Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Ring of Fire is Coming Alive!

Those who live along the Ring of Fire should be on RED ALERT.  The past 13 months have seen three high profile seismic events and thousands of smaller quakes and volcanic eruptions over the past year.

The Ring of Fire is home to 400 active volcanoes, including more than 160 in the United States.  (See the interactive USGS map)

Being a native Californian whose been through many earthquakes and other disasters, I'm well prepared but many aren't.  I'm living in one of the five metropolitan cities predicted to have a major earthquake one day, San Francisco.  Scientists have said the city could be flattened like a pancake should the big one occur.  We haven't had a large earthquake since 1989 prior to my moving from Los Angeles in 1995. This means pressure has built up along the fault and is ready to blow at any time.

 Volcanic activity along the Ring of Fire - See interactive USGS Map

All of this increase in earthquake and volcanic activity could likely be due to solar related activity along with the moon being the closest to the earth in the past two decades since 1992.  It could also have something to do with Comet Elinen's arrival and trajectory lining up with the earth.  (See my previous post Woman Forewarns of Japan Earthquake).  What it all really means is that seismic activity along the Ring of Fire is 100% guaranteed.  In any event, people need to take heed and prepare.  No one ever knows for certain where the next major earthquake will hit, but the California faults are especially cocked and ready to fire at any time.

Here's a an interesting video of a typical day and then when an earthquake hits from "The Great Southern California ShakeOut Project".

USGS Preparedness Video - Southern California San Andreas Fault Scenario

In any event, everyone especially living along the Ring of Fire should at the very least get 72 hour supplies and also for their vehicles should they have the misfortune of being trapped in them.  A good site I've used to purchase my supplies is www.Nitro-Pak.com and I highly recommend it.  They have numerous selections for prepackaged 72 hour backpack kits with high quality items.

Monday, March 14, 2011

West Coast Citizens of U.S. Need Potassium Iodide or Kelp Iodine Tablets

Radiation fallout from Japan is said to be headed toward the West Coast of the United States and is set to arrive within the next couple of days via the Pacific jetstream. See Radiation from Fukushima Would Take 7 Days to Reach U.S.
“The wind direction for the time being seems to point the (nuclear) pollution towards the Pacific,” said Andre-Claude Lacoste of the French Nuclear Safety Authority, briefing journalists in Paris on the Japanese crisis."  U.S. West Coast in Path of Fallout - www.Prison Planet.com
I happened to revisit my supplies a few weeks ago and confirmed I have plenty of military grade  potassium iodide that doesn't expire until 2015.  I never believed I'd have to take the tablets but it seems things have changed.  The U.S. government won't tell people they need these tablets from radiation fallout because they could really care less. I won't be taking this grade of potassium iodide unless I have heavy exposure to radiation because that's it's purpose.  See Don't Take Potassium Iodide Unless You're Exposed to Radiation 

Washington's Blog recommends:
"Ideally, buy potassium iodide now and monitor radiation levels by looking at real-time monitoring networks such as this and this. Don’t take iodide unless and until elevated radiation levels hit your area."
Whatever you do, don’t take more than the recommended dosage. The Centers for Disease Control and the FDA recommend:
  • 130 milligrams for adults
  • 65 milligrams for children
Each 24 hours that one is exposed to radiation.

Since the government won't tell us what's up with the radiation, there are ways we can obtain the information ourselves through geiger counters.  There's also radiation software you can purchase to detect radiation in your area you can order from the Radiation Network.

This $79 software from Radiation Network hooks up to a nationwide network of radiation detection devices to alert you of high radiation levels.

There are alternatives to military grade tablets such as consuming raw kelp  or buying it in tablet form at Whole Foods Market.  On Sunday afternoon a Whole Foods store person told me they were nearly sold out on their kelp tablets and Sea Tangle Noodles, "the tablets will be gone in about a half hour", he said. I then observed someone in the store aisle looking for something and offered help with "are you looking for kelp?".  The shopper responded "yes". I responded, the kelp's right over here.  The shopper smiled and responded "not kelp, help."   Oops.

