Sunday, April 26, 2020

Spirit in the Clouds Series, Devil Patrolling the Sky Above San Francisco - March 16, 2020

I'm starting a new posting series on short videos explaining photos I take of unusual clouds above San Francisco from 2015-2020. Many of these photos show what I believe to be spirits mentioned in the Bible as princes of the air.

I was on my way driving home from a customer in the Mission Delores area of San Francisco when I observed a very strange cloud.  The cloud appeared to be a large pig headed somewhere I managed to snap a shot of while the light was turning green.

Spirit in the Clouds Series, Patrolling the Sky - March 16, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Video Presentation of Spiritual Warfare in My Clouds Photography Above San Francisco

It's not every day that one gets pulled away from their own business under lock down, a form of citizen's arrest, along with the rest of San Francisco. On March 26, 2020 I was finishing up cleaning my Nob Hill apartment that I ran out of ideas on what to do next. I then prayed to God asking Him what I should do next and sat down at my apartment window with a cup of coffee. That's when I happened to glance up at the sky over the San Francisco Bay area to witness a very unusual cloud formation.

People familiar with my blog likely know about my cloud photography already that began back in late 2017 when I saw unusual spiritual warfare of alien-like cloud figures along with God's intervention. Once again, on March 26th I saw the same kind of spiritual warfare that appeared to be alien-like demonic creatures rolling out parading something in the clouds attempting to mimic the woman on the dragon in the Book of Revelation. 

  My latest video presents my iPhone film roll in proper
sequence taken on  March 26, 2020

What makes my iPhone film roll unique this time is a three part story unfolding with gaps in time that day. I put the time stamp on each slide so people can witness how the order of photos is correct in shaping a story for me to witness to others about what's taking place up in the heavenly realms above us. 

My latest podcast about the lockdown in San Francisco.

God gave me something to do and I really didn't have to try very hard at all.  Every time I went back to the window there was something unusual to take pictures of.  I didn't hang out at the window all of the time either, the timing was just right for me to put together three parts that form a meaningful way of witnessing for Jesus Christ my Savior.   

The San Francisco Municipal Pier in the presentation is so deteriorated like ruins that I was taking photos of it prior to the lock down.  It was a good metaphor to use for God's intervention for restoration. How people want to save the pier is a good metaphor for our need for salvation, such as those who dress up in unicorn and worm balloon costumes I took photos of later that evening.

Thankfully, the iPhone affirms these are original photos without alteration so it's easy to prove I didn't alter these photos in any way.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Why Do Americans Put Up With Being Lied To So Much? That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore!

Americans have been known to love a good laugh watching an eyeful of pranks on the once popular now defunct Candid Camera program. I've often wondered at what cost do we all pay, how heavy is the price for comedic relief observing political based cons in our midst such as Nancy Pelosi's surreal Onion-like behavior, Donald Trump's alleged King Cyrus reincarnation as well as the late Senator John McCain's bomb bomb bomb Iran routine gaff? What about President George W. Bush joking of there being no alleged weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq thousands died for?

It's true that Candid Camera became an American comedic tradition being around for decades up until lawyers gathered round like vultures suing it out of existence. See, Candid Camera on Trial (video).  Ever since Candid Camera left the collective's awareness, it seems the United States government has picked up the baton to the max utilizing its techniques primarily due to the ease of which psychological operations could be successfully initiated among an unsuspecting naive populace.

Candid Camera's psychological operations entertained Americans for decades.

Then there was President George W. Bush joking with an audience over not being able to find the alleged "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq that American troops died for including 500,000+ Iraqi's after 9/11.

Suggesting the American public was swindled into a senseless war over imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, politicians laughed and joked after hundreds of thousands lost their lives over a lie.

