A blog focused on things eternal and related to the heavenly realm based in Colossians 3:2 -- "Set your affections on things above, not things of the earth."
Saturday, February 27, 2010
California Dreamin Tsunami Advisory 4 U.S. West Coast
I can't say I never dreamed that a tsunami would come to the West Coast. Back in 1999 a lucid dream placed me as a witness of huge wall of water headed for an area I lived near the beach in San Francisco, known as the Outer Sunset. I considered the dream a forewarning of something to come because it was one of the most seemingly real dreams I've ever had. Needless to say, I moved out of that area as fast as I could.
They don't expect anything other than large swells on the West Coast. Let's hope Hawaii isn't going to be too damaged. I just watched Rachel Ray at Hawaii last night when I was on a treadmill at the gym. It looked so peaceful and serene!
Latest results of updates as they appear on Twitter, through Google's search engine are listed here.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Indie Artist Aisha Chips Away at Madonna's Facade
This photo of Madonna shows she may be planning on donating her body for one of those human anatomy museums one day. Seriously, it's obvious Madonna is suffering from too many extreme workouts. I see someone in the gym every day who has the same problem, but far worse.
I've always hated Madonna. She's scum, filth, the worst humanity has to offer in my book. I hated her in the 80's and I hate her today. She makes me want to vomit. I don't care how hard she worked in her life, she's trash. Utter, stinking trash. I have the same amount of respect for Madonna I have for a cockroach.
The world of music would have been a far different industry had this witch whore Madonna never been able to get so much power. I just don't understand what happened to America to allow Madonna to remain so long. She should have faded out quickly after her first hit. Greed ruled the 80's so it's logical Madonna was allowed to so flourish.
According to www.AishaMusic.com, Madonna's had the most copyright lawsuits filed against her of any artist in history. It's clear Madonna steals people's intellectual property in the droves. If there were any real intellectual property rights in this country, Madonna should have been bankrupted by now. It just goes to show you how corporations like Warner work to preempt copyright laws.
1. Aisha v. Madonna (civil rights and copyright infringement)
2. Sorrentino v. Madonna (assault and battery on a 10-year-old child)
3. Myers v. Madonna (civil rights violations)
4. Ronald J Myers v. Madonna (civil rights violations)
5. Barrier v. Madonna (civil rights violations)
6. Bourdin v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
7. Easy Street Records v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
8. Acquaviva v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
9. D’Onofrio v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
10. Iving L Williams v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
11. Eon Net LP v. Madonna (copyright /patent/trademark infringement)
12. Rich Kidd Music Publishing, Inc. v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
13. Winterland v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
14. Hobe Cie. LTD v. Madonna (trademark infringement)
15. Coppola v. Madonna (personal injury)
16. Rice v. Madonna (breach of contract)
17. Mclay v. Madonna (breach of contract)
18. Nike, Inc. v. Madonna (breach of contract)
19. Millennium Films v. Madonna (breach of contract)
20. Done and Dusted v. Madonna (breach of contract)
21. DeCastro v. Madonna (invasion of privacy and commissioned stalking and harassment of a Miami family)
I don't really know much about Aisha but she's an interesting woman for sure. Even if she may be in the realm of dreams and hope of a better world of music, a "could of and should have been allowed to happen", at least she represents something of a higher realm such evil Madonna certainly wishes to oppress and destroy. Fight on Aisha. Fight on!
WE need a line of Madonna toilet seats to remember her by in America. Madonna = Mafia
Thursday, February 25, 2010
A Cosmic Yoko Ono Sighting in San Francisco
21. Madonna Stole "In Bed With Madonna"
She was also accused of ripping off John Lennon and Yoko Ono's work for use years later in one of her own rubbish projects, "In Bed With Madonna" - "Shortly after their marriage, John Lennon and Yoko Ono gave interviews from their bedroom in an attempt to promote world peace. Madonna ripped off the idea for a movie…"
What made the incident highly improbable bumping it up to the level of cosmic is that yesterday I took a look at the photo and began thinking of Yoko Ono for the first time in many years. Within two hours of seeing that photo as I walked to the San Francisco financial district, I swore I saw Yoko Ono walking in the center of a group of people on Powell and California Streets around 3:00 p.m. towards the Stanford Hotel. The first thing that came to mind is, it couldn't be her and I was obviously affected by the photo.
