Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fighting The Cold War Victoriously With My Silver Edge Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine

Grow Vitamins At Your Kitchen Door - Cold War Propaganda
As Fall and Winter approach with extremely cold temps, it's a good strategy to evaluate how to boost one's health immune system with proven and inexpensive methods. Back in the good ole days when YouTube circulated my videos the by far most popular video I had was my homemade colloidal silver machine vid. Since 2011, I've since upgraded to a much better high quality system to the Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine I got from Since the upgrade to this new machine, I've since been enjoying the highest quality colloidal silver with access 24/7 as long as I have distilled water available.

I first began looking for a remedy to this problem of having been prescribed generic penicillin each year related to the hack coughing from bronchitis.  Unfortunately it seemed the penicillin antibiotic were having an adverse effect on my gut flora that triggered other health issues! I've since witnessed many times now how colloidal silver really does quickly and gently apprehend thus thwarting oncoming symptoms from colds, the flu and coughs never allowed to fully manifest. As a result, I haven't been sick with bronchitis I used to get every year or so that would take me out a month at a time.

I  now have the confidence my health isn't going to prevent me from providing services to customers, nor will cold temps in the morning cause me to become ill as long as I have colloidal silver on hand. As someone who had walking pneumonia at the age of 11, those of us with these kind of problems especially need to keep our immune systems in check.
"I haven't had any bronchitis, cold, flu or full blown symptoms since 2010 that my home made Micro Particle colloidal silver had clearly obliterated such early symptoms preventing them from taking root within 10-24 hours!" - Cheryl Meril, eBike mobile service provider.

Steve Barwick at The Silver Edge answers questions in this video.

Here's a short podcast I just put up on my witness testimony of how the Silver Edge Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine is the best most effective and inexpensive way of stopping bugs in their tracks.

[Entire podcast censored by Spreaker in 2021]
My Testimony of Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Machine's Victory!

Visit for more info.

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