Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Who Flipped Trump's Switch From Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde?

In case you haven't noticed lately, President Trump's changed. At first I questioned whether the CIA managed to chemically lobotomize him based on the transformation of Trump's demeanor many like myself observed. Then I came across a news story about how back in February, Witches gathered in front of Trump Tower to place a curse on our President. See Witches Hex/Curse Trump, Daily UK Mail, February 25, 2017

It's almost as if someone flipped a switch and there Trump went from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.  After listening to the President in an interview today, the man's out of touch with reality under a spell. He apparently believes the U.S. military is fool proof, that it can't fail in its mission.  The arrogance of the U.S. Generals convinced Trump he can't lose.  That's why Trump gleefully goes about conversations about chocolate cake in interviews as American lives hang in the balance not to mention the millions on the other side of the world.

The liberal's mind control operation that hammered President Trump the past two years took its toll, he's now one of them! The collective mindset of liberals wanted war and now support Trump widely. Trump likely had no spiritual resistance based on James 4:7 only God could provide for the incredible darkness he faced.

From my point of view, President Trump is of the Antichrist spirit now and so is America in general.  Trump's clearly not a Christian, he sold out his soul! Trump had no idea what he was facing was a spiritual battle no man of the world could win without God's help. Unfortunately, President Trump isn't a follower of Jesus in any capacity and has no relationship with Him whatsoever.  He is a shallow worldly man and so when witches placed curses, Trump had no immunity.

So if you're wondering as I was why President Trump seems in a trance talking about his chocolate cake today as WWIII rapidly approaches, consider he isn't likely truly aware of what he's done. Trump's conscience doesn't seem awake and he's therefore spiritually blind.

Yes, I'm disappointed President Trump didn't seek Christian counsel for the dark attacks on his soul, he preferred the hubris and arrogance of a destitute U.S. military that hasn't won a war in several decades. The U.S. CIA operation has to fabricate lies in order to enter war through a false flag event as was proven happened in 2013 in Syria. See Seymor Hersh Says Hillary Clinton Approved Sending Sarin to Syrian Rebels

America clearly doesn't have God on their side in this coming war based on a lie so I'm making sure to call upon the Holy Blood of Jesus over myself along with prayers for others.  If you haven't been saved by Jesus yet, you can ask for God's forgiveness for your sins right now and surrender your life to him if you so choose. The other alternative is horrific. You'll need to get water baptized as well to be reborn into the kingdom of God.  The choice is yours.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Liberals Without God's Protection in San Francisco

A senior citizen posted a roommate wanted flier with her phone number as sheet tags on the streets of San Francisco unlawfully today. This is highly unusual in this day and age of digital Craiglist free services. She affixed the flier at an intersection on a traffic light pole near Trader Joes Nob Hill where every street criminal and homeless crack addict who hangs out from the Polk Street area has access to. Not too bright.

Since 2016 I've worked with the city to remove graffiti and help restore damaged public property through its 311 App program having filed nearly 100 reports since last year. I also help by scraping off graffiti labels on my downtime in my mobile business. Such labels are often used as a form of communication among gang members to tag certain areas for criminal activity.  

After I became involved in letting this person know what she was doing was unlawful against a city statute to post to traffic light poles, she began her vicious contacts and lies wanting to entrap me into a reason to file a police report. I initially told her the flier was removed and the reason why suggesting she use Craigslist or a roommate service.  She not only called back, but texted and then attempted to take something out of context in my text response.

"An elderly woman began harassing and threatening me after I called the number on a flier she unlawfully affixed to a traffic post looking for a roommate. I work with the City of San Francisco removing graffiti and labels and getting public property restored. I've filed nearly 200 requests for clean up in the city. I help keep my community clean. I let the foolish old lady know publishing her phone number to street criminals isn't a good idea and that her flier was removed as well due to violating city statutes posting fliers to traffic intersection poles. The lady called once, then began a series of texts accusing me of many things to the point of threatening to file a police report.  
Very irrational playing a victim though she advertised her phone number to drug addicts in San Francisco who could call and rob her. She texted me twice and wanted to rebel in every way as if she's being victimized as a senior citizen. I told her there's CraigsList and services to help her locate a roommate the legal way." 