This evening I got around to checking on Google if Yoko Ono was listed in San Francisco for some reason. Lo and behold, she was performing in Oakland across the bay at the Noise Pop Festival! What are the odds? You decide.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Attorney Pamela Lauser Threatens Lawsuit Against Divorcee Mother With Two Young Children
Whatever Judge Creighton rules in my Small Claims Court case I will accept as valid even if I don't recover any of my money back. We go before judges for a reason, because they know the law and procedure. They have the ability to see two sides of the same coin. I've also witnessed incompetent judges who clearly play the political card for whatever reason. I'll write another story about that some other time.
What I witnessed in court made my stomach turn much like Alex Jones nearly threw up upon hearing of Texas Gubernatorial Debra Medina's unspeakable comments recently. Pamela Lauser, an attorney in Martinez, CA, in the County of Contra Costa, really showed her true colors as a vicious political animal, (herein referred to as "Vicious Animal"). Here's the bottom line of what the Vicious Animal did in a court of law, she lied through her teeth as a form of psychological warfare. "I don't have a LinkedIn Account" is just one small insignificant example.
Basically, what many attorneys of this day and age believe is that because they have the power over the average American, they can say whatever they want and get away with it. They believe judges will side with them such as involving Small Claims Court cases because they're players in court's game. That may be so in some instances, but when they take the lying and over dramatization thing too far it becomes glaringly obvious it's all nothing but a game to them; a game to win at all costs because they are really whores. In fact, the term "whore" is too good for them. Many whores often have more integrity then attorneys who stoop low in their game plan to win at all costs.
Vicious Animal Sank Teeth Into Vulnerable Divorcee Client's Finances And Wants Even More!
After my earlier story about the Vicious Animal, I got a phone call from one of her abused clients (herein referred to as "Abused Client") who shared her story of trauma and abuse, not of her husband as one might imagine, but by the Vicious Animal. Basically the Abused Client paid the Vicious Animal $8,000 and basically got nothing of any value in return except being lied to, conned and tormented. The attorney wants $12,000!
"I'll fight for you," proclaimed the Vicious Animal in the initial salesmanship part of getting the retainer. For attorneys, once the retainer's signed, it's in the bag. Much like a student fresh out of high school gets their first credit card in college, divorce attorneys so view their Retainer Agreements. Their Retainer Agreement's the big clincher and some attorneys will say anything to the client to get it signed. In this case, befriending a vulnerable woman in the middle of her divorce was part of the Vicious Animal's con game.
The Abused Client, a professional with two small children, had made the mistake as many do of having gone to the Vicious Animal for her non-complex divorce. Many greedy attorneys such as the Vicious Animal often deliberately make a divorce more difficult in order to profit from. What the Abused Client told me about the Vicious Animal is how she got back stabbed, tormented and taken advantage of only to be threatened with a lawsuit for not paying even more money. According to the Abused Client, the divorce legal process should have been over but the Vicious Animal deliberately prolonged it including several unnecessary case management conferences to the point the judge had to ask, "what is this case still doing here?"
Attorney Brad Sherman and author of "How to Do Your Own Divorce in California" says the Vicious Animal's practice of deliberately driving up a divorcee's costs isn't all that uncommon. Sherman advises people with non-complex divorces, in which both sides have already come to an agreement, to seek alternative services including mediation, court facilitators, legal document assistants, and divorce helplines:
"It's okay to use an attorney, but most people should not retain one in their divorce unless there is a clear reason for doing so."Where it all stands for the Abused Client is the divorce is over, however she lives under the threat of a lawsuit being filed against her by the Vicious Animal who wasn't satisfied with $8,000 for her rather lame psychopathic services. The Abused Client was going to go to arbitration over the dispute, but has since decided to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A rather tragic financial outcome.
"Never forget that when you retain an attorney, the more trouble you have, the more money the attorney makes. That's hardly an incentive to keep things simple."
The Abused Client took her case for the Vicious Animal's questionable billing practices to another attorney to review. The attorney told her the Vicious Animal's billing was highly suspicious and recommended she take it to the California State Bar Association.
The Abused Client has expressed wanting to contribute her own blog article here about her experiences with the Vicious Animal in order to help others to avoid being ripped off by this particular foul species of attorney. Legal service providers such as myself would like to help make these kind of ravenous greedy abusive attorneys extinct with alternative methods.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Does This Mean Gladys Knight Likes My Singing?