In the meantime, people shouldn't panic, many sources say it's not high enough a dose of radiation that will cause people to immediately die in the U.S., it will be more along the lines of birth defects and a rise in cancer. 
For U.S. populations, we can hope that most of the radiation will disperse into the ocean and never reach us, however, with the U.S. West Coast in the direct path of the jet stream from Japan, it is a good precaution to stock up on potassium iodide or natural iodine from kelp, which can prevent the absorption of radioactive iodine, the most common complication from radiation poisoning. Consult with your doctor or medical professional before taking these or any supplement (we are NOT giving medical advice). However, unfortunately, we cannot count on the government to be honest and upfront with us about the dangers of fallout, so you should consider your own potential risks and don’t wait until things are already underway. - U.S. West Coast in Path of Fallout - PrisonPlanet.com

On his Sunday radio program, Alex Jones talks among other things about the importance of preparing for Japan's radiation fallout because the government won't be honest.

Nuclear Expert: Radiation Could Spread to US West Coast

Nuclear expert interviewed over exposure of nuclear rods.

You can order kelp online here.


Japan's nightmare gets even WORSE: All THREE damaged nuclear reactors now in 'meltdown' at tsunami-hit power station - MailOnline - UK

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Woman Forewarns of Japan Quake - Video Evidence

***UPDATE** The people on the west coast of the U.S. need to obtain Potassium Iodide or take raw kelp for the radiation fallout headed from Japan. It is set to arrive in one day from Sunday.  Please see my photo at the end of the article. The government won't tell anyone to get the stuff.

Sorry I'm late posting this morning, lost an hour with the time change and I slept in.  Today I'm posting an interesting video of a lady forewarning on March 8th of the Japan quake she predicted between March 11 - 15th.  The video goes on with all kinds of interesting information.

March 9th - the woman's follow-up warning video

A video about the Japan earthquake explains it caused the earth's axis to shift.

On February 19th, the woman begins to share what an angel was showing her.   Interesting video.

A few weeks ago I made sure I hand plenty of Potassium Iodide.  I bought this from www.Nitro-Pak.com two years ago.  If you don't have the pills, you can also consume raw kelp that will last a good week for low levels of exposure to radiation.  the Potassium is for high exposure scenarios.

I guess this is where all that "California falling into the sea" came from, I've never heard of this vision before:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just How Intelligent Is Our Sun?

Scientists say there's some correlation with large earthquakes and activities between the sun and moon in relation to our planet earth. (See Did Supermooon Spark Quake? - The Sun)  I knew intuitively something big was coming because my sixth sense told me so.  Our world is so interconnected that we're all affected one way or another by an earthquake of this magnitude.

For instance, my brain shut down the night before the big quake that I couldn't find anything I wanted to blog about.  I had the time to write and actually sat down to blog Thursday night but just couldn't. Something told me I'd be writing in real time the next day and to just get a good night's sleep.  I woke up to the horrific news and ended up covering information on the tsunami warning for San Francisco.

As it seems I'm moving into real time events on this blog my attention's now being drawn to the sun.  The growing sun flare activity has made the sun a celebrity of sorts I find far more interesting then that idiot Charlie Sheen.  An amazing NASA site allows anyone to record the sun's outer shell activities and upload the data to YouTube.  How many people could do this in all human history?

Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn Discusses Sun and Moon Influences on Major Earthquakes

A singer in Australia who calls himself Yahdoh has been using www.HelioViewer.org to record videos of sun flare activity. This particular one below he recorded he calls "The Flaming Horse" that's quite interesting.  All of the sudden an apparent horse leaves the sun, it's amazing to watch.  There's nothing quite so breathtaking as the creative life force of the sun and human imagination as Yahdoh demonstrates.

The Flaming Horse Solar Flare - March 8, 2011

This sun video was uploaded March 10, 2011 a day before the earthquake.

Here's another sun video in which the Australian asks if UFO's observed in the footage are causing the solar flare activity.

In this video on March 4, 2011 the Australian predicts a large earthquake will hit within the next few days.

I remember the rare experience I had with hallucinogens really put me in touch with the sun for some reason.  The sun came through loud and clear as an eternal life force when I took the mushrooms in the early 1980's (note, statute of limitations for this offense has expired!).  There's something about our sun, it's alive and conscious in some form.  At least that's what I remember from my mushroom experience that was far different then feeling the sun's warmth on my face.  I don't really regret my mushroom experiences, I regret not having more of them.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Expected to Hit San Francisco Coast in AM

This is a first for me as a native Californian of 51 years, a tsunami from a one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history is expected to hit the beaches in San Francisco today.

