Friday, November 28, 2014

Are Ferguson Freeway Protesters Fake Being Paid To Block Traffic?

click to enlarge (link: The Real Revo Blog)

As many become wiser with age we begin to observe things such as how the media tends to distort and warp reality by concentrating on very small percentage of the population's opinions who protest loudly.  Outside the handful of  protesters are millions of observers who disagree with them.  When protesters like these go on a rampage blocking freeways across the country over this issue I often wonder if they're getting paid for their time, especially since they're not even being arrested like what happened on the I-5 freeway two days ago.

Professional protesters, perhaps paid by our very own government? Not arrested for blocking freeway as they clearly should have been for endangering lives.

I once had an acquaintance share his experience of being offered cash and a free lunch to act like an invitee for some luncheon for some corporate event. This offer came to him after the event crashed with few showing up.  To make themselves appear viable with interested participants, they forked out a ton of money for an event with many fake people in the audience

Whenever I see rioters and protesters I review the facts to determine what the real issue is.  As stated in my previous post, Sympathy For The Devil, Riots Unjustified By God, the real issue seems to be rioters wanting an excuse to access free HDTV's, iPads and whatever they can find during their raids of retail stores.  This is a criminal uprising that started with the thuggery and theft of Michael Brown. It's interesting to note had the liquor store he robbed had a hand gun available to protect his store, thugs wouldn't have likely bothered to target him for theft.

That this issue's now branched out into blocking freeways with very few arrests, it seems our government may be behind the tremendous tolerance for this behavior. Some city jurisdictions obey the Fed stand down arrest order as in this video while others clearly do not.  One can only deduce these people have a lot of time on their hands likely being paid while given a script for propaganda.

Those people blocking the freeway, if not paid professionals, are truly insane stupid people.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sympathy For The Devil - Evil Ferguson Rioters Unjustified By God

Today is Thanksgiving Day in America. We've had much to be thankful for in this country thanks to God's grace over a nation He used to be able to bless.  God blessed America because as a country we used to honor Him and His Word to a large degree that's since been eroded by the distractions of popular culture including television, music, entertainment, video games, Internet porn, addictions, greed and a plethora of other vices.

Unfortunately, the infiltration of too many peoples from other lands along with a traitorous greedy U.S. government and liberal based media have changed American culture over the past several decades.

It's a sad fact that what's happening in Ferguson is a deliberately orchestrated staged response and lie, a spiritual attack by the godless against America.

Allow me to restate the facts that some bully thug robbed a liquor store completely overpowering a tiny little Indian man by physically threatening him, then later tried to over power a police officer by reaching into his vehicle so he who had no time to call for back up.  Historically, Americans in the droves would clearly have backed up the police officer. When someone robs a store anything can happen for such a reckless lawless action of a bully. Cops are just doing their jobs to apprehend robbery suspects, surprise!

Sinner Michael Brown bullies and robs store owner prior to police officer stopping him nearby. Obama's food stamps apparently weren't enough.

Based on the facts, any reasonable person can deduce this uprising is some orchestrated psy-op on behalf of criminal elements who use race as a red herring.  When someone gets robbed, there's always a possibility someone can shoot the robber dead if they feel their life's threatened too.  You put your own life at risk when you have the audacity to rob someone.

I'm truly astonished at the godless liberal Darlena Cunha who wrote Time Magazine's,  Ferguson: In Defense of Rioting.  Like a shock jock pop singer Madonna, journalist Cunha seeks shock value publicity by sympathizing with the devil.  The more shock the better for Cunha whose apparently desperate to raise her family of five being in need of new Twitter subscribers.

Could it be Cunha's true motivation for rationalizing and justifying rioters in her Time Magazine article could be an apparent desperate need for new Twitter followers as seen in her previous post?

Cunha's type of hopeless ignorance will one day support and usher in the Anti-Christ. Cunha will likely seek to rise up into new positions of authority to potentially hand over Christians for persecution and take the 666 on her body to feed her family. This while her Ahab weakling husband sits in the background letting some ignorant godless woman ruin his family's chance to enter heaven.

Don't get me wrong, I used to be a rebellious person just like anyone else.  I hated the police too, but it turned out I had no support in God's Word to respond the way I did so it took a long time for me to heal.  I eventually realized I really wasn't a martyr or victim just ignorant of my sinful situation in my being without God's support.

