Friday, October 11, 2019

What's Happening in San Francisco? Possible Sonic Weapon Attacks w/ Sightings of White Luxury SUVs Witnessed On October 10-11, 2019

This post is about evidence I've recorded as well as my own witness testimony provided in two podcasts listed below of what I believe to be likely sonic weapon attacks I experienced in Nob Hill San Francisco on California Street from multiple white luxury SUV vehicles in the area witnessed in the late evening or early morning of October 10th and 11th, 2019.

Just to provide the background information to this post, back on October 8, 2019, Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) took down the power grid all over the San Francisco Bay area that since caused a major disruption having affected San Francisco's flow of business that's been non-existent for many. For example, I've had no customers the past three days due to the outage. I've also had a cancellation of someone affected by the outage who had booked the appointment two weeks ago who said they couldn't print out their trust documents so they had to reschedule.

In addition to the disruption of business in San Francisco, I wanted to share a few unusual experiences that occurred recently I've recorded in detail in the podcasts provided below. Last night on October 10th I was about to turn in for the evening sometime between 11:45 p.m. or slightly past midnight October 11th.  After I opened the window to check the night's temp, I happened to see many white luxury SUV vehicles driving up and down California Street in the Nob Hill area in front of my apartment building. 

As I began drifting off to sleep I was slightly stirred to hear a vehicle passing my window along with its lights I saw on the transparent curtains. A sudden strong wave of nausea gripped me in sync with the vehicle but as soon as it passed the nausea was cut off simultaneously!  I believe this vehicle was likely equipped with a sonic weapon that caused the nausea, that I didn't have the flu. The proceeding pain in my lower extremities was also denoted as something I'd never felt before, as if a microwave had cooked my organs a few seconds.


My experience with nausea last night was very strange.

Follow-up podcast below that includes my recording of what was a strong frequency tone coming from outside in Nob Hill at around 11:30 a.m that lasted on and off for 20 minutes.  The tone seemed to come from the South side of California Street.


This podcast includes today's follow-up recording of a strange tone frequency that was coming from outside on and off for 20 minutes that followed the previous day's witnessed timing as well.

After I documented and recorded the tone today, I then took a walk outside to see if I could witness a pattern of white vehicles along with what I saw parked near my apartment building. I discovered I was still witnessing an unusual amount of white SUV vehicles with dark windows still driving around, one of them has TCP on it below.

White SUV TCP 12064

Other white vehicles were parked in the neighborhood October 11th I denoted below and I also saw one police SUV arrogantly blocking the crosswalk near a fire hydrant @ Leavenworth & California for several minutes as well:

Parked across the street since yesterday

Parked below my apartment window, a tinted windows BMW SUV w/o plates has a
temp license sticker purchased in Los Angeles (see below)

Temporary license (above) purchased in Long Beach (Los Angeles County)

Across the street, though not a white SUV, it was a silver with an unusual visitor parking tag I've never witnessed during the past 15 years of living in the Nob Hill area.

Finally this post couldn't be complete without a police car at the time these photos were taken located at the corner of Leavenworth and California blocking the pedestrian sidewalk and fire hydrant that remained there a while. 

He's (or she but doubtful) also blocking the crosswalk and could
have pulled up a bit more not to so completely block people's way. 

Oh my, as I type this post the Blue Angel Jets are flying loudly above trying to bring about a headache as my allergy will not stop causing me to sneeze my brains out.

I reported the SFPD violator of two laws to the 311 app. 

It's been duly noted that October 8th is the two year anniversary of the horrific fires that happened in the Bay Area that caused a large disruption in San Francisco as well.  Back in 2017, the amount of smoke lasted for weeks and many people kept their masks on each day.  PGE was later accused of starting the fires, but there's plenty of evidence these were started intentionally through laser technology from above due to the way the fire burned at high temperatures. There was clearly a cover-up of a land grab that ensued and many lost their rights to their property in the interim.

