Blacks kill each other with firearms far more than cops do. There's no problem in America with cops killing black people. The percentage is below 5% of cops on black shootings. So why do people overreact and want to scapegoat a cop for the black problem of their killing each other? Likely to remain playing the role of a victim and martyr because it's profitable.

Look, if you don't like our court system in the U.S., go find another country to live but you have no right to riot and destroy other people's properties!
I'll be praying for these psychotic depraved narcissists to become Godly by accepting Jesus into their lives to repent from such abhorrent disobedience, I'm just very disappointed it's come to my acknowledging what a disgrace such people have become. Burning the American flag will you? People died for that flag, they didn't riot and burn buildings for no just cause like these beasts did tonight.
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People die every day in many ways. That young man who died wasn't any different from anyone else. Just because he was a black man gives no one a right to riot like madmen. So please get a grip on reality and open your Bibles. Set yourselves aside from the monkeys tossing poo and maybe God will take notice and set you aside for something of His greatness.
Wilson: Brown Struggle Was Like Fighting Hulk Hogan - USA Today
Wilson: Brown Struggle Was Like Fighting Hulk Hogan - USA Today