When God can't support us due to rebellion and sin sometimes we feel like victims of others like the police.  When we follow God and obey His Word He restores and heals us so we need not feel a need to rebel any longer.  God protects those who honor His Word and obey Him!  We saved Christians know God's grace is sufficient for our needs while unsaved sinners think they're always victims due to their ignorance of God and sympathy and/or allegiance to the devil.

In my case, I realize today that I always had God's grace available to me to overcome my situation without having had to go through such ignorant rebellion. Instead of rebelling I could have been accepting God's grace and enjoying it as I am today.  Prayer and obedience to God works wonders to open spiritual doors of escape from the temptation to sin that includes the temptation to riot toward self-destruction.

It's INSANE the way these rioters are carrying on wanting to expand across the country to destroy America over this orchestrated highly staged psy-op. It's clear these unsaved lost souls wanted any excuse to riot so they could get the free HDTV's and loot having witnessed the video footage of the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles and other cities.

The fact is that God is calling Americans to repentance having forewarned of coming Judgment through Prophet of God Dr. Owuor. God always forewarns prior to His Judgment being carried out against a nation in order for it to repent and turn back to Him.

Instead of repentance such that God's Prophet David Owuor forewarned was necessary to avoid God's Judgment of America, what we're witnessing instead is even more rebellion.  As long as journalists like Darlena Cunha provide sympathy and unjustified rationalizations for ungodly rebellion in order to get more publicity for those like herself and new Twitter followers, the godlessness will continue to escalate and morph into new levels of evil not excluding attracting terrorist groups such as ISIS.

As for those of us who seek to follow Jesus and obey God's Word, we pray, forgive our enemies and their trespasses against us while remaining shocked at how ignorant people can be to sympathize with the devil whose neither black nor white but just plain evil.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Russia Watching America Burn, Prepares For Nuclear Attack Predicted By David Wilkerson, Dr. David Owuor

For those who want to be right with God, please listen up! Those violent thugs in Ferguson have accepted the temptation to disobey against God and His Word who are facing eternal damnation in hell without Jesus. God doesn't accept any excuses or rationale for such rebellion against Him because His Word and Grace is available to all along with the tremendous distribution of His resources in this day and age.

I've had my own days long ago of rebellion against the police officers who I felt did wrong to me but had no understanding of God's Word at the time so I failed to bear any fruit to glorify Jesus. My rebellion came in the form of nasty letters challenging police officer's trespassing over bearing oppressive authority over my life as a single woman. I later learned that you can't glorify God by playing a falsely persecuted martyr and victim.  Those who are rebelling in Ferguson have accepted the role portrayed to them in the film Planet of the Apes that's quite sad to witness.

There's absolutely no excuse for anyone to riot as witnessed last night over the grand jury's lack of indictment of a police officer as if it was based on racism.  The entire nation's witnessing the depravity of these godless children of wrath and it's so sad to see so called leaders stand down in serving Satan's destructive intentions for America.

What must Russia and China be thinking about the breakdown in America's culture that allows this to happen? Surely they see nothing but weakness, along with a depraved so called President in charge. Ever see videos of the Chinese marching military? It's truly frightening to behold.  Of course the Chinese or Russian military's no

How will America's depraved Godless culture address a coming invasion from China and Russia?

How will America's depraved culture deal with an invasion from the forces of China and Russia?  It's not too difficult to see the outcome when traitors are at the helm of American's government political system. God can't help America when it hasn't repented and turned back to Him.

The truth is that America could very well be nuked by Russia in the future. All those called to God need to turn to Him and let go of fascination with these ungodly people acting on the level of animals. God's been calling for America's repentance through Prophets such as Dr. David Ouwar, He always gives warnings prior to judgment of a nation.
'To the Russians, the United States is enemy number one these days and the Russians are feverishly preparing for a potential military showdown." - 10 Signs that Russia's Preparing to Fight and Win a Nuclear War with the U.S. - End of the American Dream, November 24, 2014

Christian Pastor and Prophet Henry Gruver Describes Prophetic Vision of Russian Invasion

Prophecy of Judgment on America Dr. David Owuor, a true Prophet of God

Perry Stone covers some of Pastor David Wilkerson's prophetic visions related to Russian attacks

I'm affirming that it's the right thing to do to ignore and forgive these hardened rebellious ungodly people and move on with following God.  What these people are doing has no impact on Jesus or His Kingdom whatsoever except those who might repent and turn to Him for forgiveness.  We're all under God's grace and that's what saved me was His amazing grace.  God pays attention to our actions, not lip service!  It's what we do for Him that matters and how we'll all be judged in the end. There's nothing wrong at all with scoring points with God, it's all outlined in Scripture on how to please Him very clearly.