My reports since 2016
I've seen it all too often before, crazy liberal ladies playing the victim because they're having trouble wanting to blame everyone for their problems and I used to be one of them!  In contrast, Christians have prayer, faith and God who answers our needs. The godless have to resort to such ridiculous attempts to remedy their situations because they have no peace or real eternal safety in their lives. No wisdom either!  Consequently, these liberals always have to find ways of blaming others for their rebellion not being under God's protection.

My Christian intervention was really veiled in order to prevent this individual from criminals coming onto her property who will be well aware of how vulnerable and desperate she is searching for a roommate in such a manner. That she wanted to turn me into a criminal is so typical of how Satan's people operate. They refuse to repent and turn to God for forgiveness so He can't help them.  They then try to ensnare people who are just trying to help.  

I'm waiting to see if the SFPD will call me over this matter.  If they do I will update here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why Keith Laney's NASA Curiosity Rover's GigaPan Photos Are Untrustworthy

A stitched NASA Mars Curiosity Photo Used To Deceive Public*
I recently checked out some of Keith Laney's photo stitching pans from NASA Curiosity's photo archive on GigaPan and was astonished at all the frozen in time sea life I encountered in them. To see my collection of snapshots of Mr. Laney's work visit my profile page and click on snapshots.

I was excited at what I was discovering until I came to a large elf like shoe with a head peaking out behind a rock.  I promptly contacted Laney's peer at What's Up In The Sky about the credibility of his work. Apparently these guys cover for each other and when I contacted him on Facebook, Laney denied he had taken any artistic liberty.  I'm therefore presenting two examples of a lot of artistic liberty in this artist's work.

I was amazed at all the life forms I was seeing in these photos as well as images from an ancient civilization.  However now that I've confirmed Laney's work takes tremendous liberties to distort what's actually on Mars, I digress with evidence he tampers with the photos to deceive the viewer.

When I saw this I immediately knew Laney's tampering with NASA Curiosity Photos 
See GigaPan (SOL 393-395)

I went to an earlier work of Laney's with the same objects in the photo, a rough draft so to speak and here's what I found. See GigaPan (SOL 401)

See the cricket like creature and the fish opening its mouth towards it top left?
See GigaPan (SOL 401)

In the same enhanced photo, for some reason Laney left out his other Photoshop creation.
See GigaPan (SOL 393-395)

It's too bad Keith Laney felt it necessary to try to entertain his viewers with his artwork. These kind of artists ruin it for everyone else. We want honest depictions of what's on Mars! These two pieces of evidence are all I need to demonstrate how untrustworthy artists can be and disrespectful of those who want to know the truth about life on Mars. 

I found many other outrageous falsehoods in Keith Laney's work by comparing an earlier draft version of SOL 401 with SOL 393-395 that included Pharaoh statue heads, distant pyramids, faces, highly embellished looking fish and small creatures. I also saw a beach with waves on Mars I don't know is real or not but now I tend to think the surf's not up.

It should be unlawful to take NASA photos and alter them the way Laney did. The taxpayers paid the budget for NASA and the photos for the public should not be used for fraudulent purposes to deceive the public for one's personal gain.  It should be a crime to alter NASA photos to deceive the public.

Note the web owner of Whats Up In The Sky fully supports Mr. Laney's work as genuine claiming they are currently working on a book together.  

To see my collection of snapshots of Mr. Laney's work visit my profile page and click on snapshots.

*Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.  Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Loser Democrats and Rhinos Plan On Assassinating Trump Using CIA Operatives

RED ALERT:  We've been hearing threats for a long time from those who want to kill Trump, from CEO's to celebrities like Michael Moore to rioters.  We know something's up and here we go again with the left's next desperate narrative they expect the public to support.