It’s been bad, in my opinion, as far as the quality of the music and the stories that they tell. It’s one thing to be raw about your history, but they took it to another level and it became vulgar. It definitely has not elevated us as African-Americans, because we show disrespect for our partners, men and women. I believe we have lowered our self-esteem with these performances and presentations.I recently learned Gladys Knight is really the one who discovered the Jackson 5 after all. Gladys saw the J5 perform at the Apollo theater and said wow, those kids are talented! I had no idea she was so close to Michael Jackson until hearing she sung at his private funeral ceremony at Forest Lawn.
What the music industry is suffering from is a lack of music training early in grade school many of today's schools don't have. Studies show music helps better develop the brain to use far more of its circuitry. In an article "Singing Rewires Damaged Brain", a neuroscientist even recommends children have some form of music programs early in their lives. I agree of course, but with that said, it should be balanced and not too extreme.
In an ideal society, it would be great to place all the talented musicians and singers in a special school that concentrates on those areas more strongly to help them develop better. I'm convinced had I been allowed to attend music camp all year for four years, I would have no doubt become a professional violist. The influence of far better musicians, along with a disciplined music regimen schedule under the guidance of music teachers would have made a huge difference.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Patty Hearst Documentary Creates "Volcanic" Interest in Google Search Engine
I was too young to be caught up in the Patty Hearst story in 1974 so I was unaware of what ever happened to her. I came home and did a Google search to discover I wasn't the only one searching the Internet for info on Patty Hearst. Google Trends rates the interest "volcanic".
Turns out Patty Hearst got a 31 year prison sentence but got out after 22 months and was then pardoned by President Clinton in 2001. I had no idea what happened to Patty Hearst prior to today. A few blocks away from me in San Francisco is where her parents used to live on the corner of Mason and California Street.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Zapp at Law or Crap at Law? Unauthorized Practice of Law on the Rise
As an example, let's take a fellow reported to this blogger who refers to himself as Zapp at Law, aka, Alan Brown. Zapp's a former prison convict who operates in the California State Capital of Sacramento. He once filed a Federal case in pro per decades ago he boasts to his clients of winning.
There is no web site for Zapp at Law, he seems to rely heavily on a free service, Craigslist and another free email site at www.justice.com for his marketing activities. Here's part of a recent ad:
Why choose Zap At Law at Office (916) 226-7606 or "zappatlaw@justice.com":
a) I have over 28 years in this field of criminal law. [CM: Because Zapp went to prison and had a lot of time on his hands to file a Federal case in pro per.]
b) I have a very high successful percentage rate for expungement motions having been granted in the Bay Area and San Francisco County. [Zapp isn't supposed to doing this kind of work without a business license or being under the supervision of an authorized licensed attorney]
c) I have the lowest price, please check either online or call others, you will come back to Zapp at Law! [The lowest price because his activities are unlawful.]
d) Fastest possible results. [Because thus far the District Attorney hasn't been notified of this former convict's unlawful legal practice.]
e) I will begin working on your case within 24 hours***[Note the asterisks here]
f) I can serve ALL of California! [Not for long after the District Attorney's office gets a whiff of Zapp crap's little UPL operation]
g) I am online 24/7, and answering the phone seven (7) days a week, until 9:30 p.m.! [Zapp is not online 24/7, the man has to eat and sleep, he's only human]
h) Payment can be through PayPal, or other easy payment plans. Sorry though, I do not take checks! [The DA may be interested in the PayPal records]
i) One call starts the expungement process. Please call me at ; Office (916) 226-7606, or "zappatlaw@justice.com"
In addition to creating a false impression he runs a viable business licensed enterprise for expungements he advertises on Craigslist, Zapp at Law also responds to people's Craigslist ads for attorney assistance, claiming he's a paralegal under the supervision of attorneys.
Even if what Zapp claimed was true, that he is a paralegal under the supervision of an attorney, he isn't supposed to be advertising or operating this way, it's unlawful. For those paralegals who want to be independent and have their own business, we become Legal Document Assistants and register with our county. We're required to have criminal background checks. It's the law!
LDA's don't give legal advice, we merely direct self represented people to sources where they can obtain general law so we can prepare their legal forms. We then type their legal forms and file them with the court. In other words, LDA's are not supposed to apply the facts of one's case to the law or visa versa. This would be called the "Unauthorized Practice of Law".