Last night I heard about Japan's 8.9 earthquake and scanned the Internet to find it didn't seem that serious.  The media reported that buildings had been shaking and it seemed the quake was too deep within the earth to have much of an impact.  I always read about large earthquakes happening in Indonesia that have little to no impact because they're so far below the surface of the earth.  So when I woke-up to hear of all the catastrophe I was a bit shocked to learn they're expecting a tsunami to hit San Francisco's beaches this morning. 

A tsunami arrived in San Francisco bay at 9:38 a.m. this photograph was taken.
A  BART transportation person said, "We've never had a tsunami warning this big. We are being overly cautious." -SFGate.com
Back when I was living in the Ocean Beach area of San Francisco in 1999, I once had a  lucid dream of a huge wall of water coming toward me from miles away and being inundated by it.  According to Lori Dengler, professor of geology at Humboldt State University this is how it will unfold:
Asked what the tsunami could look like on the West Coast, given the horrific images from Japan, where the 8.9 earthquake late yesterday launched destructive waves, Dengler said, "It will look different in different places: In some places it looks like a wall, in some places it looks like a sloping mountain of water, or a rapidly rising flood or a tide. The native people in our area, the Yurok people, described the earth tilting and the water flowing in. - SFGate. 
Here's the latest info on San Francisco Bay area and Northern California tsunami news:

I follow earthquake reports from this Australian YouTuber who believes solar activity has something to do with triggering earthquakes. We had an enormous solar flare yesterday, March 10th.  In these two videos below, he's letting people know of another earthquake that just happened prior to Japan's last night in Bali Indonesia and of a solar flare.  He's now apparently asleep on the other side of the world unaware of what unfolded shortly after he uploaded this vid.   

Yesterday's solar flare release was recorded and uploaded by a YouTuber in Australia

Later that day, the Australian YouTuber uploaded his assessment of a large 6.5 earthquake in Bali Indonesia

I'm going to head out with my video camera to any allowed areas overlooking the tsunami area if I can. I'd love to get footage of the waves.  I'll post them here later today if I manage to get any footage. It's just not every day the largest earthquake in recent history causes a tsunami to come to San Francisco so I'm taking the day off.  It's times like these I just love having no boss.  

For live updates on the tsunami visit here.

Tsunami Closes Local Beaches, Great Highway - SFGate.com

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time to Get Smart Out Of Gas Guzzling Vehicles

Oil prices are on the rise due to Middle East unrest and gas prices are going up up and up!  While many such as myself took action long ago to get out of the kind of geographic areas that demand long distance driving such as Los Angeles, many still haven't even begun to address the issue.

Yesterday I had a loan signing requiring I drive a Zip Car hourly rental a few miles across the city that seemed like an eternity.  Zip Car prices are very affordable for errands and hourly use trips.  The advantages of using a Zip Car is you don't pay for gas or insurance.  The average hourly rental is only $10.75.

If I owned a gas vehicle the growing signs of unstable oil prices would cause me to obtain an electric car or at least a hybrid if I could afford it.  I would also consider moving to a walk and bike friendly city.  A good site to check out is www.WalkScore.com for information on city walk ability, especially the Living in a Walker's Paradise Top 138 Cities list.  I can't imagine how people could afford these $4-5.00/gallon gas prices these days, it's just throwing money away.  Here's some stats on the effects of city walk ability from www.WalkScore.com:
Walkable neighborhoods offer surprising benefits to the environment, our health, our finances, and our communities.

Environment: Cars are a leading cause of climate change. Your feet are zero-pollution transportation machines.

Health: The average resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs 7 pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood.

Finances: One point of Walk Score is worth up to $3,000 of value for your property. Read the research report.

Communities: Studies show that for every 10 minutes a person spends in a daily car commute, time spent in community activities falls by 10%. - Walkable Neighborhoods - www.WalkScore.com
If I had a real need for a car, I would get a Smart Car by BMW.  They're cute little well made electric cars.  At this point it makes no sense for me to own an electric car.  In the interim, I'm hoping Zip Cars will get hip and start purchasing Smart Cars to keep their hourly rates down. The problem of course is where to charge up the cars.  For now, whenever I need a car I can book a Zipper within one hour and there are always cars available nearby.  I pay a $50 yearly fee, it's as simple as that.

For the more daring, they could try the new technology offered with the jet pack and simply fly to work that may save a few gallons of gas:

Demo of a Jetpack Flying Machine by Martin

I hope people can find solutions to this growing gas price crisis to get out of their gas guzzling vehicles.  I got out of my RX-7 Mazda  way back in 1986 having transitioned over to fun motor scooters and  then moved to San Francisco where everything I need is nearby. 