In spite of clear evidence the fires weren't at all normal, various government agencies in on the Agenda2030 plans covered-up and refused to acknowledge these were well planned laser attack based fires for profit to take over and steal the land from its owners. The purpose was to rebuild under Agenda2030 based objectives and the huge profit for those involved. With such insidious evil tyrannical based activity, I'm not surprised there may be sonic based attacks on the population on the two year anniversary of these arsonist from above fires to some degree. 

Meanwhile, I got rid of my microwave a long time ago but apparently not all together has it left.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why Is San Francisco's Criminal Court Like An Empty Haunted House and SFPD's Operation Like a Skeleton Crew at a Movie Set?

SFPD isn't present much in San Francisco as its courthouse seems haunted.
For anyone who may not have yet noticed, there's genuinely no viable police department currently operating in the City of San Francisco. In fact, from my observations having witnessed their lack of presence in the city, I consider the SFPD to be operating for the  public interest in a ghost-like skeleton fashion. In turn, the SFPD's apparently involved with catching ghosts for dead-head judges who let them go on their merry way haunting all of us all day long with their mischief. See Attack on Woman Caught on Video Camera Entering Into Condominium Atrium, August 27, 2019

The SFPD and criminal justice system isn't acting as any deterrent against
the brazen nature of these kind of people since it's nowhere to be found.

A Dead-Head SF Judge let this ghost go who came out out of nowhere to attack someone entering her building to get away without jail time.  Personally, I think he's the type who looks like a police psy-op actor playing a role to frighten citizens in an attempt to get more taxpayer funds for bad police.

I've obtained much evidence to testify about, not only in my personal witness of many accounts, but also of photos I recently took at the San Francisco Criminal Courthouse.

SF Criminal Court's long empty hallway was creepy like this.
"On Monday October 7, 2019 I was summoned by a customer to notarize a letter for release of records at the San Francisco Criminal Courthouse at 850 Bryant Street. After I arrived at 2:00 p.m., I was astonished to enter what seemed to be largely empty of any activity. Very few citizens were there. When I began taking photos within the building a police officer quietly came up behind looking at my iPhone laughing at what I was doing."  Cheryl Meril, Blogger

The last time I had this strange experience at the courthouse was in late 2018 when I denoted how empty the criminal court building was. At the time I attributed  the anomaly to a 9:00a.m. appointment with a customer. This other recent random visit again provided factual evidence corroborating my recent podcast series Know Your Enemy, that the criminal judicial system in San Francisco isn't really functioning on many levels being virtually absent of its normal operating procedures.

My recent podcast below, Exposing America's Police By Shining Christ's Light Through Prayer:


I felt as if I was on a movie set waiting for the film crew to arrive when I visited the Criminal Courthouse October 7, 2019 at 2:00 pm as follows:

(Click to Enlarge)
After entering the SF Criminal Court building I looked back to
observe there was no one coming in or going out of the building.

(Click to Enlarge)

As I got off the elevator the 4th floor hallway reminded me of the

haunted house entryway at Disneyland. Spooky! At the end the doorway presented my customer like a tiny little person who you may be able to see if you click to enlarge the photo.

(Click to Enlarge)
I arrived at the court records clerk window where the customer wanted to meet me @ 2:00 pm on a Monday.  There was no body in line so we had the clerk all to ourselves to get a letter notarized. 

(Click to Enlarge) 

No one was in line anywhere in the building I could find on the 4th Floor I visited. I didn't see more than two people from the public walking its corridors on the 4th floor.  

(Click to Enlarge) 
The most people I ever saw were on the lobby level near court entry rooms
and bathrooms.  Only three did I ever see!  

The U.S. Government seems to be stepping up the training of its police force as it prepares to implement Noahide laws across the nation.  There's strong evidence to concur the police have withdrawn their traditional roles preparing to shift into coming for those who violate the Noahide laws that have been enacted since 1991 under George H.W. Bush.  See With Whom Are Many Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator -- Israel.  Amnesty International, 2016

Also see:

Officials Condemn Judge's Decision to Release Attacker of Woman at Embarcadero Condo Complex

Sunday, September 15, 2019

More Photographs of Principalities and Powers of the Air Above San Francisco

While I'm still on the topic of spirits in the clouds photography from my last three posts, I just came across a few additional stray shots from back in May, 2017. I thought I might as well get the rest of the shots documented here along with my interpretation of them.