The word Holy means "set apart".  Reject the ways of those in Ferguson that only leads souls to hell.

God's no respecter of persons but what we do in His name that aligns with His Word counts.

David Wilkerson -

The Self-Destruction of America - David Wilkerson

How To Ignore Chimps Tossing Poo At The Zoo

It's very simple, would you rather be watching monkeys at the zoo tossing poo around or would you rather read the Word of God and pray? I just don't understand why the nation is so focused on depraved ungodly people protesting as if it means something when it clearly doesn't. It's all meaningless!

Blacks kill each other with firearms far more than cops do.  There's no problem in America with cops killing black people. The percentage is below 5% of cops on black shootings. So why do people overreact and want to scapegoat a cop for the black problem of their killing each other? Likely to remain playing the role of a victim and martyr because it's profitable.

You know, I'd rather not get involved in this foolish and childish dispute of a bunch of narcissist depraved monkeys running around protesting to distract from their serious depravity being godless and pitiful. I'd rather not be involved in the bowels of hell and just open my Bible and read that the word "holy" means to be "set apart".  I want to be set apart from this INSANITY.  I just don't get why Prison Planet has a live stream feed of these disgraceful activities in Ferguson that I feel should be ignored and replaced with attention to the Lord Jesus.  Anyone in their right mind wouldn't want to report such meaningless activities that's a disgrace to the human race and Him.

Look, if you don't like our court system in the U.S., go find another country to live but you have no right to riot and destroy other people's properties! 

I'll be praying for these psychotic depraved narcissists to become Godly by accepting Jesus into their lives to repent from such abhorrent disobedience, I'm just very disappointed it's come to my acknowledging what a disgrace such people have become.  Burning the American flag will you?  People died for that flag, they didn't riot and burn buildings for no just cause like these beasts did tonight.

click to enlarge

People die every day in many ways. That young man who died wasn't any different from anyone else. Just because he was a black man gives no one a right to riot like madmen. So please get a grip on reality and open your Bibles. Set yourselves aside from the monkeys tossing poo and maybe God will take notice and set you aside for something of His greatness.

Wilson: Brown Struggle Was Like Fighting Hulk Hogan - USA Today

Friday, November 14, 2014

Is the City of San Francisco Entrapping and Profitting From Small Business Owners?

I've been very patient for the City of San Francisco's Tax Assessor's office to provide me with some explanation as to why it's refused since July, 2014 to waive a hefty $122 late fee claiming I paid my business license renewal late. This post is about my receiving a letter of denial of the fee waiver today from the city's tax attorney Stephanie Profitt without any explanation in spite of my evidence to the contrary.

When I received my business license renewal in the mail on May 15, 2014, that very day I filed a renewal application on-line and provided a credit card.  I'm very good with paying fees on time as I've done since 2009. After I filed, I received a confirmation email of the transaction having no reason to suspect the credit card wasn't charged so I didn't look at anything but the email's subject line.  I then waited to receive my license renewal in the mail.

I waited until the deadline of the renewal to call the city's 311 help line and got a reference number for my question as to where my renewal was. I was told by the help line representative that the business renewal people were two weeks backlogged and to wait another two weeks and she would also leave a message to call me.  So after this information I naively believed,  I waited another two weeks.

When I went down to the City Hall's Tax Assessor's office I was told I never paid and a $122 late fee was assessed.  I told the lady I paid and had evidence of an email so she offered me a fee waiver request form.  I then filed my first fee waiver request along with my enclosed email evidence of confirmation and a my reference number from the city phone call alleging a backlog.  I waited another 6 weeks and never heard a thing so I went ahead and filed another fee waiver request. Once again no one responded as to why I wasn't provided with a refund.

