Sunday, October 17, 2010

My New Blog Talk Radio Broadcast Debut About Rap Music & Eminem

I thought I'd add another element to this blog with an accompanying radio broadcast from a great new site  My first broadcast I Just Had To Go Open My Big Mouth (the widget at right in the menu blog) addresses a recent personal experience with a rap fan on the streets of San Francisco.  The broadcast begins and ends with some of my singing background vocals with 5th Dimension (Marilyn McCoo) and  Dionne Warwick tunes and then goes into the horrors of my experiences with rap music and of my early exposure to pop music.

I hope to evolve into having interviews with people over various topics of interest.  There's plenty to explore going on here in San Francisco to talk about.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ancient Evidence of UFO's & Aliens Is Plentiful

I wanted to provide some of the historic evidence of UFO's and aliens on record.  I'll start off with some of the latest to the oldest.

UFO Coin, 1680
French Medal
commemorating a
wheel like object
UFO sighting  

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino - above Mary's left shoulder is a shining, or glowing, disk shaped object. A man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up, perhaps in wonder, at the floating object in the composite below. Painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown; although it is attributed to the Lippi school. 

Upon closer inspection, the man seems to be looking away from the UFO, behind him and over his shoulder. Or, more likely, the notably out of place object may be imagined floating above the ground between them. From either perspective, could Mary be seen as blocking the two babies from the flying saucer or man's view? The dog certainly glimpses the hovering object - with it's mouth open, could even be said to be barking at it. But what is that dark, sparkling, disassembled figure beside them - a demon, a dwarf, or an ethereal being? 
A clear body, legs, head and tail can be made out. Could this represent a type of alien, known to the artist? Also, Mary's halo seems a bit shadowy: more like a vaporous disc than a ring of light - darker inside, smoky.

The Baptism of Christ
Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England
Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder
depicts a classic, hovering, silvery, saucer shaped UFO
shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.
What could have inspired the artist
to combine these two subjects? 

15th Century Tapestries - French Basillica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgandy.
Both depicting the life of Mary, hat shaped objects can clearly be seen in the sky.
The above is entitled "The Magnificat" - the below tapestry's title is unknown. 

These images from the 12th century manuscript "Annales Laurissenses" 
(Latin for "volumes" or "books" about "historical and religious" events) 
depicts the Saxon siege of Sigiburg Castle, France, in the year 776. 
The Crusaders had the medieval French completely surrounded 
when the "flaming shields" suddenly appeared in the sky; 
(the manuscript reports this as being over a church). 
Assuming the French were being protected, 
the Saxons fled in fear from the UFOs.


Ancient Evidence

This highly odd figure which seems to be wearing a suit was found in Kiev and is apparently dated at around 4,000 BC. source

A drawing found in Temple of Abydos, it seems to depict a helicopter and submarine and other air craft. Dated at 3000 years old. source

Located in Iraq, these sculptures seem to have reptilian type heads. Dated from around 5ooo-4000 B.C. source

The "lizard man" engravings. source

The Lolladoff plate, discovered in Nepal, appears to depict a humanoid being resembling a "grey", and a UFO type object at the center. Dated 7,000 BC. source

[note:  LOL, look at that little alien there on the disk!  Hilarious]

Because these figures are made of gold, they are hard to date, but it's certain that they are least 1000 years. Estimations place them between 500 and 800 CE. They were found around Central America and coastal areas of South America. For anyone who knows anything about aeronautics these items are simply mind blowing. They depict undoubtable knowledge of aeronautics. In the last picture you see scaled up models of these figures, three German model enthusiasts, Eenboom, Belting and Lübbers, have constructed a propeller-driven and jet-engine driven scale models of these figures, and they flew beautifully, compare them with these model RC jets. The source for these pics is the Ancient Aliens series 2010.

