It's almost as if someone flipped a switch and there Trump went from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. After listening to the President in an interview today, the man's out of touch with reality under a spell. He apparently believes the U.S. military is fool proof, that it can't fail in its mission. The arrogance of the U.S. Generals convinced Trump he can't lose. That's why Trump gleefully goes about conversations about chocolate cake in interviews as American lives hang in the balance not to mention the millions on the other side of the world.
From my point of view, President Trump is of the Antichrist spirit now and so is America in general. Trump's clearly not a Christian, he sold out his soul! Trump had no idea what he was facing was a spiritual battle no man of the world could win without God's help. Unfortunately, President Trump isn't a follower of Jesus in any capacity and has no relationship with Him whatsoever. He is a shallow worldly man and so when witches placed curses, Trump had no immunity.
So if you're wondering as I was why President Trump seems in a trance talking about his chocolate cake today as WWIII rapidly approaches, consider he isn't likely truly aware of what he's done. Trump's conscience doesn't seem awake and he's therefore spiritually blind.
Yes, I'm disappointed President Trump didn't seek Christian counsel for the dark attacks on his soul, he preferred the hubris and arrogance of a destitute U.S. military that hasn't won a war in several decades. The U.S. CIA operation has to fabricate lies in order to enter war through a false flag event as was proven happened in 2013 in Syria. See Seymor Hersh Says Hillary Clinton Approved Sending Sarin to Syrian Rebels
America clearly doesn't have God on their side in this coming war based on a lie so I'm making sure to call upon the Holy Blood of Jesus over myself along with prayers for others. If you haven't been saved by Jesus yet, you can ask for God's forgiveness for your sins right now and surrender your life to him if you so choose. The other alternative is horrific. You'll need to get water baptized as well to be reborn into the kingdom of God. The choice is yours.