Thursday, March 22, 2018

God Damn President Donald Trump To Hell -- May His Cursed Name Be Erased Forever!

A spiritually retarded President Donald Trump just hired a war psychopath globalist John Bolton guaranteeing the United States is now on the path to a war with Iran on behalf of Rothschild's Zionist Israel! In doing so, Donald J. Trump has unmasked himself as a psychopath Zionist Globalist whose betrayed millions of Americans who believed what he promised that he would withdraw troops from corporate senseless wars.


There's no excuse, what Donald Trump has decided is indefensible!! Trump's campaign promises turned out to be lies and he is indeed a liar.  Most all what the liberals have said about him are true. There's no excuse for planning an unjustified war with Iran!  Donald Trump's going to trash America for good at the alter of Zionist Rothschild Israel and kill off billions of lives as a thoughtless coward.

Jake Morphonios says Donald Trump has proven himself as a war mongering Globalist now.

Here's what I recommend:for Millenials who are going to be called to fight a war for nothing!

  1. Refuse to fight in a war on behalf of this buffoon farce of a rich man Donald Trump.
  2. Let America fall as a senseless antichrist war mongering empire its become.
  3. Let America fall as a corrupt evil Zionist controlled Globalist empire.
  4. Let America fall as the bully of the world.
  5. Let America fall by taking the money away from the greedy rich.
  6. Stand against what America's become under the Rothschilds' insidious rule planning to conquer the world in world wars.
  7. Surrender to Jesus Christ giving your soul to Him and do not fight on behalf of America that's in the hands of globalist scum. John 3:16

Because Donald Trump is seeking war with countries like Iran that pose no threat to America who plans on slaughtering billions of people bringing about World War III needlessly, may his name be erased and forgotten by God forever.  Because Donald Trump is for torture and the death penalty while not going through his own government and cleaning house of murderers, sex traffickers and the like, may Trump go down in infamy as a wicked, depraved vile man.  May Donald J. Trump forever and ever burn in hell where Satan will one day join him and his Zionist Rothschild pals.

All the suffering people are going to face because of this putrid little bastard, may Trump be ripped out of power for betraying the American people who voted for him. May the Trump name be removed from every place it appears in the world after all is said in done. 

May the memory of Donald Trump be erased forever as a coward who chose death and suffering for billions of people turning life into a game rather than seeking good. It's over for Donald Trump, how dare he go on the war path of a senseless world war for Israel! 

Read the Bible, turn to God for forgiveness of your sins and leave these wealthy buffoons behind in eternal hell along with their God damn evil wicked wars! Don't lift a finger for any of them!