Smart Car
Zip Car

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Millionaire Dentist Dines on Student's Lost Credit Card & Other Crazy Men Stories

This is a good example of how a few men think nothing of hoarding all the wealth while stealing from the less fortunate. Michigan Dentist Richard Ludwig, 54 hadn't a care in the world for the individual who lost their credit card he used to buy $40.64 worth of pizza with. The lost card happened to belong to a community college student who dropped it at a shopping center where the dentist was visiting Florida for his son's baseball game.

After the college student learned someone had used his credit card to make a purchase at a restaurant, he called the police who then confronted Ludwig as he waited for two large pizzas with extra olives.  One would think someone who fell on hard times might be tempted to do such a thing, but that wasn't the case with Ludwig.  According to police, Ludwig told deputies that he is "absolutely not" having financial difficulties while bragging of his net worth being $3 to 4 million dollars.

Richard Ludwig has since been charged with credit-card theft and forgery charges, let's see his attorney get him out of this one.   Like I posted earlier in Tripping Up the Guilt Trippers,  it's always the real criminals who have no feelings of guilt over their acts or attitudes while it's primarily the good people who always feel guilt over much to do about nothing.  Imagine the guilt trip Mr. Ludwig could possibly lay on the poor student, something along the lines of "you owe me this free pizza because my taxes pay for your  low cost community college education."  For more info see Millionaire Dentist Richard Ludwig Buys $40 in Pizza on Student's Lost Credit Card - AOL News.

Real News is Beginning to Sound Like The Onion With Yet Another Crazy Man Story

In my blogging I try to avoid high profile news featured on CNN or MSNBC as much as possible but couldn't resist yet another crazy man story on CNN's home page yesterday. The video's hilarious so I'll briefly summarize and leave the rest to the clip.  A young man named Timothy James Chape broke into a house in Portland, Oregon then called the police afraid the homeowner had a gun who had discovered him in her house.

Hilarious video about a young man who called the police when the home owner arrived, fearing she had a gun.

Intruder calls 911, Afraid Homeowner May Have Gun - CNN.com

The Onion's Latest Hilarious Video

To rap things up for today's post, I thought I'd post a The Onion video since the previous "real news" stories all kind of sound like what The Onion would cover anyway.  Once in a great while The Onion puts out a hit video and this is one of them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Alex Jones Screws Himself With Charlie Sheen

I always take a hard look at men who use all kinds of homophobic rhetoric with the public because they're likely having man love issues.  For those who don't know who Alex Jones is, he's the biggest alternative media radio broadcaster ever, a documentary film maker of the conspiracy theorist genre, who also has several high traffic web sites such as www.InfoWars.com.

Lately Alex Jones has me wondering about if he has a secret thing for men with his latest support of Charlie Sheen. See Charlie Sheen's Bizarre Rooftop Antics After Axe - The Sun.  I won't go into detail, but I've been listening to Jones since 2008 trying to figure out this complex fellow.  At first I thought Alex Jones was 100% for real but lately I've come to understand there's some kind of split personality going on that he's probably unaware of.  In other words, I suspect Jones has man love issues and that he's in love with Charlie Sheen.

When he should have been distancing himself, Jones chose to ignore Sheen's obvious drug addiction, agreeing with his delusional thinking that he was clean.  Yet it is as clear as day to anyone that Charlie Sheen is a drug addict going crazy.  It's one thing to support a friend during hard times, but it's quite another to misrepresent to millions of people about another's true state of being such as Jones recently did on The View. 

Charlie Sheen's latest Sheen's Corner's "Violent Torpedo's of Truth" Uploads - The man is clearly a drug addict going through serious withdrawal symptoms that's making him behave insanely.

Alex Jones on The View Defends Charlie Sheen - Men overlook one another's problems and behaviors while women tend to punish and abandon one another severely over the slightest things.

My theory that Alex Jones is a closet bisexual explains the endless paranoia and uncontrollable rage issues he has as well as his insecurity with authority figures.  It's easy to determine Jones enjoys the company of men more than women from the way he conducts his program that's nearly entirely male based. Very few female callers ever call in as well.  Many of Jones' fans made misogynist comments on his site against the women on The View that were revolting and hateful.