This drawing depicts a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany on the 4th November 1697. These mysterious objects were described as "two glowing wheels". source

This is an illustration from a book entitled "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Admiral Blaeu. It depicts a UFO sighting made by two Dutch ships in the North Sea in 1660. source

This picture by Samuel Cocciu depicts large black and white spherical UFO's over Basel, Switzerland in 1566. Notice the reaction of the people. source

An illustration from a book titled "Ume No Chiri (Dust of Apricot)" published in 1803. A "foreign ship and crew" witnessed at Haratonohama, Japan this strange object, said to be made of iron with weird letters inside the ship - shown in the drawing. source

This peculiar illustration showing a spherical type UFO in the sky, comes from the french book "Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs" by Jacques Legrand, dated 1338. source

This tapestry is titled "Summer's Triumph", created in Bruges, 1538, located at the Bayerisches National Museum. Here we see odd saucer/disk type UFO's in the sky above the horizon. source

This Crucifixion piece is located in the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral of Mtskheta, Georgia, on one side of the grave of Sidonia. Other variations of the crucifixion done in byzantine style show these objects as the Sun and the Moon. source

This 14th century painting is located in the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo. The two objects on either side seem to depict flying crafts of some description, with people inside them. source More anomalous crucifixion art

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Judge Richard Ulmer's Campaign Flyer's in the Trash

A republican and former 30 year partner attorney with Latham & Watkins LLP, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Ulmer who I posted about a few weeks ago, is now in the trash can. I tossed Judge Ulmer's lying campaign garbage about himself being "fair" in with the spent coffee grounds yesterday.  I encourage anyone in San Francisco who cares about the health of our court system to do the same.

Judge Ulmer (herein nicknamed "Judge Ulcer") was nominated to the bench by Governor Schwarzenegger last year.  From my experience Judge Ulcer played politics with a lawyer in my pro se case favoring him while lying on the bench overlooking my evidence claiming "any among millions of people could have visited my blog" to read and send an email about one of my articles. The evidence showed that clearly wasn't true, that only 1 in 5 who visited one morning could have sent the email and the only pattern of visitors was from San Diego where the cyberstalker lived. This harassment had been going on since 2007. 

Judge Ulcer ignored court transcripts, subpoenaed evidence, deposition testimony and did not allow me to even testify at the hearing.  Most disturbingly, he didn't even require the defendant to appear.  Instead, Judge Ulmer immediately complimented the opposing attorney while allowing him a long winded testimony full of misrepresentations.  The purpose of the hearing was to humiliate me in front of a large group of people and nothing more.   This demonstrated to me Judge Ulmer plays politics as a former 30 year partner attorney.   When judges do this kind of thing, they disregard your evidence in preference for attorneys' games. 

I endorse Michael Nava being the people's court judge.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Michael Douglas is a Treasured Actor

My favorite actor of all time, Michael Douglas, is dying of throat cancer and many of his fans such as myself are very distraught over it.  Life can be so unfair, God so cruel sometimes. This shouldn't be happening! Michael Douglas is far too young to die at 66.  I really liked this actor in so many films.  He's a naturally gifted actor because he always seemed so true to life.  Some of the movies I enjoyed Douglas acting in were War of the Roses, Fatal Attraction, Romancing the Stone, Disclosure and Wall Street.

I know this may sound strange to many, but I especially enjoyed Douglas vocal qualities and how he communicated in film. Michael Douglas was one of the biggest actors of my generation who had even appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine in the 80's.  I thought Douglas' teaming up with director Danny DeVito was a match made in heaven and very special.  

In this Michael Douglas tribute video, actress Kathleen Turner's appearance is a little shocking.  As I said in a previous post, no one escapes the dredge of middle age, not even the former gorgeous Kathleen Turner!

This time of life for many is when people who worked so hard for many years begin to really enjoy their lives.  It's so wrong the way this is all ending, that Michael Douglas had to endure his son recently going to prison and now this!  He deserved better. I'm so sorry this all had to happen. Douglas is valiantly fighting for his life, but many project the chances of survival of stage IV throat cancer are very slim.  Regardless, Douglas continues to bravely fight for his life.  Many of Douglas' fans know what he must be going through; the pain, the suffering and agony. Many pray the pain will soon end that Michael Douglas will find eternal peace.