After waiting another two months for some kind of response I finally contacted the city's attorney's office that responded it would investigate.  Here's the letter I received today, I don't know why it's dated October 8 since I just received it today:

I received a short paragraph letter from a Ms. Stephanie Profitt who said the investigation was completed and the fee waiver was denied.  Ms. Profitt didn't provide any explanation.  I was asked to call with any further questions so today I left a polite voice mail that went something like this.
"Hi Ms. Profitt, my name is Cheryl Meril with Nob Hill Notary Services. Today I received your letter responding to my request for a late fee waiver.  Since you provided your contact number and asked me to call with any questions I'm calling to let you know I would like some explanation as to why my request was denied. From my point of view I provided a lot of evidence that I paid on time."
After I left the message I realized I meant to say "provided my credit card information on-line along with the application for business license renewal on time."  I technically didn't pay on time since they claim I didn't pay but I had no knowledge of it because I wasn't informed the payment didn't go through. In the email it had confirmed my application was received but added "if you did not pay. . " providing a  clever infrastructure for suggesting the payment didn't necessarily go through. In other words, they didn't write, "make sure to check your credit card statement that the payment went through" that in itself is ludicrous as a system of confirmation for payment.

I later spoke with a client native to San Francisco who had called me over to The Battery Club to notarize and wait for one of his extremely wealthy billionaire clients. He told me this kind of thing's been happening a long time in San Francisco's city government.

If my small business acted this way towards clients, my business would surely get a bad rap, so why not the wealthy city of San Francisco that thinks it can afford to pay off $3,750,000 settling with deranged Satanist musicians over their own negligence?  See blog post San Francisco Satanist Musician Gets $3.75 million Out of Court Settlement with City of San Francisco Over Pitiful Bike Accident

In my opinion, the City of San Francisco entraps small business owners with an underhanded web pay system to enable them to obtain nearly triple the original fee claiming late payment. My opinion was confirmed by a longstanding local business owner whose a native San Franciscan.  So the reason for this blog post is to alert San Francisco's small business owners to make sure their credit card gets charged in the transaction that the city will not provide a receipt on-line nor acknowledge the payment went through or not as is the standard protocol to entrap in order to triple the fee.  

At this point, I'm not going to continue to fight this $122 fee head on any longer, only through educating others of these underhand tactics the city uses to get more money.  In the meantime I forgive my apparent enemies San Francisco's City Government.

Meanwhile I read last night about how Laura Alber, whose the new CEO of Williams-Sonoma with a degree in psychology at 46 years old, is No. 20 on the list of top paid executives in Forbes, receiving $13 + Million a year. This while the City of San Francisco's charging small business owners for bogus late fees.  Ms. Alber, who began with the company two years prior to my employ being burned out there, claimed she and the CEO of the company at the time, Mr. Lester, were very close.  The way she was groomed for her new position indicated favoritism and politics involved.  People play politics, it's a game they think they can win.  See Fortune's Biz Person of the Year - November 13, 2014

Stealing money from small business owners through entrapment is a crime, not politics.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Hive Mind of Palos Verdes High School Alumni Emerging Under Sea Kings Spirit of Leviathan

A raven rests on Neptune's god's head in Malaga Cove Plaza
I just learned that, for whatever reason, Palos Verdes High School alumni of all its reunion classes are putting their heads together so-to-speak in an attempt to form one mind with the trend of the times.

From my experiences and knowledge of God's Word, Palos Verdes Estates is one spiritually dangerous cultish community in Southern California that operates under the Zionist influences of the demonic sea serpent Leviathan. Historically, the PV community's long standing idol is the mythical sea god Neptune, an inspiration of Leviathan, that has greeted visitors at Malaga Cove Plaza since 1928. Consequently, Neptune is just another form of the representation of the demonic serpent Leviathan.  (See Prayer for Deliverance of Leviathan PDF)

Although we know little about Leviathan's work, this chapter and other references definitely connect him with the sea. Undoubtedly he is the inspiration for the various mythological gods of the sea: Neptune, Poseidon, Dagon and others. Straightway Church, pg 4 

PVHS Leviathan CAPSTONE writing manual
I can't count how many times I had images of this sea god ingrained in my subconscious from my youth of Poseidon, Sea Kings, and Neptune. Many who lived or live in Palos Verdes are deeply affected by the demon Leviathan that they even put out a movie showing the curse the demon has on many in PV that drives them crazy. See The Tribes of Palos Verdes film (2017)
"Now the All Seeing Eye at the very top of the CAPSTONE represents Lucifer, the angel of light. This is Satan in his true nature. The Devil deceives mankind, as the Bible teaches in 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." See SoulWinning

