Thursday, January 28, 2016

God Conducts His Orchestra of Christians - Here's How He Works

Palos Verdes H.S. Orchestra, 1975
Christianity can be a lot like being in an orchestra. Since I've played in a few youth orchestras decades ago, I have a good metaphor to use in my daily walk with the Lord.  As a violist, I had to keep my eye on the conductor and his direction, including timing and beat of his baton, just as Jesus did. The conductor would motion the degree of intensity of a certain phrase he wanted to bring out in the music embellishing the manuscript within the constraints of the piece.  God's all about timing and intensity as well.

It was hard being in an orchestra at times, new people would enter who didn't play well or really care to practice.  They'd therefore bring the rest of the players down as a burden. That's why we worked in what we called sectionals to improve our playing together much like Christians attend Bible study groups.

As the middle instrument of the string instruments, the viola was the mediating tone between the violins and cellos.  Violas didn't stand out much because of their reconciliation quality of the instrumentation in musical manuscripts.  Many modern composers of the 20th Century even decided that the viola wasn't necessary for their compositions they left out.  I recall having to learn the violin in order to play in the high school musical Sugar back in 1976 because there wasn't any viola part. I was under the belief violists would be extinct, a ridiculous lie since there's always plenty of 17th through 19th Century music around to play.

Playing viola was a very a deep spiritual experience for me. (Photo of Tanya Solomon)

I recall when I had a few viola lessons from a peer's recommendation of a teacher how she had me do some really contorted things in my playing, including placing sewing spindles to distance my left hand from my fretboard when I played.  I recall the conductor asked me what that was all about and everyone seemed shocked the teacher felt that was necessary. Today I recognize it was politics coupled with humiliation because her other students were competitive who I knew disliked me since my Freshman year because I won two awards.  So the teacher was trying to humiliate me as if I needed special help.

The Word of God's like a musical manuscript with God being the Conductor, Composer and Creator of the orchestra players and instruments. There's always a few players who don't play in harmony or strive to play well that they think they have a right to bring others down and in bondage to their false beliefs about God the entire orchestra's affected by

Ever since I've been young, women in particular have been doing a lot of damage to my life trying to keep me in some kind of bondage under their, not God's, authority.  Christians refer to this as "false guilt" having done something in another's eyes that was wrong, but not according to God's Word. Just imagine if suddenly one of the players jumped in the way of the conductor and hijacked the music, it would be an act of rebellion of the order of things.

So this is a lesson to those who think it was right for my viola teacher, who also taught my peer violinists, to recommend I place a sewing spool in my left playing hand whenever I played viola, never instructing me on when to stop doing this as if I was a handicapped player.  Similarly Christian females want to oppress and handicap my walk with the Lord in my experience.

God knows whose trying to hinder, not help, His followers. God knows who the wolves are and its not me.  I repented!  When someone cyber stalks me with bad intent, they get information boomeranged back that they have actually become the person they believe they're reading about, especially if they believe and spread the information on the Internet.  So if you search for info on me with bad intent, it all instantly becomes part of you!  I hope you'll repent as I have in the past of searching for dirt on people to use against them over a personal dispute.

People with broken hearts and cracked souls who have yet to find God's healing, snap fast into vicious wolf like behaviors. Women especially.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Beware Of The Rise of Female Cults on Facebook, Social Media

We're living in dire times like no other with the dangerous Hilary Clintons of the world on the rise. Be on guard for masks of your so called friends being removed. It could happen without notice and over the slightest disagreement. This will happen primarily due to those having never really healed from wounds of their hearts and souls long ago. (See Mending Cracks In The Soul - The Role of the Holy Spirit In Healing Wounds of the Past - Dale M. Sides, 2002)

I learned a long time ago the nature of women in female clicks is to turn against another in a split second under the direction of one in authority. You may think she's your friend, but not really. Because if you fall out of favor, the lead wolf of the pack will summon her pack to rip you to shreds on the way out.

No matter how much time you might have spent with them, middle aged women who run in packs, the ones you can witness on Facebook especially, are naturally vicious and this also goes for those who claim to be Christian. The sad part is these females think they're Christians but only in theory in terms of practicing what they preach. Because being a Christian isn't as simple as many make it out to be tending to make them hypocrites and legends in their own minds while awaiting God's "pearly gates".

The following is a lady who claims to be a Christian who I don't know, don't want to know, have never communicated with, who is part of a cult of their Christian cult leader Sandi Smith on Facebook.

