Tuesday, June 26, 2012

UN Agenda 21's Dismantling America

UPDATE  - Rosa Koire's going to be appearing again on the Alex Jones radio program this week on Thursday, June 28th.  A while back I listened to an urgently needed radio interview by Alex Jones of Rosa, author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21.  To think I hadn't even heard about this abominable U.N. Agenda 21 prior to this interview!  Ms. Koire's delivering a dire message that all Americans need to know is behind the gradual dismantling of our country on behalf of a world government.
From this interview and the videos below I've learned there are things we can do locally to prevent what's been described as a "below the radar" growing totalitarianism threat to our freedoms.

 For those who want the details of this program, take the time to listen to  Rosa Koire's presentation.  This is extremely helpful in understanding what's happening in the U.S. under Agenda 21.

This is also a helpful video presented last year as a follow-up to Rosa's pioneer work disclosing U.N. Agenda to the American public.

Rosa Koire's from the San Francisco Bay area who wrote a very significant book, goes on radio interviews on popular radio programs, yet has no Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin accounts.  This message Rosa has about UN Agenda 21 is extremely important and dire to all our futures.

Rosa was great on this radio program but needs to get her message out more effectively on the Internet.  

This is actually the start of the interview, but the first video I posted has more viable information related to Agenda 21.

It's rather unfortunate Ms. Koire doesn't yet have a viable social network to convey this much needed information effectively on the Internet.  It's totally puzzling someone can conduct such incredible interviews as a great communicator, yet not have the basic infrastructure necessary to help get the message out, not even having any Facebook page.  Why, even I have a Facebook page as a complete nobody.
"Over the course of the legal challenge Koire became aware of the source of the planning revolution she had observed over more than 10 years:  UN Agenda 21.  Through her research she found that much of the funding to implement local UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development land use programs comes through the diversion of property taxes to redevelopment agencies.  Her work in providing information and solutions for communities fighting UN Agenda 21 has spread across the nation as more and more people become aware of the increased restrictions on their property rights, and the methods used to implement social engineering.   
Through her website www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com and her grassroots tactical organization, Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, she, with other community leaders, has enabled activists on many seemingly unconnected issues to come together and fight the source: UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. - Rosa Koire, ASA Executive Director, The Post Sustainability Institute.

Rosa Koire put together a powerful message through her book and has great communication skills.  I don't understand why she has no Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter page that are most necessary to be effective in this Internet age.  This tiny little oversite makes Ms. Koire invisible and therefore non-existent to millions of people who need to hear and/or read her message.

Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21 
The Post Sustainability Institute

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