The PVHS cult members being under this pagan idol before the Lord Jesus Christ also refer to themselves through the mascot of the Sea Kings under the demonic spirit of Leviathan. I'm not surprised to learn the PVHS alumni organizing body are attempting to form a new age one mind mentality for all graduating classes.  No genuine follower of Jesus is going to participate in these events or behaviors as stated below. If you are, I urge you to repent and confess to Jesus who can save your soul from eternal hell.
"hive mind or group mind may refer to: Shared intelligence. Collective consciousness or collective intelligence, concepts in sociology and philosophy Group mind (science fiction), a type of collective consciousness; Group think, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in a group results in irrational or dysfunctional decision-making" - Wikipedia

Photo c/o Facebook group posted 10/29/2019

What has made Palos Verdes a dangerous cult-like community especially is their attempt to turn it into a pseudo gated community where the gate is all in their delusional heads. Having lived there from 1971-1979 I can say that they're still under a form of hypnosis and is therefore dangerous place to visit where anything can happen to any unwanted visitors at any time. Unless you have a purpose to visit someone who will vouch for your invitation to be in that community, you may find yourself in big trouble brought to court for "evading police" or "reckless driving" in an attempt to keep you out of their imaginary gated community. Neighborhood watch groups might also summon the police to place you in jail bearing false witness.

If you travel to PV, make sure to have a camcorder on you at all times as this journalist did or you could find yourself in deep trouble in a court of law from false witness testimony of these Palos Verdes Police officers. How the accident in this video happened may even be due to PV police involvement that triggered this crazy outcome. 

When visiting Palos Verdes Estates at night especially, I highly recommend bringing a video camera because bully police will bear false witness in a court of law if they don't want you there again.  I understand the community loves their police department and depends on them to keep up the lie they're some kind of a special protected class.  Hence, the recent over the top hive mind group think venture of the PVHS alumni isn't shocking to me at all.

Spiritual Warfare From a Fallen Community Under Sin of Idolatry with a Cult Mindset
The problem is really that these people aren't operating under the Holy Spirit as reborn Christians, quite the opposite under the sea serpent Leviathan in Judaism headed for eternal hell. Naturally, this demonic spirit is going to want to destroy those of us who have formerly escaped the octopus tentacles of Palos Verdes cult members who are all riled up ready for spiritual warfare to complete the ultimate task of destroying all opposed to their cult.

1960's folk song by Peter, Paul and Mary

[Verse 7]

Lived by the sea

And frolicked in the Autumn mist

In a land called Honalee

My latest podcast discusses the next stage of demonic influences evolving out of Palos Verdes, that those who are still affiliated with it need to repent and turn to Jesus Christ for healing.  (See Prayer for Deliverance of Leviathan PDF)

In another podcast a few days ago my hippo campus began coughing up memories from the foul sea demon I encountered in Palos Verdes Estates back in 1992.

In my 20's, gang stalking experiences at my local Nautilus gym and condo complex in RPV and irrational PV cops pointing their guns at me in 1992 on my B-Day.

My hippo campus is unusually large according to my genetic profile so my long term memories are still very strong of experiences in Palos Verdes Estates.  I'm having many ocular migraines lately so my hippo keeps spitting out memories from that geographic area of my youth and young adult life.   See my post DNA Test Results Are In - Enlarged Hippocampus Result.

See Prayer for Deliverance of Leviathan PDF

Saturday, November 1, 2014

President Obama Summons At-Home Moms To Trash Removal @ Pennsylvania Avenue

The gay agenda's attack on the family, American culture and values in general continues to crescendo with the latest attacks on at-home mothers by President Obama, a former gay bathhouse pot smoking cruiser in his early adult years

President Obama interrupted his longstanding amateur golf game and was twitching at the podium of a speech he gave attacking stay at-home mothers.

