Sunday, October 8, 2017

Criminal Minds Behind Las Vegas False Flag Fully EXPOSED!

In my last post RED ALERT:  Possible False Flag Event Underway in San Francisco dated September 21, 2017, I sensed something was up with a false flag attack about to occur due to suspicious activities I witnessed San Francisco.  After posting my experiences, it was my hope the possible criminal operatives would decide they'd been exposed and subsequently terminate their operation. Then within two weeks the false flag in Las Vegas happened.

Since the Las Vegas attack some really great independent journalists have been doing a superb job of unmasking those behind the latest false flag.  The cliché still stands to "follow the money" with the cloaked millionaire businessmen and politicians connected to obtaining it.  One first has to ask themselves who would do such an evil thing and what benefit would they obtain from carrying out such evil?  It's not any alleged dead man, that's for sure. See Video of Shooter Alive After Las Vegas Shooting?

First hint, the FBI had no lawful jurisdiction overseeing this shooting because it didn't involve crossing state borders to commit the crime.  The FBI had came in order to cover-up in some capacity.  Other organizations such as Judicial Watch has posted in a recent video they don't trust the FBI. Also see  Mike Adams of Natural News Demands FBI Stop Lying. . .

One of the greatest videos of the disclosure of a pre-mediated false flag from an insider who posted a tip on September 10, 2017 of the plot and motives that unfolded in Las Vegas.  Applause is warranted of how these two ex employees of the Alex Jones' Info Wars have overcome his Zionist shill operation with such journalistic integrity. See video: Alex Jones Infowars Exposed By Ex Employees 

This is another well done video that goes deep down the rabbit hole for those who want
more information to support the first video posted in my blog article.

Robert Steele was interviewed on October 3rd who was already well informed of the false flag operation able to support the evidence provided in previous videos posted here.  However it was too early at that time to recognize Trump was involved thru Sheldon Adelson.

More supporting evidence confirmed from journalist Christopher Greene at AMTV Media

Those who have betrayed us with lies and fabrications, their motives, etc.  As follows:

After the false flag event, the various entities involved have clearly made themselves known as participants of the operation, including even the NRA!  The following videos disclose those who have betrayed their supporters or members to side with the purpose behind the false flag event they believe they can gain from in some way.

Patriot Nurse has a popular YouTube Channel who recently disclosed the betrayal by the NRA participating in rewarding the Las Vegas false flag enterprise having likely been paid off by some entity to agree to call for more gun regulation legislation.

Patriot Nurse is absolutely livid at the NRA calling them Elmer Fudd duck hunter cowards.

Liberal Democrats immediately seized the moment to call for gun control
and to gain some political advantage. See Democrats Call to Action. . .

Greedy Billionaires Want More Money & Security Agenda Boost

The billions of dollars that will also be made implementing new scanners in hotels and airports is typical of how criminal minds like Zionist billionaire hotel casino owner and Trump pal Sheldon Adelson operate when considering motives they can benefit from.  See article  The Las Vegas shooting could completely change how hotels think about security, Business Insider, October 7, 2017

YouTube Channels censored by Google and various threats: 

One of my favorite investigative journalists has been Jake Morphonios at End Times News Report.  This video speaks for itself.

Jake Morphonios is a professional investigator who blew the lid off of the false flag who received top #3 ranking in Google among alternative media for his investigation of the shooting.

Another of my favorite channels is TruthUnveiled777 that reported censorship of his video about the false flag shooting.

The TruthUnveiled777 Channel received a whopping 260,000+ hits on this censorship video demonstrating the hypocrisy of the Zionist owners of Google attempting to unlawfully censor his channel.  

Google has unlawfully been striking A Call to an Uprising Channel with false accusations
of violations of its policy.

See also my post:

Why Any Google Employee Who Claims to Be Christian Is A Liar, September 13, 2017