Remember, just because I see these things in the clouds doesn't mean I like or want to find them, I'm just a type of sky journalist documenting what I see. I try hard not to put my own imagination into them leaving them as clear as day for anyone to see as they are.

The fact of the matter is I see a lot of alien face activity at times indicating principalities of powers of the air as defined in Scripture has something to do with their manifestations to those Christians who have the eyes to see into this realm especially. Just a note, aliens to Christians are demonic entities that are really inter dimensional supernatural beings not from other planets.

In this article by Jack Wellman, What Are Principalities And Powers That Are Talked About In The Bible?, some light is shed on this topic of my spirits in the sky photography:

"As Paul wrote, we’re not really battling a visible enemy but an invisible one (Eph 6:12). It might be easier if we were wrestling against flesh and blood because at least we could see them but Paul was still “persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come” (Rom 8:38).
"Why should we not worry about these powers and principalities of evil? Because Christ has “disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Col 2:15).We have no fear of any prince of darkness, no power of evil, and not only that, we have no fear of death since we’d be immediately with the Lord at death, no fear of angels (particularly fallen ones), no fear of principalities because Jesus has disarmed them, no fear of things to come, things in the past, or things present. In fact no “height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:39)
These original photos aren't altered of the original content except brightness or contrast. Only the duplicate copies below are altered with the magnifying glasses to zoom in on the details for the viewer. 

Click to Enlarge
This is what appears to me to be an alien-like figure in the clouds I took walking home on Leavenworth@Pine Streets in San Francisco.  There was a strange line of a jet plane's trail through it as well.

Click to Enlarge
Here's a zoom-in of the face of the alien like spirit I saw in the clouds. 

Click to Enlarge
Taken at St. Mary's Square in San Francisco, I saw three figures with two appearing to look down at me (especially the one on the left). Again, another alien-like figure was present at center. The other figure at right didn't have enough definition of a face but a female body seems apparent.

 Click to Enlarge
A zoom-in of the defined appearance of the two figures, the one on the right didn't have much of a face to capture but the body-like form seemed there.

My latest podcast on this subject:

As much as I have an inclination to put comedy into these photos, these are serious things in Scripture that demand maturity so I will not.

Also see my earlier related posts:

Part 1 - September 4, 2019

Part 2 - September 8 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Final Photographs from Spirits in the Clouds Series - San Francisco September 4, 2019

Film roll shows sequence timing
As promised, these are the final photo sequence I took of the strange clouds that paraded past my apartment window in San Francisco on September 4, 2019.

At left is a photo library on my iPhone that shows the sequence of how the photos listed below were taken. The circled photos show how the arm raised fist with the two faces opposing each other had later traveled six minutes into the distance retaining its form with the story of one being victorious taking another captive.

To me, these clouds tell a story under the theme of Ephesians 6:12 regarding principalities.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

What I've been seeing in these photos are small stories conveyed related to spiritual battles and various forms of warfare up above among the principalities of the air in the second heaven as described in Scriptures. The last time I saw photos like these was back in May, 2017. See What a Christian Blogger's Photography Looks Like - 2017

The following cloud series photos show stories of spiritual warfare including an obvious victory.

Click to Enlarge
The original photo of a face with arm and fist passing to the left of my apartment window. 

 Click to Enlarge
This is a zoom in with magnified areas
I saw two faces along with the arm and fist.

 Click to Enlarge
This is the original of the same cloud six minutes later in the distance that retained its form to some degree

Click to Enlarge
This is a zoomed in magnified version of the two faces I see as if the back of the heads are joined. The victor won the battle with the same raised fist pictured earlier. The loser has an opened mouth of anguish. The striped clouds indicate the loser's been tied up and restrained.