In a response column published by the Christian Post, attorney Kristi Burton Brown gave voice to how many have been reacting on Facebook, YouTube and other channels. 
“I hope you misspoke, but let me tell you how this comes across to stay-at-home moms,” Brown replied to Obama. “You’re telling us that the money we earn is more important than our kids. You’re telling us that leaving the workplace to stay home isn’t a choice American moms should be making.” 
She continued, “As a stay-at-home mom myself, who is also an attorney, let me tell you that I want to choose my kids over my career. I honestly don’t care if missing two decades in the work force means that I’ll never make as much as a male attorney over the course of my lifetime. My kids – people – are much, much more important than my money – mere possessions. And my choice is just as valid and just as equal as the choices of the single mom who needs to find a quality daycare and a high performing school to put her children in.” - Video: Obama Slaps At-Home Moms - 

Meanwhile Obama's Administration allowed companies like these from Silicon Valley to bring in  workers from India to the San Francisco Bay area who were paying a whopping $1.21 an hour rather than employ U.S. citizens. See Silicon Valley Company Caught Paying Imported Workers $1.21 An Hour

President Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, changed his identity and social security number so he could rise in American politics, who once visited gay bathhouses in his early adult years.  Obama's continuing the attack on American values of family by suggesting at-home mothers should be out in the workforce. In other words, they need not address the importance of loving and caring for their families but to be outside their homes working for $12/hr paying taxes for the reckless spending of his corrupt U.S. government.

Obama's an evil President who also works on behalf of the gay establishment, (see Homosexual Manifesto from 1986), out to ruin everything America has ever stood for.  He's a lousy golfer who wastes taxpayer money on his trivial evil pursuits, a no good criminal element who needs to be removed from the White House.

Maybe a new career for stay-at-home mom's would be to remove the trash from Pennsylvania Avenue! They certainly won't be able to help in the area of propping up an erection for the President's frustrated wife. President Obama doesn't realize you can stay home and raise children in this day and age with technology and still have a part time job in your home using today's technology!  Calling all at-home mothers, will you please take out the trash first at Pennsylvania Ave for America?

From my own experience, whenever there's gay men around in the work force, I was always pushed to work much harder to the point of exhaustion while they were allowed to lounge around and have an easy well paid job with long trips to Italy. I was on a 50 cc motor scooter while they drove company BMW's. I had to fight for a one week vacation while they were granted whatever they wanted at any time. Single women don't do well when it comes to being part of the workforce wherever gay men are involved and neither do single women with children.

This is what happens when you let a homosexual in the White House, they have no regard for women at all, just putting a masquerade on for their own power plays.  They're psychopathic users and deception's their con game.

There's a huge stink of trash at Pennsylvania Ave that needs to be removed, after the duty has been completed, the at-home mothers can return to raising their families again.

See Also

Homosexual Manifesto, 1986

Asian Betrayal of Man's Best Friend Manifests Into Dogs Forewarning of Eternal Hell

A three minute video glimpse of man's best friend
forewarning fallen humanity of what eternal hell will be like.

As a saved Christian I'm given spiritual insight into things here on earth.  It's been brought to my attention through the Holy Spirit in my prayers that the dogs suffering in countries like Thailand, Vietnam and China for the cruel meat trade are introducing humanity to what it will be like of the unspeakable gruesome suffering of fallen unsaved humanity in eternal hell.

Those who live for the sake of promoting tastier dog meat derived from torture of boiling and/or skinning them alive will face eternal hell and the torment of Satan and his demons for rejecting Jesus as their only hope of eternal salvation. For those who die without Jesus in their lives, the suffering will be eternal and never ending where, on the other hand, these tortured dogs will get relief returning to God their creator after death.

Dogs don't end up in eternal hell because they're innocent creations of God Almighty! Dogs aren't fallen sinners but innocent creatures created by God Himself!. Dogs didn't fall from grace and were put here to help us grow our character to learn about loyalty and unconditional love for us out of His kindness to provide companionship to us. 

Ebola Nurse Nina Pham gets her beloved dog back, thanking God.

When people eat dogs unnecessarily and turn it into a greedy industry to profit by, it's a sin against God's creation. God didn't intend for these joyful loving creatures to become a cruel meat industry. They initially were eaten in Asia during difficult times during the war but the Asians in certain countries became addicted to the meat that's a total sin. God expects mankind to protect these vulnerable dogs from the demonic principalities ruling over Asia especially.

Those who deliberately seek to torture these dogs prior to death to make the meat tastier for the consumers are evil and will end up in eternal hell whereas these dogs will be released from the bondage of such evil fallen men. Let there be no doubt these MONSTERS are being trained by demonic forces in these countries in preparation of ushering in cannibalism because they know what's up ahead is famine.  The cages for dogs now will likely be for children and young people sometime in the future for the carnal sinners to consume. If they can do this to people's beloved pets, they can do it to anything.

Keep that in mind, that God is watching, He is real and knows what's going on. You betray these loving pets, these precious vulnerable dogs and you betray Him as well.