On the one hand Jones attacks men on his program for being effeminate, while on the other he plays David Bowie songs.  Many other contradictions lead me to believe Jones isn't being honest with himself over his man love issues. For instance, on his radio program the other day he told his new love, former fallen baseball star Lenny Dykstra, "Where have you been all of my life?"  Another one of Jones man love interests appears to be Mark Dice (right) of whom he's about to be the sole distributor for his new book Big Brother The Orwellian Nightmare Come True.  All of these aforementioned men Jones strongly supports are either wife rejects in divorces who had domestic disputes whose lives completely fell apart, or those like Mark Dice who don't appear to have interest in women. 

Former fallen baseball star Lenny Dykstra talks about his delusional beliefs over Charlie Sheen on the Alex Jones Show. 

This example of Alex Jones having an apparent blind love for Charlie Sheen is what happens when people aren't being honest with themselves that they end up screwing themselves one way or another.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ice Musician Tunes Into Earth's Coolest Vibes

Contrary to what a few like global warmest Al Gore would have us believe, many credible scientists are saying the planet's headed for an ice age set to peak in 2030.  From the inevitable growing chill comes the world's first ice age musician, Terje Isungest, whose tuned into the coolest vibes of the planet like no other.  Terje plays drums, chimes, horns, harps and trumpets, all carved from ice obtained from nature.  CNN reports:
The Norwegian-born musician has been playing ice instruments for over 10 years and is the founder of Norway's annual Ice Music Festival in Geilo. His love of ice music began in his 20s when he was invited to play at a concert inside a frozen waterfall.

"As a composer I decided to work with the nature surrounding me and I tried out ice instruments for the first time," said Isungset. - Chilling Out With the World's Only Ice Musician - CNN.com

What's amazing is how the instruments are carved out from ice only to melt.  According to Terje, the most extraordinary of instruments was his 2,500 year old ice horn carved from a glacier in Norway. The instrument lasted 50 performances, pretty good for a typical ice instrument.
"We normally make an ice horn out of a large cube. We cut it with a saw and then with a knife," Isungset told CNN. "The shape of (the horn) is not so important, except for the mouth piece because the mouth piece creates a specific sound. But, as you can imagine, when you play an ice horn it melts. So the tuning and the mouth piece will change all the time. This makes it even harder to perform." - Chilling Out . . .CNN

This January 14, 2009 CNN clip warns of the Coming Ice Age and speaks of the absence of sunspot activity as just another example.

So in essence what this all means is that man made global warming is a fraud perpetrated by greedy businessmen such as Al Gore who want to profit from their money making schemes to tax the world population over carbon dioxide emissions. The sun did cause the earth to warm back in the 1990's along with other planets in the solar system but that cycle ended.  Gore's data was clearly skewed and exposed as such by Russian hackers last year. See Hacker Scandal Sends Ripples Through Climate-Science Community - Deutsche Welle - 2009

According to many scientists, man made global warming is a complete fraud, just ask ice musician Terje whose in tune with the coolest vibes of the earth. 

CNN Segment Warns of the Coming Ice Age - CNN

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dog Rises From Dead to Thousands of Adoption Offers

In a tear jerker story for dog lovers everywhere, a former doomed little 3 month puppy has come back from the dead after having survived two euthanasia attempts.  Wall-e, a cute little black and white pooch, was found sitting on top a pile of dog carcasses having even survived a 30 degree night and a missed dumpster pick-up after a vet had declared him dead.

Here's Wall-e's profile on Petfinder.com:

Where to begin with this miracle - pup. .... On Friday 2/18 him and about 5 of his siblings where left in front of Animal Control- due to over crowding and their scrawny appearance they were euthanized that night. ... Wall-e was euthanized twice- once in the arm and then in the heart.... he was believed dead and disposed of in the dumpster "with the rest"..... On Saturday morning (2/19) the animal control officer found him very much alive and hungry...... a young girl gave him the name of Wall-e based on the animated movie since Wall-e was also a survivor/ last of his kind and then came back :) Wall-e has been checked over by a vet, he has alot of hookworms and is being treated for that. He has had his first puppy dhpp and bordetella vaccines and a dose of sentinel for fleas and parasites. If you are interested in fostering or adopting Wall-e please call Amanda at 817-266-1901.

Thousands of people as far as Canada are now trying to adopt the pup. 

Puppy Survives Being Put Down, Declared Dead and Thrown in Dumpster - MailOnline.com