The point of this post is really to get the information out I've included in my latest podcast, How Public Gets Played Like A Violin Just Like Days Of Candid Camera, provides significant evidence what's happening in the nation isn't what it appears to be:

[Entire podcast censored by Spreaker in 2021]

Yes, it can all be very entertaining and interesting to any predator class to witness how naive Americans can be to our own detriment. To those of us out here observing the unending strong proclivities among millions to trust a lying political class out for its own interests, it can be depressing not to mention horrendously disappointing. It can be truly daunting for citizens to realize state governments can so easily shut down the entire state your living in based on information provided by highly political based questionable sources. See When Can The Government Lock You In Your House? - Institute for Justice, April 2, 2020

My Lord Jesus Christ wasn't amused with the absurd naivety of fallen mankind that he issued a command "Take heed that no man deceive you." Matthew 24:4. Note that Jesus didn't add to his command "unless the deception's based in comedy." I do believe Jesus' Word, who always has my best interests in mind, not some lawless government that invites invasions into our country facilitating a Communist-like occupation at our expense and livelihoods. If the American public's not careful being vigilant to learn any lessons through God almighty's Word to repent from its gullible foolish past, the devil may indeed have the last laugh.

Supporting Links:

My latest Podcast: How Public Gets Played Like A Violin Just Like Days Of Candid Camera

See Videos:

When Can The Government Lock You In Your House? - Institute for Justice, April 2, 2020

A Few Things To Consider, Israeli News Live YouTube Channel - April 2, 2020

Candid Camera On Trial

Friday, March 27, 2020

Photos of Ghostly Clouds--Dragon and Flying Figures--Taken Above San Francisco March 26, 2020

Clouds Form Dragon (Click to Enlarge)
March 26, 2020
Yesterday on March 26, 2020 I was in my apartment on lock-down in California sitting near my front window that overlooks the San Francisco Bay area. I was praying asking God what I should do with my time since I was tired of cleaning and my laundry wanting something else to do. That's when I began looking out my window with a cup of coffee scanning the sky waiting on the Lord for an answer. I didn't have to wait hardly at all because these strange cloud formations caught my attention almost immediately.

As previous visitors know, I've done a series of unusual cloud formation based posts since 2017 on this blog, the last being from late last year of some funeral procession I saw in the clouds on December 7, 2019 at the Embarcadero waterfront. 

Over time I've been able to deduce and discern  from my knowledge of God's Word, as well as by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that these unusual cloud formations appear to be influenced into manifestation by spirits known in Scriptures as Principalities of the Air. I've also noted at times God's intervention of these principalities have formed in the cloud formations as well provided on this blog in previous posts.

The photos I'm providing here are untouched except for occasional use of a magnifying glass tool in the iPhone film timeline when necessary. It's important for me to provide the timelines to show progression and changes in the morphing of clouds that tells a story. For instance, in the above timeline photo one can observe the earliest photo of the dragon features and how they morphed into its opening its eyes at some point. I wasn't looking closely at my iPhone just wanting to get as many photos as possible in progression due to the wind changing things so quickly. So when the dragon opened its eyes having clearly been absent in the first photo, I didn't flip out about it. 

The timing of the dragon morphing began with a cloud formation that moved from east to west as follows:

Click to Enlarge
This was the start of this cloud over the bay area morphing into a dragon.

The above photo was the beginning of the dragon morph cloud that caught my attention as an arm raised with a hand and a head looking forward. This cloud formation of a face with hat, raised arm and hand was located at the center of my view over the bay moving East to West.

Click to Enlarge
After the dragon's eyes opened as seen in my iPhone film role, this was the morphed
cloud formation continuing West with a now eroded figure with the former raised hand riding.

Click to Enlarge
Here's a closer photo that shows just how unusual this cloud formation is.
Once again an eroded figure appears to be riding the dragon as previously seen with a raised hand.

The next photos were taken the same day that show a long male figure flying from West to East.  This figure appeared in the timeline after the dragon, not prior to its entry. The male face is on the right of the body and you can see his feet at the other end. The male figure's arms than morph in the second shot to a reaching position.

Click to Enlarge
The feet are seen at left as body extends with face to the right.

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The face on the right and shoulder with a reaching arm in front.

Click to Enlarge
A closer look at the face, shoulder and hand prior to extending the arm.

Finally, an additional addendum to the photo shoot that day was a strange incident of my observing two people in air costumes across the street around sunset.  One of them appeared to wear a dragon outfit but it turned out upon closer inspection to be a unicorn!