My latest Podcast discusses this Spirits In The Clouds photo series of September 4, 2019 in more detail.

Also see my earlier posts:

Part 1 - September 4, 2019

Part 2 - September 8 2019

First cloud witness post:

What a Christian Blogger's Photography Looks Like - 2017

Sunday, September 8, 2019

My Latest Spirits in the Clouds Photography - Part 2

As promised in my last post, here are a few more photos from a unique day of cloud photography. This Spirits in the Clouds series occurred within a two hour period on September 4, 2019 in front of my apartment window in San Francisco and one other was taken during a walk back from Trader Joes.

I'm not at all a cloud hunter or cloud whisperer. Though I'd enjoy taking cloud photos all day, it's not a priority in life though I really do enjoy it.  I know some people put out books of their cloud photos but I know God doesn't want me going down that path.

 In the first photo the horse (above) is trailing this next photo I named Battle Cry

(Click to Enlarge)
Battle Cry

(Click to Enlarge)
Battle Cry - Magnified version

(Click to Enlarge)
Head in the Clouds

Head in the Clouds - Magnified Version

My objective in this type of photography is to try and not add my own imagination into the clouds to let them speak for themselves to the viewer.  I don't want to manipulate the clouds, just to present them as they are to the viewer just as they were photographed. I only add contrast and brightness in some of them when necessary such as in the case of the horse. The magnifying glass is to focus in on those areas I saw subjects in the photo.

Related Post:
My Strange Cloud Phenomenon of Spirits in the Clouds - September 4, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

My Strange Cloud Photography Phenomenon Continues of Spirits in the Clouds

UPDATE: Latest related podcast Spiritual Warfare Witnessed Using Cloud Photograpy provided below.

Those familiar with my blog know I occasionally post some of my Spirits in the Clouds photography.  I haven't done any in a while because the clouds haven't been very interesting in San Francisco for a long time. I happened to notice today that things changed a bit, likely due to the seasonal change from summer to fall with high winds.  
I came across a few very interesting cloud formations I'll be posting the rest of the week. I've added the magnifying glass element to zoom in on the faces of the spirit being clouds. I truly believe the Holy Spirit directs me to take these photographs because I happen to look up and see unusual cloud formations the Lord assigns me to take. My iPhone seems to do the best job taking these type of photographs.

These photos below were taken September 4, 2019, I've named  Battle At Hand of two opposing spirit being clouds facing off towards each other.  When I initially looked up at this formation I thought I saw something resembling a sceptre

 Click to enlarge
The Holy Spirit directed me to take this photo as I walked home from Trader Joes and happened to see this formation.

The following are magnification of the spirits in the above photo

Two spirit beings approaching battle facing me.

Closer examination of spirit beings facing me.

My latest Podcast discusses these and earlier photos from 2017.

I'll have more photos this week of other spirit beings as they seemingly paraded past my apartment window in San Francisco September 4, 2019.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

URGENT: Many Evangelical Christian Pastors Are Betraying Their Flocks in America!

David Jeremiah, a good business man.
I recall the day back in 2015 when I took my Dr. David Jeremiah autographed study bible out to our building's garage along with dozens of his other works leaving it all for someone else to take. So why do you think I would pay $75 for Jeremiah's life work and then do something so drastic like that? The reason is I had just learned Pastor Jeremiah was part of the Freemason secret brotherhood. See Is Pastor David Jeremiah a Freemason? - August 28, 2015

It's since been confirmed recently by Pastor Rick Wiles at TruNews that the Pastor Jeremiah is a top ten Zionist Christian in full blown rebellion against the true Gospel of Jesus Christ who is the truth, the life and way.

Part of Video Transcript - One among many references to David Jeremiah by Pastor Rick Wiles including in this TruNews August 21, 2019 broadcast No King But Jesus! Trump Calls Himself the Chosen One, Second Coming of God et al

Ever since I received so many high quality study materials from David Jeremiah's ministry whenever I donated, I began to question how could it be that someone can put out such a huge amount of apparent good work for Christ and still be in rebellion of Him?  Turns out some of these Christian Pastors such as Jeremiah, aka President of Turning Point Ministries, just see themselves as good businessmen overseeing large amounts of money available from the Christian tithing community who tend to give without much question. In fact, I learned the majority of 501(3)(c) tax exempt churches do whatever the U.S. government asks of them to the future detriment of their flocks.

