Monday, August 5, 2019

URGENT: Baby Boomers Facing Extreme Peril Up Ahead!

UPDATE: Please see this time travel portal document PDF re: a 1995 letter to the editor of Time Magazine from the late Nancy Paulikas.

I recently learned that one of the best of the best at Palos Verdes High School, a seaside school in Southern California, didn't make it to her 40th reunion last year who was known as the crem dela crem with the highest grades and achievements. 

I've noted these type of achievers are generally good people who intended to live good lives who, like myself, gradually developed amnesia over spiritual matters of the need to rely on God and His Word to be wise and safe from dangers of this world.

Instead of seeing this classmate's welcomed arrival to her 40th reunion, the class learned that year her charred skull and rib bones were discovered at Fossil Ridge Park, Sherman Oaks, CA after a two year search for her whereabouts. See Charred Remains Found in Sherman Oaks Solve Mystery. Patch, December 27, 2019


This post is meant to address spiritual matters many from my generation don't consider as we near the end of our lives on earth. For instance, I since learned this woman who didn't make it to our 40th year class reunion in 2018 really liked heavy metal music so much that she made friends with band members while even dancing in the pit with punk rockers at their concerts. I learned this woman continued down the path of allowing this kind of music in her life she never turned away from, never repented to God over. Allow me to explain why this lack of repentance's become a significant spiritual problem most in our generation don't yet recognize since it's viewed as unnecessary in today's proud liberal culture.

Having never repented of such spiritual sin against Jesus who was sent as our Savior and true Messiah is a serious over site as one approaches end of life issues.  I submit that demonic spirits had previously entered into the portals of this lady's soul from degenerate heavy metal music of one of her favorite bands, Nine Inch Nails, is what led her on a mindless eight mile walk to her end. These wicked evil spirits likely mocked her as a new fossil deposit at Fossil Ridge Park. I've denoted the cruel comedic reality of wicked demonic entities that laugh at their victim's demise.

Due to the urgency of too many souls who refuse to reconsider the path to hell they're currently on, I put an urgent podcast together to let people know how serious this is.  Baby boomers haven't tended to their spiritual needs from sin throughout their lives that they are blind to the danger they are in and time is running out!  Jesus didn't at all intend for these tragedies to happen only wanting the best for us with a plan for each and every one of our lives! Please understand what the boomers are facing without a relationship with Jesus who died for all of us, that going to eternal hell is completely unnecessary! 

My Podcast on Spreaker
Part two - Why So Many Baby Boomers are Headed for Eternal Hell 

That is this woman suffered for apparent lack of spiritual awareness having ended up in a humiliating position from a terrible disease that caused early dementia, loss of identity and ability to speak at a youthful age of 55, was formerly known to me as sweet intelligent girl who helped me in 7th grade with my class work. Everyone witnessed how brilliant and smart she was and praised her for it.  

This lack of awareness late in life not understanding the necessity of repentance of our sins that Christ heals and restores our lives in response to our submission to Him and his Word was an unaddressed spiritual problem. We're all sinners and have our own weak areas, no one is super human, that's why Jesus came to save us and all need to rely on Him. Everyone needs to learn these simple facts of life and stop everything they're doing until they fully understand what eternal path they're currently on.


Due to the urgency of this matter, I'm being called by Christ at this time to address the underlying spiritual nature of these threats to those of my generation especially who rely solely on their intellect (and other idols thereof) and success in the world for their identity and salvation rather than reconsider their need for eternal salvation. This revelation comes with the hope baby boomers especially will reconsider our genuine purpose in life, why we are really here being tested and refined since the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden (see The Book of Genesis) in order to enter into eternal rest with Jesus Christ, as Messiah who died for our sins.  

Jesus Christ restores our lives when we turn to Him and repent! He cleanses and forgives our sins!  There's no excuse allowed denying Him the opportunity to save our souls no matter who we are.

Also see:

Charred Remains Found in Sherman Oaks Solve Mystery. Patch, December 27, 2019

Websleuths Thread
 A 10 Year Transient, Alvin Carries His Blanket Like a Cross Each Day in Nob Hill San Francisco. Blog Post - September 15, 2018

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