CIA operatives have been triggered in motion toward's the forceful removal of Donald Trump becoming President based on unproven accusations he's an alleged Russian agent. John McCain has also recently come out supporting such an unproven claim.  See The Facts are There, the Russians Hacked the Elections - UK Mail 12/11/16.  

The left's new narrative is that the Russians hacked into the U.S. elections yet have no proof, not one scintilla of evidence while expecting us to believe them! The criminals are using another false narrative to support Donald Trump is illegitimate and therefore needs to be removed as a danger to our nation.  They are justifying their intent to assassinate Mr. Trump!

There are bat crazy criminals on the left, highly delusional and many have become senile. We've seen their unstable actions as if they're part of a Satanic cult.  It's disturbing to witness the many calls for Trump's assassination from CEO's and celebrities alike. They are vicious with clear intent on disallowing Trump from becoming President by overriding our elections with a coup.


The liberal left is godless, immoral, greedy, corrupt, power hungry and criminals in denial. There are also others on the right, the rhinos in the GOP, who are equally criminal wanting a war with Russia such as Senator John McCain. There's no recognized authority over these men and women since they don't follow God's principles. They expect Americans to trust them and believe whatever they say as if they're gods! They're nothing but liars with an agenda for their own benefit.

These traitors want to destroy our U.S. borders and allow an invasion to destroy our country to promote their globalist agenda.  If they succeed, America will be much like a third world country. May traitor John McCain receive exactly what's coming to him in eternity for being part of a criminal, evil lying government that does horrifying things to innocent people around the world while manipulating and violating other nations' sovereignty.  God speed!

God doesn't approve whatsoever and there will be eternal consequences for these outrageous sins! Consequences like having one's tiny little wrinkled old ass, John McCain, chucked into the pit of hell never to be heard from again!

Just shut the hell up John McCain!  We've had enough of you for decades! You are  a disgrace and God will be dealing with you very soon!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Liberal Americans Struggle in Quicksand Leading to Hell

Rebellion is rising against God in the land of America. The unsaved lost souls are still struggling to grasp God's divine intervention after having granted the prayers of His people. You see, God doesn't hear prayers of those who have rejected Him, (John 9:31) so the sucker punched liberals in America are on their own continuing to struggle in the trap of their own sinful devices. Consequently, the more these unrepentant sinners struggle, the more spiritual quicksand is bringing them closer to the pit of eternal hell and the point of no return.

Which category do you find yourself at this point in American history? Are you grateful for what He's done thanking Him and praying for and forgiving your enemies? Or are you busy rebelling against who God has placed in the White House? Have you allowed yourself to become the chaff spoken of in Scripture that God separates from the wheat prior to bringing in His crop?
"He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork. Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.”  Luke 3:17
Because with each passing moment you rebel against God's divine intervention and not REPENT and turn back to Him asking for forgiveness, you are condemning yourself to eternal hell up ahead. Rebellion is always a sign of one being in spiritual danger unless it's based upon His righteousness.

METAPHOR: How to escape quicksand - Accept and follow Jesus out of this world.

You don't want to find yourself struggling in spiritual quicksand being on the side of the wicked at this time in history because time's running out!  You'll be wanting to be on the side of accepting God's grace and mercy being grateful for what God did so he can protect you. (Pslam 91) You don't want to be one of those people rebelling against God's divine hand!  Repentance is the only means of responding and asking Jesus into your life by asking for His forgiveness.

The lying liberal media continues to stirrup rebellion against who God has placed in the White House.  Don't be tempted to fall into their trap. The DNC is a criminal network!  It's their goal to bring as many souls down into the pit of hell along with them because hey sold their souls to the devil.