The Douglas family actor dynasty has had an impact on the movie industry like few others.  Kirk Douglas, who is perhaps best remembered for his role in the Stanley Kubrick film Spartacus (1960) is still living today in his 90's. Kirk is listed as #17 on the American Film Institutes's list of the greatest male American screen legends of all time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Awe, Beekind Honey!

Imagine what a wonderful job it would be to hand out free samples of honey all day.  That's what the gals do at the San Francisco Ferry Building's Beekind Honey stand. I tried a a few samples and was thoroughly impressed with the quality of the honeys.  I learned something new too, that honey bees can change the flavor of their honey based on which flowers they pollinate.  I didn't know that! 

I've been looking for a better energy source and am hoping honey will help.  I started using honey to replace sugar in my baked goods a while back.  I was a little hesitant because of the caloric content, but according to Beekind, it is all healthy calories! 

Most of the honey Beekind offers are natural flavors but there are a couple infused honey flavors like Lavender honey as well.  Though they do tend to be on the expensive side they have small sampler jars for $3.50 on their site.  I ended up getting four honey sticks for $1.00 just to try out new flavors.

They also have a section on the Beekind website on how to raise bees.  Bees are amazing insects and there's a fascinating story about how the worker bees care for their queen bees as well as how she slaughters her mate. 

Today there still are couples who refer to one another as "honey" which was largely a term from the 1950's generation.  I don't really hear that anymore.  I think people eventually realized it was overused and cliche. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Checked Out Serpentine Rock on Angel Island 10-10-10

Yesterday was a gorgeous day so I went on a hike at Angel Island in San Francisco with a geology group and shot some video along with a few photos. At left I accidentally caught a Blue Angel jet  when I was taking a shot of the Golden Gate Bridge (click to enlarge).  I didn't see the jet in the viewfinder so I was shocked when I saw it in the photo.

I've never been to Angel Island before, a California State Park.  I went with a geology hike group and learned a lot about the state's official state rock Serpentine.  Apparently the Serpentine rock has asbestos in it so some congress woman was trying to get it removed from the state's official status.  According to the geology teaching guide, this was preposterous.  The Serpentine rock is green and very rare.  Asbestos in this rock doesn't cause cancer in humans.
California has a greater number of minerals and a wider variety of rock types than does any other state. Serpentine, a shiny, green and blue rock found throughout California, was named the official State Rock in 1965. It contains the state's principal deposits of chromite, magnesite, and cinnabar. California was the first state to designate a State Rock. -Source
I shot some video too.  I usually upload the videos in HD but this time I accidentally imported it in the wrong video program so I don't know how it will turn out.

All I know is I've already edited the video and can't take the time to do it all over again for HD.

We hiked around the entire island and came across some interesting abandoned buildings.  Some were from way back during the civil war that were all boarded up in great condition.  Another was a hospital building you could just walk into that had no windows.   The entire island was once dedicated to WWII activities and military officers stayed on the island.

Here's a blurb of the island's geological history and evolution:

Until about ten thousand years ago, Angel Island was connected to the mainland; it was cut off by the rise in sea levels due to the end of the last ice age. From about two thousand years ago the island was a fishing and hunting site for Coast Miwok Native Americans. Similar evidence of Native American settlement is found on the nearby mainland of the Tiburon Peninsula upon Ring Mountain.[3] In 1775, the Spanish naval vessel San Carlos made the first European entry to the San Francisco Bay under the command of Juan de Ayala. Ayala anchored off Angel Island, and gave it its modern name (Isla de los Angeles); the bay where he anchored is now known as Ayala Cove. - wikipedia
My shot of the Coit Tower from the Ferry on the Way to Angel Island
In San Francisco you pay a ferry $16 round trip to go to Angel Island where you can ride a bike and kayak. I was considering going back for an electric bike excursion, only to learn electric bikes aren't allowed on the island.  At the end of the hike I was exhausted and wasn't sure I could make it.  I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

U.S. Government Steals Baby Over Father's Political Affiliations

I don't have much time today, but wanted to repost an urgent story about the United States government's Family Child Services beasts who are beginning to target and steal newborn babies over their parents' alleged political affiliations. In this case, the government targeted a guy named John Irish for alleged posts regarding the "Oath Keepers" an organization that supports the Bill of Rights.  The Alex Jones Show covered this tragic story in length yesterday. 