There are good people helping these poor dogs who need our support, The SOI Dog Foundation that created the video to spread the news. They're not looking to become wealthy or famous but just to eradicate the evil pet dog trade and torture in their country.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hell On Earth - Southeast Asia's Brutal Pet Dog Torture Mirrors Eternal Hell

If you want to get a glimpse of what eternal hell will be like for unsaved souls, the pet dog theft and brutal torture happening in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Viet Nam will give you a hint. Pet dogs are entirely dependent on humans for their survival and thus highly vulnerable. When they're taken from their human families the transformation into pet cruelty simulates eternal hell.

There are so many injustices in our world today I pray to God about.  Problems that are well publicized aren't what my blog is about, I try and boost awareness of things happening below the radar so people can take appropriate action to learn about and pray and address to solve. 

"I confronted a dog meat trader in Vietnam today over the theft and slaughter of family pets for food – then watched in horror as he had two terrified dogs butchered in front of me and thrown alive into a vat of boiling water. 
The bloody show of defiance took place beside a row of dog meat restaurants just two miles from the center of the capital Hanoi as Mail Online investigated the country's brutal and lucrative trade in dogs for food. 
More than 500,000 people have backed a campaign fronted by Ricky Gervais and Judi Dench to halt the trade in dogs in neighboring Thailand which leads to pets being snatched off the streets to be slaughtered and served up in dog meat restaurants in Vietnam." - I Watched In Horror. . .  - Daily Mail UK

In this article, I'd like to bring to the American public's attention an extremely horrifying industry that's developed of stealing family's pet dogs immediately transported and brutalized into enormous suffering that is beyond belief that not even the ancient Romans did to animals in their Coliseum.  

Please take a moment from watching your television programs to see, listen and respond by signing a petition below in protest of the horror unfolding on earth.  One can deduce from their deliberately cruel actions that these evil Southeast Asian men want to strip pet dogs them from humanity's emotions using torture and extreme deprivation reducing them to being nothing more than a piece of meat.

The trade’s terrified victims, many of them family pets, are crushed into cages and suffer horribly on the prolonged journey to slaughter. 
They are transported to primitive abattoirs that should be called torture chambers. 
There, these poor animals are not just killed. Instead, they are often systematically and brutally beaten, skinned alive or boiled alive. 
These horrors are inflicted because of the barbaric belief that when they are in pain, their bodies release adrenaline that softens their meat.
Terror, torture, then a painful death. This is quite possibly the worst form of cruelty humans could inflict on innocent animals. 
You can put a stop to this. Add your name to the petition now.

I personally believe these are demonic entities working through depraved soulless men as the first step towards the coming tribulation of mankind.  They don't want pet dogs comforting us, they want to bring humanity down into hell and are manifesting as such.  I pray in Jesus name to bind these evil principalities to protect man's best friend from such horrors that effects us all.

You see, these pet dogs aren't like the dogs bred strictly for consumption in Asian cultures, they are often loved and cared for by their families who are then immediately transported to the closest thing to a living eternal hell one can hardly imagine. These dogs do not have to be treated this way, but there's a war going on that some countries want make a statement dogs should not be pets that their purpose should be to feed their countries. 

This is not at all in sync with the modern world and is far worse then even ancient times. Dogs were never viewed as human food, this has become an industry of greed of low class men in Taiwan and Viet Nam to make a living promoting the eradication of man's best friend. These people are not in need of dog meat to survive. Dog meat was originally used to supplement their populations during times of food shortages during the world war.  They no longer need dog meat to feed their populations, let there be no doubt.