Click to Enlarge

My iPhone timeline shows the emergence of humans in dragon like attire later that day.

That's the end of my photoshoot of March 26, 2020.  I have a podcast of my commentary on the strange experience I had that day below:

Monday, February 17, 2020

Haven't Been Blogging Lately, Busy Working on 4K Videography - San Francisco's Ruins in 2020

My new 4K Videography of San Francisco's Ruins - Aquatic Park
Since I've been working in other mediums such as podcasts lately unable to focus on my blog for the past several weeks now, I thought I'd put up my first 4K video I edited and uploaded today from a February 11, 2020 shoot. The visit was to San Francisco's 100+ year old  Aquatic Park that's now ruins in many ways. 

At first I was going to keep the video private but thought I might as well put something up on this blog to let visitors know I'm not abandoning it. Yes, I've been shooting footage lately and wanted to also add that my new Linux OS configuration enables me wonderful free open source video editing in KdenLive.

Taken February 11, 2020

I use a refurbished 2013 Dell workstation that works well with this 4K format and the Sony Handycam from 2015 was heavily marked down so I got a good deal. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

What God Showed Me In Demonic Clouds Above San Francisco My Friend Died In A Slow Kill Back Surgery Scam

Back on December 8, 2019 on a Sunday, I was called to The Embarcadero Waterfront in San Francisco near the baseball stadium for a customer who needed mobile services on King Street.

Little did I know what this day really meant that I decided to hold back any related blog article until the Holy Spirit informed me of what this was all about.

What I had initially believed about cloud photos I took that day was that my psyche had been affected after reading about a local ancient tribe from 1,500 years ago, the Rammaytush, on a sidewalk plaque after I parked my bike.

Sidewalk plaque of 1,500 year old local tribe Rammaytush on King Street, San Francisco

I was located on King Street.  Jesus is King so I tried to discern what the Holy Spirit was saying to me back on December 8, 2019 over the past few weeks. 

There on King Street in front of a Divine Yoga business was a plaque pictured above. At first I believed this was maybe about some Hindu leader. The tribe was Rammaytush that had also lost its language to the Spaniards who invaded the area 1,500 years ago. To make a long story short, I finished with my customer and got back on my electric bicycle looking forward to getting back home on the weekend.  I wouldn't get very far however due to my coming across some unusual cloud formations.

The first clouds that got my attention as I was riding my eBike home on The Embarcaderos.

The first cloud that caught my attention appeared in the distance ahead of me like a head rising up below the bridge so I decided to get off my eBike and zoom in to see more detail.

Zoom effect: I could see it looked like some demon with its mouth wide opened with a tongue hanging out! Note that I didn't do any contrast of colors, this was the original aside from magnifying glass. This caused me to look around the area for similar cloud formations.

The photos above are what first caught my attention that the area may be infected with strange cloud formations as I've written about on this blog before. (See below for related links) This cloud caused me to continue to scan over the Bay Area sky to see if there were any further unusual cloud formations. After I searched the sky, I was absolutely shocked to discover the following photos, some that will require an artistic eye to see what I saw. I won't be drawing or typing text on them nor using arrows to point it all out. 

I'll start out with the easier photo first to interpret so you can absolutely observe what I saw.  The apparition photo below appears as if landing on a runway.  It's interesting I interpreted the ghostly figure that way since the definition of Embarcadero I took the photo from is a "landing place".  

Ghostly apparition appears to be making a landing on a runway December 8, 2019

I was riding home on my eBike on The Embarcadero's bike path along the waterfront the day I took these photos on Sunday, December 8, 2019.

Okay, I provided the easier two photos first for the reader to view the nature of what I photographed. The next photos are slightly more challenging to see what I saw. I can say I erred in zooming in with my camera so I couldn't crop them as high definition photos as I meant to.  

The next images are really one cloud in two parts.  The first part is what I saw first in the cloud, a huge corpse up to its waste with a huge head tilted back (at left) on its back with its arms to its side.  The face of the head isn't well defined but I saw a mouth and tongue hanging out indicating it was dead.  

