This monopoly called Microsoft is highly prone to the abuse of its customer's rights to a stable operating system treating us like its lab rat beta testers it should have tested on its own having corrected prior to each release of its OS system.

Not only did we find a better alternative that was virtually virus free, but also full of free open source software resources! The entire software infrastructure is loaded into a software resource file for us on Linux Mint 19.2 to install with the press of a button. On the other hand, Microsoft will be charging a yearly fee to use its Microsoft Office system from now on along with any other third party proprietary software and services.
My latest podcast How God Intervened My EXODUS from MADNESS of Microsoft Windows 10 to Linux Mint
It's difficult to describe in writing the level of frustration using Microsoft 10 so I decided to do a podcast on how God intervened to bring me to Linux Mint 19.2's OS, a much better solution that also is absolutely free! Linux Mint loaded up very easy and there was no problem hooking up to my wireless Brother printer or any other device. I now have a sane operating system that provides outstanding open source software for everything I need on my computer. I no longer have to pay for software, it's all there for me to use free of charge!
Yes we users are so grateful (and me to the Lord as well) who donate being happy to do so since Linux programmers around the world worked free-of-charge to bring us the best operating system and related to use! Furthermore, we really don't want Microsoft's crappy software it cruelly beta tests on us like its lab rats.
Yes we users are so grateful (and me to the Lord as well) who donate being happy to do so since Linux programmers around the world worked free-of-charge to bring us the best operating system and related to use! Furthermore, we really don't want Microsoft's crappy software it cruelly beta tests on us like its lab rats.
Switched to Linux has a fun personality helping the exodus to Linux Mint along as a good YouTube resource among many others.
Thanks to God's intervention, I'm at peace on my computer being on the new user friendly Linux Mint OS system and will never ever return to the torment of Microsoft's deeply flawed cruel software system ever again.
YouTuber Chris Titus Tech was a 20 year MS tech user professional who finally had to let go of Microsoft he claims was driving him crazy too.
Visit Linux Mint's website for more info on how you can easily exodus out of the Microsoft monster system. There's also plenty of instruction on YouTube to help you make a pleasant transition should have further questions.
Windows 10 is full of spy bugs and listening device. Not to be buggy person but there was a video I was watching from a professional online and he showed what the free system really comes with.