Friday, October 21, 2016

America's Gone - A Former Liberal's Premortem Commentary

RED ALERT: America as a nation is dead, nearly gone in spirit while being greatly divided against itself. This will serve as a premortem evaluation of what Christian Prophets such as David Wilkersen and Henry Gruver have revealed in visions for decades to forewarn Americans to repent or perish. See Mark 3:24
"A pre-mortem — also known as a premortem — is a managerial strategy in which a manager imagines that a project or organization has failed, and then works backward to determine what potentially could lead to the failure of the project or organization." 
For those unaware, the Biblical term repent means to turn away from sin back to God and His principles with a heart of wanting His forgiveness, something Americans never did as a whole. Quite the contrary, America has sunk deeper and deeper into delusion, spiritual darkness and sin through a liberal do as thou wilt secularized culture. America has since completely lost its foundation in God as a nation being headed for its destruction and an example to all other nations of what happens when a formerly blessed once great nation turns away from God and His Word.

Americans respond to Hitler in WWII
As a Christian with knowledge of God's Word and Prophets' visions, it's very clear to foresee what the very near future holds for America under these current circumstances. I can honestly say with great confidence, there's no hope for America except for those rare individuals who may repent in its final days. To those who refuse to heed God's warnings, I can say with 100% certainty they're all facing eternal hell in the afterlife.  You see, God is no respecter of persons, this includes every single arrogant American celebrity whose rejected Jesus as their Savior, the only one who could have saved them from such a disastrous outcome. See  Romans 2:11

The only hope left for America is those lives who accept Jesus into their hearts and repent of their sins. Because America is in its last days, it's my Christian duty to let people know there's no real future for our nation.  God has issued warnings through His Prophets but America has chosen not to heed them. Therefore the outcome is clear what is forthcoming right before our very eyes.

Obama as a traitor of the U.S. has arranged for Russia to nuke America in the future.

America is going be destroyed, not only by its enemies, but from within by traitors in its leadership who have enabled these circumstances of dismantling its military while having recently handed  over billions to Iran in cash payments.

Sadly, Americans have lost their country.

1.  By losing a foundation in God's principles, falling out of a relationship with Creator giving into temptations. America fell:

     - Thru godless music and television that played a large role in distracting Americans from reality. 2 Thesselonians 2:11

     - Thru recreational and prescription drugs that were tremendously damaging to America's culture.

     - By naively trusting their government it was doing "good" on their behalves. Hosea 4:6

     - By accepting false doctrine teachings of the AntiChrist spirit. Ephesians 4:14

One of America's greatest traitors, a vile, corrupt Hillary Clinton speaks of America's "goodness".

2.  By taking pride in a fallen nation after it had been handed over to Satanic vices and traitors instead of repenting in response to God's Prophets visions of their nation's destruction. Proverbs 8:13

     - Americans live in the past of their once blessed nation in denial of its current dangerous spiritual condition where they do not fear God whatsoever. Proverbs 1:7

3.   Many Americans believe they're special by the land they occupy having become gravely delusional and blind to what they face without Jesus in the afterlife.  Romans 2:11

4.   Liberals have flourished in America's culture by abusing God's grace, patience and mercy of their true spiritual plight being on the broad path to eternal hell. Ephesians 4:14

American women responding to Hitler during WWII

Finally, I personally found it so frustrating why Americans preferred in large numbers to believe the lies of their government. America's government and military complex committed grave sins against other nations over fabricated lies the American people in great numbers preferred to the truth.  The nation needed to repent as a whole and get rid of the cancer in its military, CIA and government leadership which it clearly failed to do.

This is the last call for Americans to repent and surrender their lives to Jesus prior to God's forthcoming wrath.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My REAL Duty -- Why Are People Afraid of Notary Publics Yet Don't Fear God?

It always amazes me as a public servant, a notary public the past seven years, how many of my customers think of me as having authority that can be potentially painful in their customer experience. When I'm done notarizing their documents I sometimes hear "that was painless!" with a sigh of relief.