In this cloud I saw a corpse laying on its back with a large head (at left) with a tongue hanging out and arm at its side.

After I took a photo of the huge head and corpse, I saw what followed was like a funeral procession of a  smaller body with hands folded that was wearing a hat of some kind (at left). 

I looked over to the the other part of the cloud, (corpse head at right, new body at left) and zoomed in with my camera seeing a small body with a hat, face and arms folded as if in a funeral procession. You can see on the right of the photo the other large head with its chin, mouth and tongue hanging out.

Just another day in the life of a citizen journalist, right? I just wanted to get back to my Sunday morning cup of coffee, it was cold out there. Later that day I did some research on the Rammytush tribe but the Holy Spirit didn't direct me to write a blog post so I waited all this time since if any further information would come my way. I decided God's timing has to be involved and that I needed some other observation of timing by coincidence to help my understanding of what this was all about.

Discovery of Nob Hill Watchman Neighbor Passing One Day Prior to My Cloud Photographs on December 7, 2019

I learned a few days ago my neighbor and friend, the watchman of our neighborhood, Michael Rawls, 68 had died the day prior to my taking these photos.  Michael had just one year prior helped me leave the Eye Surgery Center accompanying me home.  He died prematurely due to getting back surgery he was ill advised to receive. I did some research to see if the cloud photos I took were near the time of his passing and yes they were the day after he died. I therefore found it necessary to do additional research what the Holy Spirit was saying to me.  

Michael Rawls was scheduled for back surgery on November 18, 2019 at the San Ramon Regional Medical Center over dealing with pain the past year. Michael had waited several months to have this surgery. I researched and discovered this Tenet Hospital owned medical center has many complaints in Google reviews for over billing customers and poor services. You see, Michael had no real back injury just wanting to get rid of the pain. The doctor clearly could have recommended cortizone shots, infrared or physical therapy along with whatever else rather than take a chance of Michael suffering and then dying under such unnecessary circumstances. 

How doctors are pushing the "new procedure" for back surgery, just one small incision much like cataract surgery along with fast same day recovery in some cases.

Bait and Switch 
Bait = Small Incision, Quick Healing Back Surgery 
Switch = Slow Kill Dying 19 days With Infection at Hospital For Huge Profit

Today's back surgery ads are full of the new faster small incision surgical procedure where they claim same day recovery just like my cataracts surgery Michael gave me a ride home from last year. Unfortunately, Michael took the bait and went to this medical center hospital in San Ramon on November 18, 2019.  On December 7, 2019, Michael died from an infection at the age of 68.  Michael's health wasn't good, he drank and smoked and shouldn't have been advised to get back surgery in his condition. Any good doctor wouldn't have provided back surgery under those circumstances.  Had Michael not had back surgery, he'd be alive today with several years left of his natural life.  I'm certain the transfer of wealth from Michael's credit card to the hospital was significant for a 19 day stay at its facilities including related treatments for infection.

My podcast:

The reason the Holy Spirit wanted me to get this information out is doctors are luring patients into these deceptive ads for back surgery as if it's a cataracts one day eye procedure. The elderly are being slow killed in these facilities where hospitals make hundreds of thousands of dollars hospitalizing them until they ultimately die from infection or some other reason.  The hospital medical centers then send patients to the local funeral home where they are put on display, then cremated the next day as requested in their will.  

The funeral procession in the sky I saw was God's way of saying these hospitals plan to slow kill patients this way using the appearance of their age and health to back up why they die and that it's not the doctor's fault.They keep the patient alive as long as possible until they die for the hospitals to get to the deceased credit cards on file.  The surgery is already prepaid by credit card in most cases.  Demonic spirits celebrate their deaths as a victory.

The elderly are falling for this new surgical procedure to relieve their back pain that can threaten their lives. Doctors shouldn't be approving of any back surgery for any elderly person especially in poor health with alcohol and smoking issues who are seniors especially.  