These Pastors are often good orators who have a talent for captivating audiences. Many successful Christian authors have also been known to rely on ghost writers in the past including Hal Lindsey who relied on a woman to help him write The Late Great Planet Earth, a best selling book from the 1970's.

In today's video,  Pastors Betray Their Flocks,  former Zionist Jews who converted as reborn Christians at Israeli News Live Channel provide inside information related to the coming betrayal by  America's Evangelical Pastors who submit to the U.S. Government's secret demands of them.

If You Want to be Lied To, Set Up for Slaughter,  Attend Betrayal Church et al.

Having been betrayed by David Jeremiah, I decided to start visiting local churches in San Francisco, something I could participate in by meeting local Christians and Pastors. Unfortunately, I found the same pattern of what I believe to be deceptive Pastors operating under a cloak of deception.  Consequently, I don't believe I found any real Christian churches among the seven I visited since 2014. I'm not saying the brethren are deceptive, but their pastoral leadership appear to have had ulterior motives that I could no longer attend them.

I've recently done a podcast of the details of my experiences with local churches in San Francisco since 2014.

The first and foremost lesson I learned among Christian churches in San Francisco is many, if not all, are tethered under the authority of the coming restorative supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church. Consequently, all who attend such proclaimed unity churches are slated for the outcome of what the Antichrist Pope decides under the coming One World Religion banner.

David Lomas is the primary Pastor of RealitySF Church in San Francisco makes sure all who are interested in becoming members understand their church is about unity of all believers that extends to all denominations in the SF Bay area.
"We at Reality Church believe in unity that we are all one church in San Francisco among all who believe Jesus is Messiah", Pastor David Lomas, RealitySF Church, San Francisco
Pastor Lomas practices the concept of unity by, for instance, traveling to give sermons nearby at Grace Cathedral, an Episcopalian Church. I don't mean to be cynical but wonder if Pastor Lomas gets paid for these mobile sermons he attends as part of some mobile Pope, (oops!) I mean mobile Pastor network. Having one's Pastor leave his home church to give sermons elsewhere was highly questionable from my point of view that seemed rather spiritually adulterous.

I also don't understand why RealitySF chose to rent out a local Jewish Temple Synagogue over several weeks while the intermediate school it used for its auditorium was being remodeled.  Was this also a form of unity with Talmudic Judaism as well? Subconscious manipulation of the flock? I stopped attending this church at that point.

Allow me to elaborate on the concept of unity related to the Christian Church (aka Bride of Jesus Christ).  In a NBC NY article New Pope Takes on 8 Official Titles, But Pope's Not One one of the Pope's titles is Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church.

A large percentage of those polled as Christians in the U.S. are that of Roman Catholics who aren't really Christian at all who use the Lord's name in vain. As this video from Soul Refuge's Channel states, the Roman Catholic Church is more of a cult in its false teachings.  

Keep this in mind.  Unity = Universal are similar terms.  When we refer to the Universal Church it really stands for the Roman Catholic Church. The Beast church system! What plans does the Pope have for those who attend these unity churches in San Francisco I wonder?  I won't be under the Pope's jurisdiction because my Savior is Jesus Christ that the Roman Catholic Church doesn't follow.
2 Thessalonians 2 King James Version (KJV)Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Beware of any church that relies heavily on the unity doctrine because it's not of Jesus Christ who clearly stated there will be a separation of the wheat from chaff as well as the falling away into Apostasy taking place in these end times.  All of these denominations merging as one body of Christ under the future supremacy of the Roman Catholic Pope is clearly the broad way, not the narrow path.

13Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14[c]Because narrow is the gate and [d]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

Also See:

You Tube Channel - Soul Refuge, (former Roman Catholic converted to reborn Christian.)

