Longstanding local patrons such as myself can share our experiences and observations with several venues that these stores seem to be under the state and city government's iron fist dictatorial demands that they better conform to a military-like psyop on civilians. To hell with former thriving capitalist profits in the process (e.g., how selfish of TJ's to want to profit during these dire times, a typical despicable Communist deranged attitude toward our former healthy economy)!
First off, I wanted to clarify I've had no initial intent to write about these issues because I'm grateful for these stores being here. In fact, nearly ten years ago I contacted Trader Joes' corporate when the Cala Foods Store announced its intent to close hoping they'd come here.
I don't believe these grocery stores would want to continue down this path sacrificing their profits as capitalist enterprises in order to turn into an oppressive, vile military psyop operation on behalf of the Communist China Party (CCP) of its government officials to cooperate due to their coming 5G implementation now delayed until 2025. The CCP will have a back door into its 5G technology in order to control and imprison innocent Americans as a parasitic entity that wants to ultimately bring death and starvation to our nation while usurping our U.S. Constitution especially. It's so sad to witness so many politicians in California willing to squander what other's shed blood fighting for our freedom and liberty over 200 years ago. We should resist these efforts to overthrow our economy this way with all our might.
In summary, it's really up to those in the community to help fight for these stores to remain by influencing sanity return with genuine efforts to reestablish the local free capitalist for-profit economy.
Grocery Stores Disallowed Capacity By Local Communist Influenced San Francisco and State Government Designed To Shut Them Down
I digress that my and others' multiple experiences and observations have become an obvious pattern at this point thus necessary to point out multiple veiled threats to the future of this community that indicates these stores have shifted from corporate retail operations to that of being directed to treating customers like civilian prisoners barely tolerated.
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After waiting 20 min. line of 6 persons, store was empty. |
The unreasonable state and city regulation requirements of store operations is clearly oppressing these grocery stores. It's almost as if these stores sat down with Communist Chinese Party opposed to their profitability by pleasing their customers demanding they conform to treating customers as civilians under house arrest, aka spoiled prisoners!

First of all, there's no scientific basis for this 6 foot demand to begin with that was initially rolled out as a recommendation. In my opinion, this methodology by the store of deliberate and calculated humiliation watching over adults in line as kindergartners is designed to get a message to the customer of state and city's oppressive regulations to cause its customer to be unnecessarily treated and managed this way.
After waiting in a line of six people, I was finally let into the store 20 minutes later. I then began shooting these photos of an empty store I waited so long to enter into. Many cashiers stood alone without customers.
When I finished purchasing goods only 10 minutes had passed as I walked out the store. I was shocked the line outside became huge with 25 people! Why was the line huge? Because they were denying customers entry into their empty store front I had just walked out of. I've got the photos and a paranoid looking employee shopping like a ghost to prove what's happening at Trader Joes.
After Waiting 30 Minutes In Line, Whole Foods Market's Fascist Employee Rejected My Perfectly Good $20 Bill!
In another example of psy-op activity at local grocery stores abusing its patrons, after a long 30 minute wait at Whole Foods Market to process our grocery purchases, we are then humiliated to have our perfectly legal cash snubbed by an employee wearing gloves who didn't want to deal with it.
As a result of this pattern of activities we experience and observe we understand we're therefore no longer customers but prisoners at our local grocery stores being trained like dogs such as to not provide cash at Whole Foods Market that is rejected, complained over resulting in a summon of the manager to take care of processing. Employees at these grocery stores are rude, demanding and discourteous much of the time.
This denoted intolerance of our existence needing food and goods comes from loss of profits these stores endure by adhering to the State of California and local city government's communist influenced plans they see no end forthcoming. In other words, the stores seem to be vastly winding down their retail operations strongly hinting they plan on withdrawing from the area in the near future leaving we civilians with long bread and soup lines and military invasion as President Trump announced last week.
My latest podcast discusses the issues raised in this blog post.
Since neither Trader Joes nor Whole Foods Market's in business to become the U.S. military's psyop surveillance program at the expense of their profitability, I believe the local mentally deranged Communists in both state and city governments influenced by the Communist Chinese Party are deliberately attempting to force these retail businesses out of the city with intent to starve the population while bringing in a national emergency armed forces.
It's our duty as citizens not to allow the corrupt local state and city government to drive away our source of goods and food in the city and make sure truckers won't be hindered nor denied distribution by being blocked by those with evil intent such as these very twisted Communist bastards.
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