Friday, January 19, 2018

FRAUD EXPOSED! Truth Natasha's YouTube Channel's Delusional Claims

Truth Natasha claims to be truth teller, is she for real?
UPDATE: See new post, Truth Natasha Channel Run By Criminal Fraud Actress.  Since I once linked to one of her videos on this blog I wanted to clarify my growing awareness of the highly questionable claims and accusatory manner of Trump News,Truth Natasha's YouTube Channel as well as her non-charity donation requests.  (See her latest video request for donations here.)

My own citizen journalist investigation is being conducted for the purpose of  a general overview of the credibility of the Trump News, Truth Natasha Channel for other visitors to consider before spending a significant time there and/or contemplating a donation. Please note this post won't be exhaustive, it doesn't take a lot of time or work to analyze Natasha's time consuming attention seeking channel can't be entirely trusted as a legitimate source of information.

Anyone who attacks The Salvation Army as a fraud charity who competes as a non-charity for donations is to be questioned and investigated of her credibility in my humble opinion.

I especially decided to do this blog article after contacting Natasha recently related to her false accusation against The Salvation Army in the above video.  Her response put up a lot of red flags to say the least as she viciously attacked and accused me of cyber stalking her. I also felt blackmailed with her accusations for not donating to her as she lambasted a genuine longstanding charity group long proven to be legitimate. I sensed something sinister in her vicious attacks of me when I was only letting her know she didn't support her claims against The Salvation Army in her video nor her referred to links in the description.  I asked that she remove Christ's Salvation Army from the header of her video and provided justification to do so.

Here are a few facts to consider when listening to Truth Natasha's Channel observations and commentary:

1.  Natasha's name on PayPal is Natasha Lima whose name is all over Google as a porn star.  Natasha claims she is a life coach who counsels others for their life issues but presents no credentials or website disclosing her life coach business and her Blogger profile has no relevant information.  Themes of her videos lead one to believe she's in the psychology and legal profession but there are no credentials provided.

Natasha claims to have special privilege of inside news access from the White House due to her late father's military background President Trump honored with his signature. Her emotionally driven acting is very notable in this video's imaginary phone conversation.

2.   Natasha claims to provide information that is coming to her from within President Trump's White House in several videos including the one above. Natasha supports her claims of a connection with the White House by providing a gold stamp seal certificate from the President honoring her late father in the military. When Natasha did a video sharing her phone conversation with the President and the certificate he allegedly provided, many asked if the conversation was true because it was done so naturally proving she has good acting skills. When questioned by her viewers, Natasha laughed in a follow-up video admitting to many imaginary phone calls on her channel for entertainment purposes.  This was the first phone video many viewers had seen believing it to be possibly genuine due to the certified signature of President Trump.

3.  Natasha claims to have filed a Federal lawsuit against Google's YouTube in which she's in pro se representing herself. Natasha claims the three Federal Court Judges involved are corrupt and recently dismissed her lawsuit that she is going to file a Motion for Contempt against them!  Natasha admits one of the judges referred to her as delusional she claims is unlawful.

Here is my communication to Natasha that was sent via her email I obtained from a $1.00 donation per her request to donate for watching her videos.
Dear Ms. Lima:

I am asking you to reconsider your defamation of The Salvation Army in the header of your latest video, this charity does good work based on Godly principles.  Unlike the Red Cross, The Salvation Army is well established as a genuine contributing charity to the homeless and needy.  Your headline associating this charity lumping it in with the Red Cross without providing any genuine report or back up just referencing an SGT Report on the Red Cross is insufficient support for such an egregious statement.

Sometimes we get sloppy in alternative news reporting. You need to be cautious when you are tired from a long day of legal work from attacking an organization that does a lot of good work in communities around the country and here in San Francisco.  Please edit out the Salvation Army in your header and that should suffice to solve this unsupported statement you made without supporting your accusation.

You may keep the dollar I donated in order to obtain your contact information. I appreciate some of your video work and hope you will continue to do good work.  Thank you.
Best regards,Cheryl Meril

Natasha responded with a nonsensical false accusatory communication having nothing to do with my request she reconsider her video defamation in her header about the Salvation Army and I had not misbehaved on any comments she accused me of.

