A blog focused on things eternal and related to the heavenly realm based in Colossians 3:2 -- "Set your affections on things above, not things of the earth."
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Are Short & Sweet Marriages Becoming the Norm?
A few days ago I got a frantic call from another victim of a family law and divorce attorney I posted about earlier. The poor lady said she's spent $28,000 and still hasn't gotten her divorce. Her divorce process mysteriously stalled and the attorney's not returning her phone calls. It seems a few greedy divorce attorneys have apparently found a means to profit off the widespread divorce industry and are taking the money and partying at the divorcee's expense. According to the lady, the attorney is always taking vacations!
Divorce has become a growing trend industry and new venues are opening up such as divorce cruises, divorce cakes and celebration parties. (See my post Scary New Divorce Cake Industry Rising) I recently learned The Huffington Post has dedicated a section of its online publication to divorce as well. The publication's slogan is "Marriages Come and Go But Divorce is Forever". Wow! The headline for the HuffPost Divorce page is The Incredible Shrinking Marriage: Are Brief Unions Now the Norm?
Arriana Huffington discusses why she began a new divorce section of the Huffington Post
It's kind of ironic that gays and lesbians are struggling for acceptance to officially marry while so many heterosexuals don't seem to value their marriages in the long term. The divorce trend makes the case for gay marriage even stronger. The sad thing is, gays and lesbians have been known to divorce too, one example being a disgraceful Melissa Etheridge (See Melissa Etheridge Gets Nasty in Divorce! I thought I'd add that I never intentionally listened to Melissa's music and think the general public has had horrendous taste in its singers.)
Perhaps people are just searching for a happy norm in sampling marriages like they do wedding cakes or clothing. Why get stuck with one person and a ball and chain? Why is that necessary anymore? The average marriage goes through a honeymoon period and then tailors off into something many people can't handle for long. The only problem is humanity could go extinct at this rate. People think the world's overpopulated and it's okay not to procreate, but that simply may not be the case.
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