Please sign a petition and watch the video

To: General Prayuth Chan-ocha,
Prime Minister of Thailand 
I am disappointed to see that despite numerous arrests and publicity, the illegal trade in dogs for meat and skin continues, both internationally and domestically. 
Because most of these dogs are not vaccinated for rabies and can spread the disease this severely compromises Thailand's commitment as a member of ASEAN to eradicate rabies by the year 2020. 
In addition the people of Thailand should be aware of the dangers of eating dog meat which has been demonstrated in Vietnam and China to be a cause of outbreaks of diseases such as cholera and trichinellosis.  
Smugglers collect and steal dogs across the country and transport them to central holding facilities in Northern Thailand. An increasing number of the dogs are stolen pets. Transporting unvaccinated dogs across provinces within the country, as well as to other countries, is illegal.  
The people behind the trade openly boast that the industry is worth 1 billion Thai baht (30 million US dollars) per year but they pay no tax on the profits, and the industry thrives on corruption.  
As the international community becomes more aware of the trade in dogs for meat and skin, Thailand's reputation as a nation of caring people is being severely tarnished by the actions of a few greedy criminals.  
We respectfully ask that the Government of Thailand: 
  • Stop the trade and arrest those people behind it who are well known to the authorities.
  • Stop the open sale of dog meat and dog products at shops and restaurants in Thailand, none of which operate legally.
  • Provide funding to the Department of Livestock Development to care for the dogs rescued from the trade.
  • Ban the export of dog skin and the manufacture and export of dog skin products.
Please start by SIGNING THE PETITION and sending it to as many people as possible. After signing the petition please be sure to take the option to SHARE on Facebook etc.
You can also donate $25 to buy a billboard to help awareness grow they are stealing family pets and brutalizing them for their greedy industry. - SOI Dog Foundation

Monday, October 6, 2014

This Masquerade - Are Some Internet Trolls Really Cloaked Demonic Entities?

There's a certain person who seems to be inhuman in his actions and words, who doesn't think or behave like a normal human being who I'll refer to here as Mr. Woman.  Mr. Woman has a long history of being a troll on the Internet who I have come to learn through a new spiritual understanding through Jesus Christ that he's really functioning as a cloaked demonic entity.

There's a lady who killed herself yesterday after being outed as a troll.  I don't know the details of what she wrote or what the story was really about but I'd like to suggest this lady was likely under the control of demonic spirits that possessed her spirit to then self-destruct after she was unmasked.  I'm suggestion that once unmasked, trolls believe their folly's over and the host for the demon is discarded as trash for failure to conceal their identity.
"A woman found dead after being accused of trolling Madeleine McCann’s parents had sent thousands of Twitter messages about the couple, it was revealed yesterday. Brenda Leyland, 63, tweeted that she ‘hated’ Kate and Gerry McCann and launched online diatribes about their behavior in the aftermath of their daughter’s disappearance."  McCann Troll Sent Thousands of Hate Tweets  UK Daily Mail.

A certain desperation of Mr. Woman I've encountered indicates someone who believes if he doesn't successfully carry through with his scripted program to complete his mission he will face a similar fate.  I believe Mr. Woman thinks that if he doesn't outright destroy my life he will ultimately be exposed as the troll he is.  Such is why I have been letting Mr Woman know all he has to do is turn to Jesus for forgiveness and repent of his sinful activities on the Internet.  Mr. Woman needs to repent and turn to God before Satan completely destroys him as he recently did this troll woman. He is a possessed man unable to help himself without turning to God for his ultimate salvation.

I believe Mr. Woman is possessed by evil spirits who have cleverly cloaked themselves through his trolling activity under the direction of a Hollywood horror movies effects man whose a clear Satanist.  Mr. Woman has no control over his life, hence his desperation to achieve his goal to destroy a child of God's credibility and life in the process.  He cares not the fool he makes of himself to a court he's using for his vicious troll like attacks. He is not even conscious of how he appears to others in his behavior and writing.

Mr. Woman shows all the signs of demonic possession likely from his participation in the occult and rejection of God since he dropped out of  high school.

The late Pastor Derek Prince's ministry addresses how to understand how Satan's Kingdom operates. In this four part series one can learn the Biblical principles of what humanity's facing and what we need to do to put on the armor of Christ as our protection from Satan's schemes and tactics.

I'm suggesting that the demonic entities controlling these possessed Internet trolls so occupy their victims that he or she no longer can discern their true identity.  Hence the demon possessed souls fear they will self-destruct if ever exposed to the world. Brenda Leyland didn't value her life having given herself over to Satan in the process.

"The believer is helpless against the devil except when he or she is clothed in the armor of God. We cannot defend ourselves against his direct or indirect attacks in our own strength.  It is only as we are "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" -( Ephesians 6:10) that we can walk in victory God has planned for us. - David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare - Nature of Satan Chapter 

Normal people don't kill themselves over such a ridiculous thing that one can only come to the conclusion demonic spirits were involved in trashing their host.

Also see:

Unmasking the Paranormal - End of Times DVD

Satan's Deadly Trio, Jennifer LeClaire - PDF download excerpt