UPDATE: We have now obtained a copy of the affidavit which can be viewed below. This confirms that Irish was targeted partly because of his association with Oath Keepers, in addition to the fact that he bought guns. Apparently, exercising the second amendment is now reasonable justification for the state to steal your child in America.

By Paul Watson, Prison
October 8, 2010
Article Link

A newborn baby was ripped from its mother’s arms by officials from the New Hampshire Division of Family Child Services accompanied by police last night after authorities cited the parents’ association with the Oath Keepers organization as one of the primary reasons for the snatch, heralding a shocking new level of persecution where Americans’ political beliefs are now being used by the state to kidnap children.

What was supposed to be one of the most joyous occasions of their lives turned into a nightmare for John Irish and Stephanie Janvrin, after they were told by The Director of Security and the Head Nurse at Concord Hospital that their baby would be taken to be checked by the hospital pediatrician.

“They lied to us – they got us to allow them to take our daughter under false pretenses, we didn’t even have a choice,” said Irish. When Irish tried to stop his daughter being taken, the baby was immediately wheeled out in a bassinet, after which Irish saw three men in suits accompanied by uniformed police officers as well as detectives and social workers. who proceeded to try to search Irish. “They forced me to stand up, held my hands behind my back and patted me down,” said Irish, before police told him they were taking the baby.

“My fiancé didn’t even get any time to bond with the baby – they came in and stole our child,” said Irish. The parents were given a couple of minutes with their daughter before being forced by police to leave the hospital. Irish was subsequently told that a “security officer” would follow his every move.

The affidavit in support of the decision to take the child, which has been verified by Oath Keepers, states, “The Division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Irish associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers,” confirming that political beliefs were, amongst other reasons, one of the primary factors behind the snatching of the baby.

Even if the additional reasons cited in the affidavit, which are unproven at this time, could be considered sufficient reason for the state to take the baby, the fact that political affiliations were even mentioned is a frightening indictment of how far the government’s war on Americans who dissent against authority has advanced.

“Regardless of the other allegations, it is utterly unconstitutional for government agencies to list Mr. Irish’s association with Oath Keepers in an affidavit in support of a child abuse order to remove his daughter from his custody.” writes Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes. “Talk about chilling speech! If this is allowed to continue, it will chill the speech of not just Mr. Irish, but all Oath Keepers and it will serve as the camel under the tent for other associations being considered too risky for parents to dare. Thus, it serves to chill the speech of all of us, in any group we belong to that “officials” may not approve of. Don’t you dare associate with such and such group, or you could be on “the list” and then child protective services might come take your kids.”

The parents were not even full members of the Oath Keepers organization, they were merely on a discussion list related to the group. This makes the case even more shocking – you don’t even have to be directly associated with a group that the government deems to be a “militia” to have your baby stolen – you merely have to be involved in online discussions of issues relating to the constitution and freedom in America.

Irish’s own web page clearly states that he supports a “NON-violent, law abiding gathering of like minded Patriots,” and that he is “AGAINST ANY acts of violence or illegal activity.”“The Sons of Liberty Riders does not endorse or tolerate radical, extreme, violent or racial postings,” states the website.

The Oath Keepers organization is not a “militia,” as the affidavit claims, it is merely a loose network of current and former military and law enforcement professionals who have sworn not to obey unconstitutional orders such as gun confiscation, warrantless searches and mass internment of Americans. The group is committed to non-violence.

If this case is allowed to stand it opens up a hellish future for free speech and political discourse in America. If parents live in fear of having their children stolen by the state because they criticize the government, the United States can rank itself amongst the worst dictatorships in history who invoked the threat of taking people’s children if they spoke out against tyranny.

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes has announced that a legal defense fund will be created to help Irish, and that the organization, “will actively pursue aggressive legal remedy and redress.”“We will assist in locating competent local legal counsel in New Hampshire and additional expert legal counsel from around the country in First Amendment and child custody law,” wrote Stewart on the Oath Keepers website.