My related Spreaker podcast three days after cloud photography:

My related cloud photography based blog articles:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fighting The Cold War Victoriously With My Silver Edge Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine

Grow Vitamins At Your Kitchen Door - Cold War Propaganda
As Fall and Winter approach with extremely cold temps, it's a good strategy to evaluate how to boost one's health immune system with proven and inexpensive methods. Back in the good ole days when YouTube circulated my videos the by far most popular video I had was my homemade colloidal silver machine vid. Since 2011, I've since upgraded to a much better high quality system to the Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine I got from Since the upgrade to this new machine, I've since been enjoying the highest quality colloidal silver with access 24/7 as long as I have distilled water available.

I first began looking for a remedy to this problem of having been prescribed generic penicillin each year related to the hack coughing from bronchitis.  Unfortunately it seemed the penicillin antibiotic were having an adverse effect on my gut flora that triggered other health issues! I've since witnessed many times now how colloidal silver really does quickly and gently apprehend thus thwarting oncoming symptoms from colds, the flu and coughs never allowed to fully manifest. As a result, I haven't been sick with bronchitis I used to get every year or so that would take me out a month at a time.

I  now have the confidence my health isn't going to prevent me from providing services to customers, nor will cold temps in the morning cause me to become ill as long as I have colloidal silver on hand. As someone who had walking pneumonia at the age of 11, those of us with these kind of problems especially need to keep our immune systems in check.
"I haven't had any bronchitis, cold, flu or full blown symptoms since 2010 that my home made Micro Particle colloidal silver had clearly obliterated such early symptoms preventing them from taking root within 10-24 hours!" - Cheryl Meril, eBike mobile service provider.

Steve Barwick at The Silver Edge answers questions in this video.

Here's a short podcast I just put up on my witness testimony of how the Silver Edge Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine is the best most effective and inexpensive way of stopping bugs in their tracks.

[Entire podcast censored by Spreaker in 2021]
My Testimony of Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine's Victory!

Visit for more info.

Friday, October 11, 2019

What's Happening in San Francisco? Possible Sonic Weapon Attacks w/ Sightings of White Luxury SUVs Witnessed On October 10-11, 2019

This post is about evidence I've recorded as well as my own witness testimony provided in two podcasts listed below of what I believe to be likely sonic weapon attacks I experienced in Nob Hill San Francisco on California Street from multiple white luxury SUV vehicles in the area witnessed in the late evening or early morning of October 10th and 11th, 2019.

Just to provide the background information to this post, back on October 8, 2019, Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) took down the power grid all over the San Francisco Bay area that since caused a major disruption having affected San Francisco's flow of business that's been non-existent for many. For example, I've had no customers the past three days due to the outage. I've also had a cancellation of someone affected by the outage who had booked the appointment two weeks ago who said they couldn't print out their trust documents so they had to reschedule.

In addition to the disruption of business in San Francisco, I wanted to share a few unusual experiences that occurred recently I've recorded in detail in the podcasts provided below. Last night on October 10th I was about to turn in for the evening sometime between 11:45 p.m. or slightly past midnight October 11th.  After I opened the window to check the night's temp, I happened to see many white luxury SUV vehicles driving up and down California Street in the Nob Hill area in front of my apartment building. 

As I began drifting off to sleep I was slightly stirred to hear a vehicle passing my window along with its lights I saw on the transparent curtains. A sudden strong wave of nausea gripped me in sync with the vehicle but as soon as it passed the nausea was cut off simultaneously!  I believe this vehicle was likely equipped with a sonic weapon that caused the nausea, that I didn't have the flu. The proceeding pain in my lower extremities was also denoted as something I'd never felt before, as if a microwave had cooked my organs a few seconds.


My experience with nausea last night was very strange.

Follow-up podcast below that includes my recording of what was a strong frequency tone coming from outside in Nob Hill at around 11:30 a.m that lasted on and off for 20 minutes.  The tone seemed to come from the South side of California Street.


This podcast includes today's follow-up recording of a strange tone frequency that was coming from outside on and off for 20 minutes that followed the previous day's witnessed timing as well.

After I documented and recorded the tone today, I then took a walk outside to see if I could witness a pattern of white vehicles along with what I saw parked near my apartment building. I discovered I was still witnessing an unusual amount of white SUV vehicles with dark windows still driving around, one of them has TCP on it below.

