grand juror member chimed in "We noted Edwards' balls were even imprinted on his hoe mistress's sweater and were all aghast." (Photo above)

The six count indictment includes charges of conspiracy, four counts of illegal campaign contributions and one count of false statements.  

Edwards, 58, rose to power with his talent for lies, deception and fucking hoes outside marriage by cheating on his former cancer stricken late wife Elizabeth and mother of three.  The dumb fuck hillbilly from South Carolina's accused of using massive sums of campaign money to keep his mistress in hiding during the peak of his 2008 campaign.  "He even had an underground luxury spa bunker for her, it was just too much" describes one grand juror.

Experts say the government doesn't intend on sending Edwards to prison knowing a plea deal's a likely recourse.  "Public humiliation and a complete loss of future political prospects satisfies us as long as he cooperates with a plea deal.  We don't want to kill the man, just rough him up a bit." - Government spokesman.

Meanwhile, in an apparent crisis, the government has lowered its National Dating Standards to accommodate the new trend of the dating sector dying thanks to the actions of men like Edwards.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Birdwatcher Jailed For Sage Possession Under Felony Marijuana Law

This story is an example of how desperate law enforcement can be to entrap women into their tortuous system because some being psychopaths causes them to seek enjoyment over others' suffering and pain. 

In order to begin facilitating torture to an innocent woman, Deputy Sheriff Dominic Raimondi, 51, of Boward County Florida decided the 50 grams of sage he discovered in a female birdwatcher's backpack was marijuana.  The sage was later supposed to have been tested at the crime lab but never made it likely because they knew it wasn't marijuana in the first place.

Regardless of the sage, three months later Robin Brown, 49, of Hollywood Florida was arrested in front of her customers, stripped, given a body cavity search and placed in jail. (Photo at right is good ole boy Ron Ishoy of the Broward State Attorney's Office having a good laugh after torturing a birdwatcher by prosecuting her over sage possession).

The injustice all started when Brown went on a birdwatching adventure bringing sage to burn as part of her prayer offering.
"As an avid birdwatcher, Brown brought her sage along for smudging, a purification ritual among Native American tribes and spiritual groups. Brown said she believes the smoke from the sage helps clear negative energy and also helps your prayers on their way to heaven.  Before going back to car, Brown burned the sage in a clay pot to give thanks for the wildlife she had seen that day." - Birdwatcher Arrested For Sage in Botched Marijuana Bust -
My guess is these men knew full well it wasn't marijuana and were looking to have some fun busting the woman for what they viewed as a witch ritual.  Let's face it, it's not every day you find a woman alone in the wilderness burning sage. Such activity would likely strike law enforcement as a little odd.  Where was her husband or boyfriend is probably what they wondered.  Was she casting spells?  Was it a voodoo curse ritual?  Listen to this video as this lady explains what she was doing and you decide.

As one might imagine, after the charges were dropped Brown filed a lawsuit for public humiliation, emotional pain and suffering accusing the Broward State Attorney's Office of negligence and malicious prosecution.   Needless to say Circuit Court Judge John Bowman dismissed the case claiming "prosecutors are given immunity from lawsuits in the course of doing their jobs." 

One can observe how these men cover up for one another knowing there are no legal consequences for their deliberate entrapment. Since karma's a bitch it wasn't too long after his decision that the incompetent Judge Bowman (clown at right) was accused of sexual abuse:
"Judge Bowman's a real piece of work himself. In January, he was accused of sexual abuse by his ex-foster son, Charles Harper, 18, reports Stefan Kamph of Broward-Palm Beach New Times."
What they did to this woman was a form of rape and psychological torture that she will likely suffer over for years to come.  Many women have no idea men of authority often do these kind of things for entertainment and/or in order to force them into social conformity as a form of social engineering.  Single women especially should be vigilant over such predators of authority seeking to entrap them in the system for male domination and abuse.  

The good news is that, as with Judge Bowman's sexual abuse exposure, these kind of sadistic bastards who joke and have fun over innocent people's suffering will eventually come to learn karma's a REAL bitch.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dog Lover Moves Heaven & Earth To Free Trapped Pet Under Tons of Rock

This is a sweet story about a young Jack Russel pooch in Austrialia that became wedged between two huge boulders during a rabbit hunting trip with his owner.  Owner Steve Porter spent several days and cold nights trying to free Jessie who could only move her head and paw.
"Mr Porter and his son Tom initially tried jacks and crowbars with the help of friends. They then called in SES, which could move only the smallest boulder before the massive ram was hired from Melbourne to move the bigger 30-tonne rock. The men toiled as late as 1am through bitterly cold nights. "We literally moved this massive rock millimetre by millimetre," Mr Porter said. - The Herald Sun

Since it took 7 days to free Jessie, she was fed pieces of liver on a wire.  The story made no mention of how they managed to get water to the pooch.
"Lying flat, he pulled Jessie free from her crevice using a dog-catching hoop. 'It was quite emotional,' he said.  'I think we all just jumped in the air and said: 'Thank God'.'  Mr Porter, whose eldest son is a vet, said he had considered putting Jessie down as hope faded but couldn't without trying everything possible. 'Dogs are man's best friend,' he said. 'We felt we owed it to her. The easiest thing to say was the dog would die or we could say let's try our best. And we did. We rallied together and said 'We can do this'. Where there's hope there is life." - The Herald Sun
 Photo gallery of Jessie's rescue.