 Is Pastor David Jeremiah a Freemason? - Blog post of August 28, 2015

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How God Intervened My EXODUS from MADNESS of Microsoft Windows 10 to Linux Mint 19.2

I've spent a lot of time on Microsoft's Windows system the past 20 years and know for a fact it's bad software that's robbed millions of people of their precious time with its bug virus prone system. Microsoft's been a source of cruel mental torture for those of us who depend on it in their jobs especially. As a legal word processor for major law firms, MS Word was an absolute nightmare to work on.

This monopoly called Microsoft is highly prone to the abuse of its customer's rights to a stable operating system treating us like its lab rat beta testers it should have tested on its own having corrected prior to each release of its OS system.
Now that this virus prone Microsoft no longer supports what many believe was its most functional operating system, Windows 7, I was unwilling to migrate to Windows 10 after I had to replace my 2007 Sony Vaio with a refurbished laptop. Unfortunately, the refurbished Dell laptop came loaded with Windows 10 that many agree is a horrible operating system that drives us all crazy, so much so many decided to search for an alternative. 

Not only did we find a better alternative that was virtually virus free, but also full of free open source software resources! The entire software infrastructure is loaded into a software resource file for us on Linux Mint 19.2 to install with the press of a button.  On the other hand, Microsoft will be charging a yearly fee to use its Microsoft Office system from now on along with any other third party proprietary software and services.  

My latest podcast How God Intervened My EXODUS from MADNESS of Microsoft Windows 10 to Linux Mint

It's difficult to describe in writing the level of frustration using Microsoft 10 so I decided to do a podcast on how God intervened to bring me to Linux Mint 19.2's OS, a much better solution that also is absolutely free!  Linux Mint loaded up very easy and there was no problem hooking up to my wireless Brother printer or any other device.  I now have a sane operating system that provides outstanding open source software for everything I need on my computer. I no longer have to pay for software, it's all there for me to use free of charge!

Yes we users are so grateful (and me to the Lord as well) who donate being happy to do so since  Linux programmers around the world worked free-of-charge to bring us the best operating system and related to use! Furthermore, we really don't want Microsoft's crappy software it cruelly beta tests on us like its lab rats.  

Switched to Linux has a fun personality helping the exodus to Linux Mint along as a good YouTube resource among many others.

Thanks to God's intervention, I'm at peace on my computer being on the new user friendly Linux Mint OS system and will never ever return to the torment of Microsoft's deeply flawed cruel software system ever again. 

YouTuber Chris Titus Tech was a 20 year MS tech user professional who finally had to let go of Microsoft he claims was driving him crazy too.

Visit Linux Mint's website for more info on how you can easily exodus out of the Microsoft monster system. There's also plenty of instruction on YouTube to help you make a pleasant transition should have further questions. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

URGENT: Baby Boomers Facing Extreme Peril Up Ahead!

UPDATE: Please see this time travel portal document PDF re: a 1995 letter to the editor of Time Magazine from the late Nancy Paulikas.

I recently learned that one of the best of the best at Palos Verdes High School, a seaside school in Southern California, didn't make it to her 40th reunion last year who was known as the crem dela crem with the highest grades and achievements. 

I've noted these type of achievers are generally good people who intended to live good lives who, like myself, gradually developed amnesia over spiritual matters of the need to rely on God and His Word to be wise and safe from dangers of this world.

Instead of seeing this classmate's welcomed arrival to her 40th reunion, the class learned that year her charred skull and rib bones were discovered at Fossil Ridge Park, Sherman Oaks, CA after a two year search for her whereabouts. See Charred Remains Found in Sherman Oaks Solve Mystery. Patch, December 27, 2019


This post is meant to address spiritual matters many from my generation don't consider as we near the end of our lives on earth. For instance, I since learned this woman who didn't make it to our 40th year class reunion in 2018 really liked heavy metal music so much that she made friends with band members while even dancing in the pit with punk rockers at their concerts. I learned this woman continued down the path of allowing this kind of music in her life she never turned away from, never repented to God over. Allow me to explain why this lack of repentance's become a significant spiritual problem most in our generation don't yet recognize since it's viewed as unnecessary in today's proud liberal culture.