“There can be no freedom of speech, no freedom of association, no freedom to even open your mouth and “speak truth to power,” no freedom AT ALL, if your children can be black bagged and stolen from you because of your political speech and associations — because you simply dare to express your love of country, and dare to express your solidarity and fellowship with other citizens and with active duty and retired military and police who simply pledge to honor their oath and obey the Constitution. It was to prevent just such outrageous content based persecution of political dissidents that our First Amendment was written.”

Statement by Jonathon Irish
My name is Johnathon Irish and my fiance’s name is Stephanie Taylor, she uses my grandfathers last name Janvrin on the internet. Our daughter Cheyenne was born at 11:37 on 6 October.  She wasn’t even 16 hours old when they came in and stole her from us,  the head of security had come in a nurse while Cheyenne was sleeping lied to us telling us that they just wanted to take her to the nursery to see the doctor to be discharged.  Even though I said NO to have the doctor come in the room they took her anyway,  I followed then out to the nursery because I didn’t want my daughter out of my sight, as we were walking out I saw several gentlemen wearing suits with detective badges and my gut just started wrenching. 

They rushed her into the nursery and locked her in, while I was talking to one of the other nurses the head of security comes up behind me, grabs my arm and starts walking me down the hall saying “you need to keep an open mind, you need to just hear them out” and he just kept repeating himself ignoring my questions as to who “they” were.  When he got me in Stephanie’s hospital room and sat me down on the couch the police department and DCYF workers showed up.  3 uniformed patrol officers and 3-4 detectives with 2 DCYF social workers walked in the room, one of the patrol man asked if he could pat me down, I said NO not giving consent that I just want to know why the hell everyone is there. 

The officer grabbed my wrist, bent it behind my back and stood me up and proceeded to pat me down anyway.  They took my pocket knife and BIC lighter, they then asked me if I had any other weapons on me which I told them no.  They then gave us a fabricated affidavit with no facts in it what so ever telling us that they were taking custody of our newborn daughter.  If anyone has any other questions I am willing to answer any and all questions and clarify anything that someone may not understand.  To be honest, I don’t even understand this myself.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tom Cruise Middle Age Blues Spreading

You can tell actor Tom Cruise has done his share of work outs at the gym, but it's clear his days of glory are over.  The problem for Cruise in this photo clearly shows it's his mid section that needs thinning out.  It's clear from the photo Cruise once had killer abs with definition.

Like I've said many times throughout this blog, no one escapes the doom of middle age; not singer Barry Gibb, not Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, (the horror before and after at right) not even the former Greek god musician performer Yanni.  No one!  The most good looking people eventually fall victim to age. The most beautiful, the most spectacular of people all begin changing around 40+.

So if you're young enjoy it while you can because, like the rest of us, you're headed for a butt ugly middle age life.  One where you'll be forced to remove facial hair yearly, have sun spots removed, have painful IPL skin treatments, pluck gray from your eyebrows and have polyps and various warts removed.

Why did Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb do this to us?  This was cruel!

Why did Babs and Barry find it necessary to come back 30 years later to torment us?

So when you realize looks are fading, life changes and you begin to rely less on your appearance to open social doors and more on your intellect and great personality.

Still not a bad looking guy, Yanni's transformation into mid age is tragic for many of his 90's fans. It wasn't just all about his music, it was his mane of gorgeous hair!   We weep at the loss of his youth.  We weep for ourselves. We weep for humanity at large.

Yanni in the early 1990's *sigh*

I don't think I'll quite get over Yanni's transformation.  God's so cruel to make us all age.  Why must this happen?  Why???? Very few get better with age.  

Singer Julio Iglesias - Triple chin, what?

Julio Iglesias in early 1980's - Hypnotic

The most tragic is probably the loss of George Michael.   Age is much like earthquake or natural disaster changing things forever. No one escapes the ravages of time. No one!

George Michael in 2010 - We're all doomed.

What this all means is that the most attractive people of yesterday can turn into prunes in a matter of a couple decades.  I don't understand why any of these guys seek the limelight today being mere shells of their former lives.  They made it with their good looks and talent. I may speak for myself, but I don't think the public really needs these guys parading around and performing any more.  There's always fresh new faces and talent waiting to be discovered and it's their turn to shine now.  