It's so ridiculous people are so programmed by our government to believe pain can be inflicted on them by anyone with authority, yet most totally dismiss God as being anything more than a gentle giant like an old grandpa waiting in heaven for their arrival. What a sense of entitlement I might add, people expect God to accept them for simply being good people based on their own standards, really? This popular belief is often common and yet entirely false! "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

As most of us know, we all have various duties to fulfill in our given roles in life. My particular duty as a Christian is to forewarn people, especially those who believe they're good and thus okay with God, of what they're facing without Jesus in their lives upon their entering into the afterlife. This is to confirm there's no excuse for allowing ourselves to enter into eternal hell because Jesus has defeated hell and Satan at the cross and resurrection thus providing us with the means to enter into His eternal peace. It's not brain surgery being a Christian but a very simple act of faith to accept God into our lives and follow Jesus out of this world to eternal safety.

I'm doing this video as my Christian duty, whether you watch it or not. It's on you now, you can't say you weren't forewarned! If you choose not to watch this video, that's your free will God gave all of us.

We have a growing problem in America with a criminal reckless government full of traitors.   Wikileaks has recently exposed the criminal politicians for those who care to know but God has been exposing them through a flawed man, Donald Trump as well. The fools in the U.S. government plan on inciting a WWIII with Russia over a ridiculous dispute wanting Syrian regime change over Assad's rejection of America's intent on having an oil pipeline to run through his sovereign country. America has really become an empire builder around the world infringing on other nation's sovereignty. God views America as a wicked, evil nation because of its war crimes and atrocities against innocent people. America's no longer the good guys of the world whatsoever!

Christian Prophet Henry Gruver's vision of invasion coming into view today of Russia and China attack.  Others have had a similar vision including the late David Wilkersen.

What I'm trying to say is WWIII could begin at any time with nuclear plumes all over the country, that time is running out to accept the salvation for our souls Jesus Christ is extending.  Eternal hell is real and our nation is about to be judged after being forewarned through Christian Prophets for decades of visions of nuclear attacks from the sea.  Eternal hell is located at the core of the earth where children of wrath are placed in a hold area prior to being thrown into the lake of fire along with the supernatural demonic beings.  It's truly a terrifying ending, don't let it happen to you!

Don't miss God's timing!  He sent His Son Jesus to suffer for our sins so we could be set free and enter into His eternal peace.  You can't lose following Jesus!

No excuse will be allowed after we die and enter into the afterlife, our fate will be sealed forever.  It's my duty as a saved Christian to forewarn those who continue to ignore the spiritual reality they're facing that obedience to God and His Word is the only way to enter into eternal peace in heaven. Being good in our own eyes isn't justified by anything but our own human standards not good enough to enter heaven.

God's perfect in His timing, He even puts signs in the heavens! No one in their right mind can miss his message.

1. Accept Jesus into your heart asking for forgiveness of your sins against Him.  God will enter into your life to redeem, restore and heal you spiritually and physically.

2. Get water baptized at a genuine Christian church

3. Begin studying God's Word and praying to develop a relationship with God.

4. Fellowship with Christians

4. Learn how to hear God's voice, there are many books on the subject as well. Listen to sermons by Pastors such as Dr. Charles Stanley, Sid Roth, Perry Stone.

Humans fell from God's grace due to our entanglement with demonic beings through disobedience that continues to this very day to want to hold us in bondage to sin in order to destroy those created in God's image.  It's all very simple, God upholds His Word that's true. If you know God's Word that's half the battle, knowing God Himself is the other. When we accept Jesus into our lives we're instantly transferred from the kingdom of darkness to God's Son's Kingdom of light. Colossians 1:13.

I'm fully aware people won't be very interested in my personal videos or this article.  People are more interested in material things, I got 4,500 views on a stupid desk chair video I did two years ago I since removed. I did this article as my Christian duty in obedience to God.  The ball's in your court now.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

My Declaration in Opposition to American Government's Evil Activities

RED ALERT:  America's coming to an end up ahead as a world power because a majority of its people have become ignorant godless fools and its leaders an abomination before God.  The U.S. government actually supports ISIS providing it with weapons!

