In case you haven't yet heard, the crime syndicate U.S. government, having recently admitted to
arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 weapons, has stated growing a vegetable garden in one's yard a criminal act. Now the City of Oak Park, Mich. is carrying through with its insidious plan to put a woman in jail 93 days for growing in her front yard. It can be presumed the primary intent of these outlandish laws is for the government to ultimately have full control of the U.S. food supply under bill HR 875. (See
American Family Farms and Gardens: Outlawed by Obama's New Bill?) Consequently, cities are enacting codes based on the Federal mandate barring people from growing food on their own property.
The Bass family's front yard was torn up after replacing a sewer line, so instead of replacing the dirt with grass, the Oak Park woman put in a vegetable garden and now the city is seeing green. The list goes on: fresh basil, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cumbers and more all filling five large planter boxes that fill the Bass family’s front yard.
Julie Bass says, “We thought we’re minding our own business, doing something not ostentatious and certainly not obnoxious or nothing that is a blight on the neighborhood, so we didn’t think people would care very much.”
“They warned us at first that we had to move the vegetables from the front, that no vegetables were allowed in the front yard. We didn’t move them because we didn’t think we were doing anything wrong, even according to city code we didn’t think we were doing anything wrong. So they ticketed us and charged me with a misdemeanor,” Bass said . . . Oak Park Woman Faces 93-Days in Jail For Planting Vegetable Garden: MyFoxDETROIT.com
City code says that all unpaved portions of the site shall be planted with grass or ground cover or shrubbery or other suitable live plant material. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are what the Bass family see as suitable.
According to Bass’ blog, she’s demanding her right to a jury trial, so the city plans to throw the book at her – 93 days in jail.
Good for Ms. Bass, demanding a jury trial is the way to go. Let the citizens decide!
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