Having never repented of such spiritual sin against Jesus who was sent as our Savior and true Messiah is a serious over site as one approaches end of life issues.  I submit that demonic spirits had previously entered into the portals of this lady's soul from degenerate heavy metal music of one of her favorite bands, Nine Inch Nails, is what led her on a mindless eight mile walk to her end. These wicked evil spirits likely mocked her as a new fossil deposit at Fossil Ridge Park. I've denoted the cruel comedic reality of wicked demonic entities that laugh at their victim's demise.

Due to the urgency of too many souls who refuse to reconsider the path to hell they're currently on, I put an urgent podcast together to let people know how serious this is.  Baby boomers haven't tended to their spiritual needs from sin throughout their lives that they are blind to the danger they are in and time is running out!  Jesus didn't at all intend for these tragedies to happen only wanting the best for us with a plan for each and every one of our lives! Please understand what the boomers are facing without a relationship with Jesus who died for all of us, that going to eternal hell is completely unnecessary! 

My Podcast on Spreaker
Part two - Why So Many Baby Boomers are Headed for Eternal Hell 

That is this woman suffered for apparent lack of spiritual awareness having ended up in a humiliating position from a terrible disease that caused early dementia, loss of identity and ability to speak at a youthful age of 55, was formerly known to me as sweet intelligent girl who helped me in 7th grade with my class work. Everyone witnessed how brilliant and smart she was and praised her for it.  

This lack of awareness late in life not understanding the necessity of repentance of our sins that Christ heals and restores our lives in response to our submission to Him and his Word was an unaddressed spiritual problem. We're all sinners and have our own weak areas, no one is super human, that's why Jesus came to save us and all need to rely on Him. Everyone needs to learn these simple facts of life and stop everything they're doing until they fully understand what eternal path they're currently on.


Due to the urgency of this matter, I'm being called by Christ at this time to address the underlying spiritual nature of these threats to those of my generation especially who rely solely on their intellect (and other idols thereof) and success in the world for their identity and salvation rather than reconsider their need for eternal salvation. This revelation comes with the hope baby boomers especially will reconsider our genuine purpose in life, why we are really here being tested and refined since the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden (see The Book of Genesis) in order to enter into eternal rest with Jesus Christ, as Messiah who died for our sins.  

Jesus Christ restores our lives when we turn to Him and repent! He cleanses and forgives our sins!  There's no excuse allowed denying Him the opportunity to save our souls no matter who we are.

Also see:

Charred Remains Found in Sherman Oaks Solve Mystery. Patch, December 27, 2019

Websleuths Thread
 A 10 Year Transient, Alvin Carries His Blanket Like a Cross Each Day in Nob Hill San Francisco. Blog Post - September 15, 2018

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Like Groundhog Day: The Case For Trump Supporters Mindless Soul Degeneration In 2019

Something atrocious happened the other day as I was visiting my Facebook account. Someone by the name of Holly Medici was presented by a FB bot for me to consider as a friend.  At first I thought the profile of Holly Medici was some satirical joke like what I've seen on The Onion years ago. I anticipated a good laugh when I proceeded to browse through Holly's page only to discover in utter horror this lady was dead serious! Imagine my horror to learn this lady was very serious and what kind of depth of insanity it took for her to post her profile photo as an apparent worshiper of Donald Trump.

You see, under Biblical standards Holly is an idolater of President Trump, so much so that she's being served up by a FB bot for me to possibly invite. Being far beyond a mid-life crisis, Holly made an abomination of herself by degenerating so far as being presented to me in this manner by a bot. I considered why me? I'm not a supporter of Trump but a vocal opponent as of late due to his war hawk administration and lies. I'm continually posting factual based evidence of what a bad leader President Trump's become. 