I beg these old timer guys to leave us with our fond memories of them and to stay out of the public spotlight as much as possible. Otherwise, they should be aware how shocking and horrifying it is to so many of us who witnessed their hey day.  We be shocked!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's Just a Root Canal Scam Mam!

A word of caution to anyone having old amalgam fillings over 20 years old - they'll eventually need replacing. Surprise!  I recently had my first amalgam filling replaced after I noticed heat sensitivity.  One day I was eating a french fry that caused me to nearly hit the roof in pain.

I posted a while back in April that a new dentist seemed to be exploiting the problem tooth to propose I pay for a root canal specialist's opinion.  According to my trusted dentist of 15 years who I had asked for a second opinion, the tooth didn't appear to need a root canal based on the Xray or tests.

After the tooth check up, a few months later the tooth became sensitive again out of the blue.  I feared the worst, that it was a possible root canal.  Coincidentally, the other dentist had also called around the time of new tooth pain to let me know it was time for a check-up.  I returned to my trusted dentist who suggested a plan of first replacing the old amalgam filling that could be the culprit and then moving forward based on the results. Well, the results are in and I'm relieved it was just an amalgam filling needing replacement after all! The sensitivity to heat is completely gone now.

I was relieved because I have no dental insurance. A root canal and crown is at least $2,000.  I used to pay $450 a year for dental insurance and, of course, nothing ever happened when I paid that amount.  I knew the moment I had no insurance things would start popping up in my mouth. The good news for me is I have porcelain crowns, a bridge and only two amalgam fillings left to replace.  I've had one root canal 20 years ago.  I'm hoping, never again.

I learned how some dentists try to exploit tooth symptoms for their profit.  The new dentist who had brought me in on her new patient coupon mailing told me she was nearly certain I needed a root canal.  It's important to always get a second opinion from a trusted source prior to letting any starving dentist lead you into an expensive specialist's chair.  The specialist was all set to charge $157 and God only knows where they would have led me from there.  However, I take note this dentist scam is nothing compared to attorneys' scams. Attorneys are among some of the biggest crooks on the planet aside from bankers. 

I've paid my dues in a dental chair over my lifetime with braces, head gears (the pain!), retainers and spacers, you name it.  I've had just about enough of it all except for maybe the laughing gas. I absolutely loved the laughing gas! 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Asian Delicacies - Fried Bats Anyone?

I think what a culture eats reveals a lot about itself. Take for instance Asian cuisine.

To the left appears to be a new Japanese cuisine: insect sushi.  There are even mating worms at bottom left. 

Check out these fine Chinese delicacies:

Scorpion soup anyone?

Ummm! Corn on the cob and skewered snake!

Yum! Skewered baby nestling sparrows

What would they ever do without fried mice?

 Those worms ain't no mini fries!

More Japanese delicacies:
No comment

 On a cold winter day have some cockroach noodle soup why don't you?

Here's some stats on insect food taken from the Chibilicious Blog:

* There are edible insects. Most of them are and there are a few species that are palatable, high in nutrition and are easily obtainable.

* Many species of insect are very high in protein and low in fat. You have to admit, that is a good ratio.

* According to research, insects are tasty. If you are too grossed-out to have them as main dish, they could be converted to flour and be added to bread or other dishes for additional protein boost.

* Compared to meat, insects are easier to raise. You don’t have to clean manure or drag in hay to feed them. There are no veterinary bills and you can have them in your apartment and get no complaints.

* It is nowhere gory in butchering insects. I do not even want to compare how cattle are butchered for us to eat.

* The action of raising insects is environmentally friendly. They only need minimal space per pound of protein. They have less feed ration compared to other animals to raise and are very low in the food chain. And yet, they are healthy, tasty and IS part of the food chain (if you look closely how mankind, especially cavemen or early men lived on insects).

* No animal (or should I say insect) activists will fight you against eating insects. There are no wildlife habitat destroyed to eat insects. Insects and earthworms can even be incorporated into a recycling program… vegetable waste in, yummy insect protein out.