This is an excerpt of a lawyer's class on what defines the practice of law:
Its also the practice of law to provide legal advice and counsel and prepare legal instruments and contracts by which legal rights are secured. Legal advice is basically telling somebody what their rights are and trying to apply the law to someone’s particular set of facts. It usually involves the making of a judgment and requires one to make a recommendation as to take a particular course of action as to what somebody should do or not do based on a particular set of facts.Zapp offers his legal services dirt cheap to compete with attorneys, some of who offer their assistance to pro pers on a consultant basis for $100/hour. He offers no information on the attorneys who allegedly supervise and review his work prior to delivering it to a client.
The preparation of legal instruments and contracts is also the practice of law because it’s the prep of a document which affects someone’s legal rights. You can affect someone’s legal rights without doing anything in a court of law which impacts those rights.
Zapp is headed for trouble because his business operation is about to come to the attention of the Sacramento District Attorney's Office and the California State Bar. His ads on Craigslist are also being monitored and reported. It's been reported to this blogger Zapp at Law, threatens customers who complain about the poor quality of his work in refusing partial refunds, claiming they 1) suddenly owe him even more money since he's underpaid compared to attorneys and 2) are a hostage to various methods he can use to cause them problems.
Performing the services of an attorney without an attorney license is a serious criminal matter. Such a person risks the future of a client in many ways. First, there is no client confidentiality and no protections a person would be otherwise provided in utilizing an attorney. This exposes the client to potential blackmail. People who go around threatening their customers claiming they've been underpaid need to be reeled in for the criminals they are.
Anyone who is contacted by Zapp at Law in response to their Craigslist ad, you can send a complaint letter with the ad to the Sacramento District Attorney's office or call for more information below
906 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-1812
Phone 916-874-5278
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Judge Throws Out Ed Magedson's Defamation Suit Against Attorney Sarah Bird
Many, including myself, hope RipOff Report gets taken down under the Federal racketeering law since it clearly profits from extorting money from people. It would be one thing if Magedson didn't charge thousands of dollars to make his personal correction comments to various reports. The fact is Magedson participates in extortion using his website to do so as such. In her article Bird proposes RipOff Report's alleged violations include:
• Defamation
• The Communications Decency Act (42 USC Section 230)
• The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization’s Act (“RICO Act”)
• Extortion
Other extortion businesses also branch off from the ROR monster, such as www.ReputationArmor.com which is currently listed on the first page of a ROR Google search. Reputation Armor is a service fraudulently claiming to be able to remove RipOffReports.
I'd like to see more lawyers such as Bird hand RipOff Report a sound defeat and expose its operation for what it is.
Rachel Maddow to Glenn Beck, "Back Off"
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Rachal Maddow's a lot like me at least in being unwilling to put up with any crap from any of these lying, snickering narcissistic guys, such as Glenn Beck (above). Beck accused Maddow of "lying" about him.
Then there's this video showing Glenn Beck's really a 9/11 truther he had so hypocritically set-up Texas Governor candidate Debra Medina as on his program a few days ago. "I also had questions about 9/11." "You have a responsibility to question your government" Glenn Beck proclaimed.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Another Strange Coincidence Between Michael Jackson & King Tut
In my article I noted I once admired the King Tut tomb coffin replica in the Luxor gift shop in Las Vegas back in 2001 Michael Jackson was purported to have purchased years later. Now there's yet another coincidence I cannot possibly overlook. This is astounding! Both King Tut's and Michael Jackson's autopsies (i.e, cause of death) are officially released to the public within just a few days of each other! The difference is one was purportedly murdered, the other turned out to have died a natural death as a surprise to many.
What are the odds? I'm speechless. It only took 3,000 years for the results of King Tut's reasons for death.
- King Tut's DNA Reasons of Death February 16, 2010
- Michael Jackson's Autopsy Results - February 10, 2010
This is all too much to comprehend. What are the odds of Jackson's autopsy report and KingTut's being released within a week of each other? Considering King Tut's DNA results is a miracle in itself having taken thousands of years to produce, this is just too strange a coincidence to overlook. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone has overlooked it.
I'm convinced Michael Jackson tuned into King Tut's vibe as an artist. Only a musician, singer or actor/actress or singer can truly understand what this means.