White SUV TCP 12064

Other white vehicles were parked in the neighborhood October 11th I denoted below and I also saw one police SUV arrogantly blocking the crosswalk near a fire hydrant @ Leavenworth & California for several minutes as well:

Parked across the street since yesterday

Parked below my apartment window, a tinted windows BMW SUV w/o plates has a
temp license sticker purchased in Los Angeles (see below)

Temporary license (above) purchased in Long Beach (Los Angeles County)

Across the street, though not a white SUV, it was a silver with an unusual visitor parking tag I've never witnessed during the past 15 years of living in the Nob Hill area.

Finally this post couldn't be complete without a police car at the time these photos were taken located at the corner of Leavenworth and California blocking the pedestrian sidewalk and fire hydrant that remained there a while. 

He's (or she but doubtful) also blocking the crosswalk and could
have pulled up a bit more not to so completely block people's way. 

Oh my, as I type this post the Blue Angel Jets are flying loudly above trying to bring about a headache as my allergy will not stop causing me to sneeze my brains out.

I reported the SFPD violator of two laws to the 311 app. 

It's been duly noted that October 8th is the two year anniversary of the horrific fires that happened in the Bay Area that caused a large disruption in San Francisco as well.  Back in 2017, the amount of smoke lasted for weeks and many people kept their masks on each day.  PGE was later accused of starting the fires, but there's plenty of evidence these were started intentionally through laser technology from above due to the way the fire burned at high temperatures. There was clearly a cover-up of a land grab that ensued and many lost their rights to their property in the interim.

In spite of clear evidence the fires weren't at all normal, various government agencies in on the Agenda2030 plans covered-up and refused to acknowledge these were well planned laser attack based fires for profit to take over and steal the land from its owners. The purpose was to rebuild under Agenda2030 based objectives and the huge profit for those involved. With such insidious evil tyrannical based activity, I'm not surprised there may be sonic based attacks on the population on the two year anniversary of these arsonist from above fires to some degree. 

Meanwhile, I got rid of my microwave a long time ago but apparently not all together has it left.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why Is San Francisco's Criminal Court Like An Empty Haunted House and SFPD's Operation Like a Skeleton Crew at a Movie Set?

SFPD isn't present much in San Francisco as its courthouse seems haunted.
For anyone who may not have yet noticed, there's genuinely no viable police department currently operating in the City of San Francisco. In fact, from my observations having witnessed their lack of presence in the city, I consider the SFPD to be operating for the  public interest in a ghost-like skeleton fashion. In turn, the SFPD's apparently involved with catching ghosts for dead-head judges who let them go on their merry way haunting all of us all day long with their mischief. See Attack on Woman Caught on Video Camera Entering Into Condominium Atrium, August 27, 2019

The SFPD and criminal justice system isn't acting as any deterrent against
the brazen nature of these kind of people since it's nowhere to be found.

A Dead-Head SF Judge let this ghost go who came out out of nowhere to attack someone entering her building to get away without jail time.  Personally, I think he's the type who looks like a police psy-op actor playing a role to frighten citizens in an attempt to get more taxpayer funds for bad police.

I've obtained much evidence to testify about, not only in my personal witness of many accounts, but also of photos I recently took at the San Francisco Criminal Courthouse.

SF Criminal Court's long empty hallway was creepy like this.
"On Monday October 7, 2019 I was summoned by a customer to notarize a letter for release of records at the San Francisco Criminal Courthouse at 850 Bryant Street. After I arrived at 2:00 p.m., I was astonished to enter what seemed to be largely empty of any activity. Very few citizens were there. When I began taking photos within the building a police officer quietly came up behind looking at my iPhone laughing at what I was doing."  Cheryl Meril, Blogger

The last time I had this strange experience at the courthouse was in late 2018 when I denoted how empty the criminal court building was. At the time I attributed  the anomaly to a 9:00a.m. appointment with a customer. This other recent random visit again provided factual evidence corroborating my recent podcast series Know Your Enemy, that the criminal judicial system in San Francisco isn't really functioning on many levels being virtually absent of its normal operating procedures.

