Saturday, March 31, 2018

RED ALERT: Thousands Marching Thru Mexico Preparing to Invade America!!

America will likely soon discover whether President Trump is really a fraud globalist traitor as thousands of invaders are currently marching through Mexico unabated toward its California border.

In response to the arriving parties, I contacted Congresswoman Pelosi to congratulate her on her new voter base arriving while promising I had no guns to defend myself so she doesn't need to worry.

Meanwhile, don't expect President Trump to help since he's in on bringing down America under the Zionist Rothschild plans. President Trump's all talk and no taco being a puppet for Israel as most all recent U.S. Presidents have been except for Presidents Nixon and Kennedy.

You see, the U.S. dollar's going to be toast due to China and others converting to their own currencies so the money junkie elitists plan on killing off Americans, getting rid of us in the not too distant future. The robots are also coming to replace much of the workforce. The criminal Democratic party will likely arm these third world invaders to help with the task of starting a civil war forcing Americans to defend themselves without any help from their government. This is what the push for gun laws are for, to disarm Americans from defending ourselves.

Thousands of to be invaders march through Mexico unabated on their way to California's border.

Furthermore, the U.S. military troops are too busy being Israel Zionist pawns fighting in six unlawful criminal wars, (including preparing another false flag to attack Syria to unseat President Assad for its oil pipeline) to come back to America to defend its borders. The U.S. military really doesn't fight to protect us in case you haven't noticed. Don't expect Trump to send in troops, he'll most certainly let them come across the borders into California.

The U.S. gave up the prospect of standing up to Israel's pattern of attacks long ago. 

You may say I'm a bit cynical but my defense is I've done my homework and have taken the time most haven't to listen to reputable sources outside the main stream corrupt media that's been bought and paid for by Zionist interests.

All of what's happening today is due to the plans of Zionist Israel and their Rothschild networks. These arrogant psychopaths hate America and want to eventually destroy it with the help of U.S. traitors like President Donald J. Trump.  Israel's goal is to conquer the world and kill off all the gentile races according to their wicked Jesus hating Babylon Talmud they follow along with their Ka-blah-blah.

Israel wants its Utopia and to kill off the rest of the gentile populations all over the world. The Zionists are the enemy of humanity and all these idiots in America politics are helping them achieve their goals, President Trump included.  Blah!