I can't understand why FB's bot chose this Holly to offer up as a potential friend, but I do know I'm currently battling to be disengaged with any rebellious so called Zionist Christian who refuses to repent supporting the antichrist nature of Trump and his current war-hawkish administration.  I still have very few remaining FB friends who refuse to see the light and acknowledge the truth Trump isn't really who he claims to be.  I'm working on letting them know I'm not "one of them" but their skulls are quite thick for now.

Whenever I bring up the points regarding idolatry of Trump I am told by Zionist Christians I'm being "prayed for" at which time I respond with the following appropriate Scripture.
“Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.” John 9:31   (KJV)

A good metaphor for such a mindless existence of idolatry is that of a human who once had a divine purpose with a soul, albeit turning into a programmed Internet bot. As a bot one is serving their master mindlessly. Much like in the film Groundhog Day, you awake each day to the same purpose in life which you are unconsciously programmed to pursue like a prisoner behind bars.
Groundhog Day is about a man reliving the same day over and over and over. Every time he wakes up it's Groundhog Day again, and people always say the same things and do the same things over and over, and he's the only one who is aware of the infinite repetition and who is capable of doing things differently.
It's very easy to be a bot, you don't have to think or do anything other than what you are programmed to do. Both Democrat and Republican parties program participants with great ease. You don't take any blame for being a bot in your empty soulless existence, you just put it all in the hands of your party's programmers.  Such is where the term selling one's soul to the devil came from, is when people have no spirit of God, becoming mindless soulless machines.

Trump bragging of receiving honorary Kabbalah Tree of Life Award from the 1990's
Far from being Christian, whenever Trump claims to be we know he is lying to his base.

If I present a factual based case to these bot-like humans as to why Trump isn't a Christian, being far from it as a proud recipient of The Tree of Life Kabbalah Award in the 1980's, they're either programmed to ignore, dismiss or weaponized to attack. It doesn't matter what video link or article you share, they don't have any rationale because Trump supporters have become programmed bots.

In my experience Trump's supporters are much like a cult just as Obama's and Hillary's were.  In fact, America's culture has become extremely cultist for decades. The reason for these growing cult networks is, without God's Holy Spirit, there's only man made religions and various cult-ures around the world. I never thought I'd witness so many drink the cool-aide of lies coming out of the Trump Administration.  If you try to reason with them the facts, they will turn on you like a pack of wolves.

Attention Mindless Bots - Have I Got News For You!

Donald Trump isn't operating in the role of a President of the United States but clearly as an agent of a foreign power who he serves loyal and true. This loyalty happened for many reasons over long periods of time as well as due to Trump's bankruptcy in the 1990's in having to depend on the salvation of the Rothschilds since no U.S. banks would help his failed casino empire.  When Americans believed they voted for a wealthy disengaged billionaire who didn't have to answer to anyone they were all mistaken.

At 25:56 in this video Adam Green of Know More News correctly states and supports with facts throughout the video who President Trump serves and is an agent of.

President Trump is nothing but a willing puppet for a foreign power, a wrecking ball for the United States of America who plans on one day allowing it to be nuked by Russia at the sacrificial alter of Israel. Trump's a traitor!  A fraud!  A liar!  A con!  A rotten human being piece of filth!  Provocative, arrogant and untrustworthy, Donald Trump is heavily mind controlled Zio politician who could care less what ultimately happens to America as long as he serves his masters who bought him a long time ago. Trump could care less if America gets nuked to smithereens! They all plan on escaping underground.

President Trump's deliberately causing world chaos through tariffs and sanctions to bring down world economies in order facilitate his alleged New Liberal Order.  What a dufus Trump is! Those who still insist on supporting and following Trump are clearly degenerate mindless bots whose souls have not been redeemed for Jesus Christ due to failure to yield to God's spirit of forgiveness and redemption.

If you are one of those who continue to accept and believe whatever the main stream news says, rest assured that's a grave symptom your soul's been seriously compromised into bot-hood.  God expects us to seek His truth at all times and not settle for outright lies. See Seeking God, Why Is That Important?