This is to declare that I as an American citizen, do not support the current government installed in the White House, nor have I supported any government installed over the past several decades.  In fact, I am vehemently opposed to America's government's Satanic evil activities.  I have put my trust and faith in Jesus as my Savior and have not one iota of hope in America's leaders or military that is one of the most evil in our nation's history. I pray for my fallen country and repent of  taxes I've paid to fund such a diabolical evil Babylon empire that stinks in God's nostrils.

This is what happens when a former "liberal" progressive has her eyes opened to the real evil committed by those in the U.S. government.  She puts out videos of absolute outrage letting her viewers know what's really going on.

Former liberal YouTube Channel 'Sane Progressive' is outraged at evil in U.S. government outing it all in her videos.

Russia's activities point to preparation for nuking the U.S. just as Christian Prophet David Wilkersen prophesied in the 1990's.  Everything's lining up exactly like Wilkersen's vision.

We have a country being "run by idiots" according to the American Center for Law and Justice's recent broadcast.  That's right, idiots!  They don't know what they're doing and we've lost our nation because of it.  Next comes the invasion and nukes as 40 million Russian citizens participate in an underground bunker drill preparing for nuclear war. 

Surrender to Jesus before it's too late!  Ask for God's forgiveness and surrender to God.  America's going to be wiped off the face of the earth where unrepentant sinners will be sent to the core of the earth into eternal hell.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Troubled Yelp Reviewer Michelle (MishPen) P. - San Francisco

This Friday evening I very much wanted to relax from a busy week except for the fact some freak reviewer on Yelp, Michelle (MishPen) P. has been harassing me since 2:00 pm claiming to have witnessed me on my eBike do something to a vehicle blocking intersection traffic and a Muni bus. Michelle, the weird person behaving like a kindergärtner without a husband or man in the photo at left, who no one was willing to pose with for obvious reasons, had her review removed against her will eight hours ago for violations of Yelp's terms and conditions. Problem is, this lonely individual is back writing on my Yelp business page again making up lies.

Having no shame after having her review removed by Yelp, Michelle posted another review complaint continuing to harass and annoy someone who doesn't want a thing to do with her. This pathetic manipulation, clearly that of a deranged sadistic person playing the role of a traffic cop, is just another good example of Yelp reviewers taking great liberty to harass business owners they don't receive services from or do business with.

Profile:  "When I'm Not Yelping. . . I'm bothering other people" Michelle "MishPen" P.  Acting under a collective liberal mindset likely in order to soothe her sense of isolation, Michelle has granted herself jurisdiction as a self appointed traffic cop with privileges to place on Yelp at her own discretion.  
The reason Michelle likes to bother people is she is a shameless, ugly, fat, unhappy, sinful, rebellious alcoholic who desperately needs Jesus in her life.  
Today as I was riding my eBike home on a Friday afternoon wanting to start the weekend early, some ridiculous person complained about my business on Yelp over a traffic incident I encountered with someone willfully blocking the intersection and a Muni bus ahead of me. I drove around the vehicle and there was no crime committed whatsoever. Michelle claims to have witnessed something that caused her to write "I would never use this service. . ." and she wrote three paragraphs of her claim to have witnessed something I did.  When her review was taken down, she reposted an "update" accusing me of being angry. - Cheryl Meril, Mobile Notary Public
All day long I note bicyclists and skateboarders doing crazy things on the streets and here we are again, some crazy liberal freak picks on me, a tired 56 year old mobile notary coming home for the weekend in heavy traffic. This admitted mischievous woman on Yelp based on her own words and profile is harassing me while posting yet another review complaint I'm harassing her. 