A complete stranger Sarah Shimazaki in Japan cyber stalked me on-line today posting her findings on Sandi Smith's FB page.  God's Word calls this sin, "Gossip" and "Slander"

Upon my departure on FB today, this wolf pack attacked by bringing some of the fictitious content on the Internet written about me by a psychopath* (see below).  The rehashed Internet garbage I've never read nor visited before is clearly the work of an obsessed mentally ill man, an amateur attempt at a psy-op. I witnessed this female wolf pack feeding off of the information making disparaging comments about me as if watching porn of a woman they deemed deserving to be virtually raped.

My Judgment for $25,136 obtained in 2010 for Defamation in San Francisco

Believe it or not this all happened today because I defended human DNA as not being "demonic" related to the fall of mankind.  The female cult was being directed to the teachings of author Rheta McPhearson who claimed human DNA is "demonic" based on scientific studies claiming there's a shadow DNA.  This presumption is false as is the assertion of the fall of man causing human DNA to beme "demonic". Absolute insanity, isn't it? Women need to find their man and life and get over their petty little arguments, whether it be Jesus Himself or their earthly husband. Either way women need to be with men in my humble opinion.

Cult followers of Sandi Smith were allowed to post slander of me on her FB page.
When I posted materials countering false claims, I was blocked within 10 minutes.

The female wolf pack made sure to virtually rape as I left them on FB, having gawked and himmed and hawed in comments at the material written about me on-line by a psychopath. This was done deliberately as a form of humiliation when I stood up to the pack leader that our human DNA isn't, in fact, "demonic". That's right, I never ever challenged Sandi Smith in nearly two years. I've been very supportive of Sandi through thick and thin until she began promoting an apostasy teaching that human DNA has been corrupted due to the fall of mankind.  That is an unproven presumption that opens the door for transhumanists to step in claiming they can create a new and improved edited DNA.

DNA kit - $199 will provide a test to determine health and ancestry information

I know for a fact that God doesn't want our human DNA altered as happened in the days of Noah. I'm all for using DNA to learn of our health conditions and ancestry but not for anyone to tamper with for any reason. I learned all about the horrors of what evil people are planning to do with human DNA from Steve Quayle's latest book Xenogenesis.  This book's info about DNA tampering is why I view "demonic" DNA theory as being very dangerous opening the door for transhumanist philosophies to flourish over how to improve it.

If you belong to a group of female friends, please note that the lead personality most always has a pack behind her waiting to attack anyone who brings up genuine issues. Attacking human DNA as "demonic" is entirely inappropriate and uncalled for, something Satanists do to trash mankind's existence. Human DNA can't be demonic unless it's mixed with another species such as an animal, technology or supernatural beings.

In summary

A pack of vicious females under direction of their pack leader believe themselves to be genuine Christians who are under the false belief human DNA is "demonic" from the fall of mankind.  I will always strongly refute with factual evidence from God's Scriptures.  There's a huge leap from Adam & Eve having had their eyes opened to good and evil after eating from the tree of knowledge to that of their allegedly having "demonic" human DNA.

Human DNA isn't "demonic" unless mixed with other species, including supernatural beings as was recorded in the Book of Enoch and Genesis 6.  Mankind couldn't be redeemed if he was changed into some other being through tampering with our DNA. That's why the "666" in the Bible likely has something to do with genetic alteration because it cuts humans off from God's offer of eternal salvation.  Such is why it's not good to claim human DNA is demonic since the fall of mankind because God wants us to protect, not trash, it.

One last comment, I'm no longer following nor recommending the ministry of South African Christian author Rheta McPhearson who started this whole belief about "demonic" DNA based on scientific studies she read about of a "shadow" DNA.  These studies were likely the inspired work of transhumanist scientists spreading their Satanism through science.

*The material written about me on the Internet is from a psychopath conducting an amateur psy-op who I came to the attention to when I was singing and composing music back in 2007.  A special effects director for horror films, Rick Lazzirini, was also involved in the project as evidenced  by his Hollywood attorney Joe Hart's Motion to Quash filed in 2009 in response to my subpoena for a lawsuit I filed.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Pimpin Mayor Ed Lee Treats San Francisco Like His Whore With $4.9 million Super Bowl Taxpayer Bill

I don't like to read the news anymore because it seems designed to outrage citizens like myself but I couldn't help but note how insane it is that the City of San Francisco's hosting two NFL events without any agreement for reimbursement for its total costs. Unlike Santa Clara that has an agreement for $3+ million in costs to use its city for the Super Bowl, San Francisco has none. The NFL only plans on reimbursing for a minimal small fee.
"San Francisco is only getting reimbursed for costs associated with the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department staff setting up the event areas and the fire department would get partially reimbursed for its services. The estimated reimbursement total for both is $104,257." NFL Sacks San Francisco With Superbowl Costs - SFBay News January 16, 2016. 
This recent fiscal recklessness follows a pattern of how back in 2013 San Francisco took a huge loss hosting the America's Cup that left it in the red for $5.5 million. See: America's Cup Put San Francisco In The Red $5.5 Million. - SFGate 12/10/13

San Francisco's City Government Metaphorically Sells Out City To Gang Rape
"The City is hosting the Super Bowl City fan village and the NFL Experience, which will cause traffic detours and Muni reroutes starting on Jan. 23 and lasting until Feb. 12.  It will cost The City around $4.9 million to host both events, which includes costs from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation for providing extra transit service and parking control officers to direct traffic. The mayor’s office had first initially estimated the total cost at $4 million." NFL Sacks San Francisco With Superbowl Costs - SFBay News January 16, 2016.