Cheryl, cyber stalking and threatening me is in fact a crime.
I happen to know for fact even my own local Salvation Army did steal donations, money etc  and I have done my research. 
How DARE you try to obtain my personal email address in this way, and from here you are blocked, and I am going to refund your fraudulent Dollar in order to obtain my email.
Just because you have a branch that was doing something good, other branches are not.  In fact my local one, hired people that sold donations and profited it in their pockets. 
So you need to do research before you ever try to contact anyone w/ threats, and you do not get to tell me or anyone else who has done research what to do or not do.  You can also start a channel, and point out your knowledge of a good branch, and pray that they do clean up the ones that are not.
You are blocked of my comments on my channel, and if you contact me again, I will be contacting the police  
You need to be smarter on here, and obviously as a stalker, you are not paying attention to the consequences of those that threaten via the internet. You are blocked from commenting as well, and please do not even attempt to open up another channel, and try to control my narrative.

Since you have a channel, you can use your own free speech to defend your view point, but you had better think twice before you scam a channel to obtain data to them privately, and cyber stalk them to try to alter their research and things they have spent hours trying to put into a factual video. 
Sick people pollute the internet, and when you try to cyber bully, you in fact are the problem, and very out of control. 
Do find another channel, other than mine, and be more careful. 
You do not control the entire internet, or any organization that you happen to like, I actually have facts that back up my content and like many charities, the goods and or money does not end up in the right place, as sad as it is.  You should be more concerned to have this corrected, than attack anyone pointing out what they in fact, do know.
You also need to change your mannerisms in order to be heard.
4.  Natasha claimed in another video she is the only one who knows how to respond to one of President Trump's legal cases with the 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco having doubts his own lawyers knew what to do that she suggested they file a "motion of contempt" and other documents.  Natasha likely did the video to impress her audience of her alleged legal knowledge as a non-attorney.  I commented on her video as follows: "Since lawyers spend their careers doing this line of work I'm sure they'll know what to file in response to Trump's legal situation without your advice" or something to that effect.

5.  Natasha claimed in one of her videos to have been working for Oprah Winfrey at one time who she greatly dislikes.

My Conclusion of this brief overview of the Trump News, Truth Natasha Channel:

Natasha is a clear actress and entertainer manipulating her audience with her emotions after having been in the entertainment business with Ophra Winfrey.  Natasha's looking to support herself with donations through these acting skills.  It appears Natasha may also have issues of a mid-life crisis going through the change she's mentioned that she is beginning to blur reality with fantasy related to her personal situation. I do not believe that whatever lawsuit she's filed in Federal Court will be successful she claims will most definitely set precedent for other YouTube Channels.

I've also caught Natasha spreading misinformation a few times now, including her claim that "fake news is illegal" in a recent video. The main stream media's fake news isn't unlawful.
"Fake news cannot be made illegal. If so, fiction books would become illegal. Religious scriptures could be identified as fake and subsequently banned (For example, if the Holy Bible is the true God-breathed scripture, how can the Koran or any other book of “holy writ” be?). Banning fake news just will not work in the United States." - Is Fake News Illegal?Kenny Kahn Kilpatrick, Political Satire Writer and Public Relations Agency CEO Answered Nov 19, 2016
Because fake news isn't illegal, Truth Natasha's alleged "truth" can be lawful lies protected by the U.S. Constitution.  Accusing The Salvation Army of being a fraud is an obvious lie since it's a well established charity rooted in Christ's principles, unlike the Rothschild based corporate Red Cross that is much closer in truth to being a fraudulent charity relying on disaster based capitalism.

Truth Natasha begs for donations for herself a few days prior to bashing
 The Salvation Army as an alleged fraud charity.  With 35K subscribers all it takes is 4% donations of $5 to obtain a quick pile of money.

Since Truth Natasha competes with charities for donations as a non-charity entity her video has a conflict of interest being illegitimate rhetoric to support herself as an angel of truth on the web. Not!  Finally, Truth Natasha is unbalanced and incapable of running a professional YouTube Channel when she treats her viewers with such arrogant contempt for bringing up issues in a professional way as to her lack of sufficient support of her claims against The Salvation Army.  She threatened to contact the police and violated my 1st Amendment rights claiming to block my commenting in a professional  manner.

In summary, one can easily deduce the many facts from her videos that Natasha is menopausal, delusional and unstable playing imaginary games in phone calls in her videos while spreading much misinformation easily disputed.  Natasha's work brings to mind the old saying that the "pathway to hell is paved with good intentions."

See Also:
How YouTube Frauds Like Natasha DeLima (Truth Natasha) Rob REAL Charities of Donors - HubPages January 24, 2018