Monday, July 18, 2011

San Francisco Judicial Parasites Whine Over 'Courtmageddon' Budget Hack

As I was writing this post, moments ago a former Paul Hastings attorney in San Francisco called for a unique service request claiming the traffic court's attempting to steal money from her by lying about court hearing dates. She's in another state so she can't immediately deal with it.  When I told her what my fee would be, she slightly paused. Imagine that, an attorney complaining about my fee dealing with San Francisco court's corruption!  It was kind of funny to witness an attorney pause over a mere $75 dollars considering what attorneys charge these days.

Much like the wealthy bankers complained they needed a tax payer bailout back in 2008 only to handsomely reward their employees with huge bonuses as too big to fails, today will mark the  blackmail campaign to threaten San Franciscans with a near collapse of service over civil court matters.  Presiding Judge Katherine Feinstein will release a statement today over the alleged service cuts.

What I'm reading into this following quote is that they are unable to provide much of any civil services to San Franciscans:
"It will take a year and a half to get a divorce in San Francisco and to get a child custody order. If you file suit, we won't do anything with your case for five years," court spokesperson Ann Donlan said. Paying a traffic ticket could mean waiting in line for five hours. 
'We're basically talking about the suspension of most civil actions in court,' Dolan said. While the criminal court in the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant St. will remain open, most courtrooms at a second courthouse at 400 McAllister St. in Civic Center will be closed." - Courtmageddon Looms After Budget Cuts - The Bay Citizen
We're basically talking about the suspension of most civil actions in court," she said. While the criminal court in the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant St. will remain open, most courtooms at a second courthouse at 400 McAllister St. in Civic Center will be closed.
Donlan said the cuts are the result of a state budget that eliminated $350 million from courts throughout California, leaving the San Francisco Superior Court with a $13.75 million deficit.
"This is the worst crisis in legal services that I can think of in my professional career in more than 20 years," said Bill Hebert, a San Francisco lawyer who is president of the State Bar of California.
We're basically talking about the suspension of most civil actions in court," she said. While the criminal court in the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant St. will remain open, most courtooms at a second courthouse at 400 McAllister St. in Civic Center will be closed.
Donlan said the cuts are the result of a state budget that eliminated $350 million from courts throughout California, leaving the San Francisco Superior Court with a $13.75 million deficit.
"This is the worst crisis in legal services that I can think of in my professional career in more than 20 years," said Bill Hebert, a San Francisco lawyer who is president of the State Bar of California.
We're basically talking about the suspension of most civil actions in court," she said. While the criminal court in the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant St. will remain open, most courtooms at a second courthouse at 400 McAllister St. in Civic Center will be closed.
Donlan said the cuts are the result of a state budget that eliminated $350 million from courts throughout California, leaving the San Francisco Superior Court with a $13.75 million deficit.
"This is the worst crisis in legal services that I can think of in my professional career in more than 20 years," said Bill Hebert, a San Francisco lawyer who is president of the State Bar of California.
This parasitical civil court system in San Francisco is full of many nasty highly political people who are rude towards local citizens.  Getting anything accomplished in even the Small Claims Court is a difficult feat since judges do whatever they want.  Last year Judge Ulmer whitewashed my smoking gun evidence for a restraining order against a longstanding cyberstalker, allowing an attorney to sabotage me with attorney fees.  I wasn't even allowed to testify in my own case as Plaintiff, being totally cut off and calculatedly humiliated.
"This is the worst crisis in legal services that I can think of in my professional career in more than 20 years," said Bill Hebert, a San Francisco lawyer who is president of the State Bar of California. The Bay Citizen 

It's been speculated approximately 40%  business at the San Francisco probate court is dedicated to stealing millions of dollars from its local senior citizens through improper custodianship court appointments.  See blog Conservator Abuse & the San Francisco Probate Court

My guess is they're blackmailing the public into forcing the city to get more money into their coffers to provide services they're already paid handsomely for along with their luxury pensions.  The local legal community is reeling from the news that would be severely impeded by such threats.  Five years to process a lawsuit?  That would drive these attorneys insane!

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