My graffiti, repair and paint requests on SF311 App.  On my down times in my business I walk miles in San Francisco scraping labels off of parking meters and light posts saving tax payers hundreds of dollars in clean up costs.  I also report graffiti to the city and get things repainted and repaired.

In my previous post, POKEMAN GO Zombies Possessed Wandering Everywhere, I disclosed how I often spend hours in San Francisco reporting graffiti to the City of San Francisco on its 311 App as well as scraping off labels on meters and wherever else I find them.  I've contributed to keeping San Francisco's downtown and Nob Hill areas newly painted electrical, fire call boxes and light poles and have significantly disrupted the flow of graffiti artists who ultimately give up due to my steadfast fast removal of their public nuisance materials.

Back to Michelle and her issues now, some person standing on the sidewalk watching me ride my bike home.  This person's review was removed within one hour as a violation of Yelp's terms, but that didn't stop Michelle from posting another complaint "update" of an unlawful review claiming I was angry. Obviously a manipulating witch, Michelle has chosen to keep this issue going as she, once again, sadistically posed another complaint against my notary business she never used. I wasn't angry, the review was removed, Michelle was the one angry who then once again violated Yelp's terms and conditions writing another review.

"I'll have the whiskey and the horsey on the bottle, please" - Michelle "MishPen" P. reviewer on yelp.

We observe this pitiful childish behavior time and time again with freakish liberal women in San Francisco. Middle aged homely women who can't get a good job or husband that they pose in freakish photos on Yelp harassing people, admitting they're alcoholics who are proud of harassing others declaring who they are to the entire world.

Here are some of Michelle's other false criminal allegations against businesses who have now networked over her ridiculous accusations, not only as a witness who has no business writing a review, but as a drunk late at night standing in line with her boyfriend to get pizza. This is a person without a life, a loser, a lost soul who is needs Jesus in her life, yet has no interest in repenting of her obvious sins. 

To begin with, let's take a quick glance into the subconscious mind of a woman who longs to cut up someone with a knife.

click to enlarge

Michelle apparently  has a secret desire to kill someone with a knife based on her serious angry complaint someone is denying her access to one. Note the angry frustrated language. Who does this?

click to enlarge

Four years ago, Michelle waits in line after being at a bar late a night. Obviously drunk, she claims to witness an assault by pizza employees of someone while standing in line to enter. She's complaining they turned her away and is clearly jealous of the one they allowed inside.  Who can blame them? 

Click to enlarge

Michelle accuses MaduSalon hair salon of charging her for a hair cut she never had that she even claims she did not make an appointment for.  She's accusing them of petty theft on Yelp. Why not file a police report? What was the outcome, where is the update? 

Click to enlarge

Michelle is implementing a third party complaint having witnessed an alleged friend apparently being unlawfully evicted by Real Management Company. This is a violation of Yelp's terms and conditions. 

Click to enlarge

Here Michelle grunts out a childish review of Family Stations like an animal.  Over five years later, is she married with a husband and family yet? I think we know the answer based on her latest activities. FAIL!

So I'm going to put myself in Michelle's shoes standing on a street corner watching me try to get past a vehicle willfully blocking the intersection.  That's right, someone violated the law blocking the Muni bus from entering and myself.  No crime was committed by me as I moved on past the vehicle.  What does this person who made all of these accusatory reviews do? She goes home and writes a long winded review of what she witnessed and recommends no one uses my servcies because of it.

Who is Michelle?  I have her entire name and identity from the salon she accused of petty theft.  This will go out to her employer for her endless harassment of a business over a non-event. This will go out to all of the businesses she has accused of criminal activities. This blog post will be linked with this person one way or another until she removes her lying, stinking review off my business page!

Then after all is said and done, I will pray and forgive her for disrupting my Friday evening with her alcoholic mischief.  I will pray for some sinful idiot woman standing on a street corner observing a notary on a bicycle struggling to get through a blocked intersection on a green light, then complaining on Yelp about a non-event.

What a freak!