My recent podcast below, Exposing America's Police By Shining Christ's Light Through Prayer:


I felt as if I was on a movie set waiting for the film crew to arrive when I visited the Criminal Courthouse October 7, 2019 at 2:00 pm as follows:

(Click to Enlarge)
After entering the SF Criminal Court building I looked back to
observe there was no one coming in or going out of the building.

(Click to Enlarge)

As I got off the elevator the 4th floor hallway reminded me of the

haunted house entryway at Disneyland. Spooky! At the end the doorway presented my customer like a tiny little person who you may be able to see if you click to enlarge the photo.

(Click to Enlarge)
I arrived at the court records clerk window where the customer wanted to meet me @ 2:00 pm on a Monday.  There was no body in line so we had the clerk all to ourselves to get a letter notarized. 

(Click to Enlarge) 

No one was in line anywhere in the building I could find on the 4th Floor I visited. I didn't see more than two people from the public walking its corridors on the 4th floor.  

(Click to Enlarge) 
The most people I ever saw were on the lobby level near court entry rooms
and bathrooms.  Only three did I ever see!  

The U.S. Government seems to be stepping up the training of its police force as it prepares to implement Noahide laws across the nation.  There's strong evidence to concur the police have withdrawn their traditional roles preparing to shift into coming for those who violate the Noahide laws that have been enacted since 1991 under George H.W. Bush.  See With Whom Are Many Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator -- Israel.  Amnesty International, 2016

Also see:

Officials Condemn Judge's Decision to Release Attacker of Woman at Embarcadero Condo Complex

Sunday, September 15, 2019

More Photographs of Principalities and Powers of the Air Above San Francisco

While I'm still on the topic of spirits in the clouds photography from my last three posts, I just came across a few additional stray shots from back in May, 2017. I thought I might as well get the rest of the shots documented here along with my interpretation of them.

Remember, just because I see these things in the clouds doesn't mean I like or want to find them, I'm just a type of sky journalist documenting what I see. I try hard not to put my own imagination into them leaving them as clear as day for anyone to see as they are.

The fact of the matter is I see a lot of alien face activity at times indicating principalities of powers of the air as defined in Scripture has something to do with their manifestations to those Christians who have the eyes to see into this realm especially. Just a note, aliens to Christians are demonic entities that are really inter dimensional supernatural beings not from other planets.

In this article by Jack Wellman, What Are Principalities And Powers That Are Talked About In The Bible?, some light is shed on this topic of my spirits in the sky photography:

"As Paul wrote, we’re not really battling a visible enemy but an invisible one (Eph 6:12). It might be easier if we were wrestling against flesh and blood because at least we could see them but Paul was still “persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come” (Rom 8:38).
"Why should we not worry about these powers and principalities of evil? Because Christ has “disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Col 2:15).We have no fear of any prince of darkness, no power of evil, and not only that, we have no fear of death since we’d be immediately with the Lord at death, no fear of angels (particularly fallen ones), no fear of principalities because Jesus has disarmed them, no fear of things to come, things in the past, or things present. In fact no “height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:39)
These original photos aren't altered of the original content except brightness or contrast. Only the duplicate copies below are altered with the magnifying glasses to zoom in on the details for the viewer. 

Click to Enlarge
This is what appears to me to be an alien-like figure in the clouds I took walking home on Leavenworth@Pine Streets in San Francisco.  There was a strange line of a jet plane's trail through it as well.

Click to Enlarge
Here's a zoom-in of the face of the alien like spirit I saw in the clouds. 

Click to Enlarge
Taken at St. Mary's Square in San Francisco, I saw three figures with two appearing to look down at me (especially the one on the left). Again, another alien-like figure was present at center. The other figure at right didn't have enough definition of a face but a female body seems apparent.

 Click to Enlarge
A zoom-in of the defined appearance of the two figures, the one on the right didn't have much of a face to capture but the body-like form seemed there.

My latest podcast on this subject:

As much as I have an inclination to put comedy into these photos, these are serious things in Scripture that demand maturity so I will not.

Also see my earlier related posts:

Part 1 - September 4, 2019

Part 2 - September 8 2019