There's a lady who killed herself yesterday after being outed as a troll. I don't know the details of what she wrote or what the story was really about but I'd like to suggest this lady was likely under the control of demonic spirits that possessed her spirit to then self-destruct after she was unmasked. I'm suggestion that once unmasked, trolls believe their folly's over and the host for the demon is discarded as trash for failure to conceal their identity.
"A woman found dead after being accused of trolling Madeleine McCann’s parents had sent thousands of Twitter messages about the couple, it was revealed yesterday. Brenda Leyland, 63, tweeted that she ‘hated’ Kate and Gerry McCann and launched online diatribes about their behavior in the aftermath of their daughter’s disappearance." McCann Troll Sent Thousands of Hate Tweets UK Daily Mail.

I believe Mr. Woman is possessed by evil spirits who have cleverly cloaked themselves through his trolling activity under the direction of a Hollywood horror movies effects man whose a clear Satanist. Mr. Woman has no control over his life, hence his desperation to achieve his goal to destroy a child of God's credibility and life in the process. He cares not the fool he makes of himself to a court he's using for his vicious troll like attacks. He is not even conscious of how he appears to others in his behavior and writing.
Mr. Woman shows all the signs of demonic possession likely from his participation in the occult and rejection of God since he dropped out of high school.
The late Pastor Derek Prince's ministry addresses how to understand how Satan's Kingdom operates. In this four part series one can learn the Biblical principles of what humanity's facing and what we need to do to put on the armor of Christ as our protection from Satan's schemes and tactics.
I'm suggesting that the demonic entities controlling these possessed Internet trolls so occupy their victims that he or she no longer can discern their true identity. Hence the demon possessed souls fear they will self-destruct if ever exposed to the world. Brenda Leyland didn't value her life having given herself over to Satan in the process.
"The believer is helpless against the devil except when he or she is clothed in the armor of God. We cannot defend ourselves against his direct or indirect attacks in our own strength. It is only as we are "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" -( Ephesians 6:10) that we can walk in victory God has planned for us. - David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare - Nature of Satan Chapter
Normal people don't kill themselves over such a ridiculous thing that one can only come to the conclusion demonic spirits were involved in trashing their host.
Also see:
Unmasking the Paranormal - End of Times DVD
Satan's Deadly Trio, Jennifer LeClaire - PDF download excerpt