This, my friends, is metaphorical gang rape of the tax payers of San Francisco!

It certainly appears that the liberal delusionals in San Francisco government have no regard for fiscal responsibility wanting to whore out their city time and time again for cheap gang rape by wealthy entities.  This pattern suggest corruption at high levels. It's obvious this is deliberate negligence on behalf of local city government for all to witness.  These politicians don't seem to care what they're doing at all.

This is all happening because of godlessness, people who don't believe God exists or has the capacity to know what they're doing.  I wouldn't be surprised of Mayor Lee has an agreement in place for China to come in and invade San Francisco, sell out that he is.

Also see:

See America's Cup Put San Francisco In The Red $5.5 Million. - SFGate 12/10/13

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

David Bowie Met An Angry Jealous God!

Sheila Rogers, David Bowie's Disciple at Palos Verdes High School
If you want to know what God thought of meeting David Bowie on the other side, as a reborn Christian I've got some news for you.  First a little background on why I'm posting this.

I went to a David Bowie concert in 1976 at the Los Angeles Forum and even had his Changes and David Bowie Live album. Here's the catch, I didn't like Bowie or his music back then, I wanted peer acceptance from one of his cult followers Sheila Rogers former writer for Rolling Stone Magazine, and music producer for David Letterman who is now a producer on the Late Late Night Show.

Back when I was 16, I never understood David Bowie or his music at all and never had the time to figure out why people thought him a genius. Today all I know is that David Bowie was of Satan, the Illuminati and wasn't of Jesus Christ whatsoever though he claimed himself to be a Christian in later years. He wasn't, just like Obama and Hillary's aren't Christians though they claim otherwise.
When we die, the only thing that can protect us from eternal flames of God's glory on the other side is the Holy Spirit that seals and protects Christians eternally.  David Bowie clearly died without the Holy Spirit so he was consumed by God's eternal glory and spiritually perished to await the final White Throne Judgment. 

Bowie clearly wasn't a born again water baptized spirit filled man who had a heart for Jesus. His final works were clearly of the occult and the devil and Bowie's disciples like Madonna and others all praised him like the Messiah in their lives. David Bowie was clearly of Satan who opened demonic portals in youthful minds, including my own, more than any other performer of the 1970's.

David Bowie proves in this video where he was headed in eternity with his final work.

Any Christian who spent any time listening to David Bowie and his works should repent and renounce all time given to him as an idol before God. God's a jealous God and his brilliant glory consumed David Bowie, an idol of millions, on the other side that he didn't spiritually survive without being sealed by the Holy Spirit.  David didn't fear God nearly enough not believing the horror that awaited him on the other side being without the protection of the Holy Spirit.  
Bowie - "The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell" 
God's a jealous God! Imagine an idol before Him such as Bowie entering His presence who was so arrogant to ignore the intense suffering of His son Jesus who died on the cross paying a heavy price to save humanity.  We as humans have only this life to get right with God by accepting Jesus into our hearts and to follow Him out of this world.  David Bowie was clearly his own god who influenced many of today's Illuminati artists to be like him who are all headed for eternal hell. 
If you want to be with God and go to heaven, you need to surrender your life asking for forgiveness to Jesus and obey God's Word.  It means getting water baptized and accepting the Holy Spirit and repenting and renouncing all sin and works of darkness.  I renounce David Bowie as works of Satan, evil and darkness influencing my subconscious mind especially.

I recommend also listening to sound Christian teachers such as Dr. Charles Stanley at InTouch Ministries and renouncing being distracted by the works the likes of David Bowie that are extremely dangerous and not just entertainment.

This video explains why it's so difficult to enter heaven.

Jesus spoke of eternal hell more than anyone in Scripture because he came down from His throne in heaven to save us from it.  Jesus paid a heavy price to take on the sins of this world onto his shoulders. Whoever doesn't obey and follow Him to eternal life can only perish without God's Holy Spirit to protect them from His brilliant glory.

David Bowie's works will be judged and destroyed by God forever.  So if you're planning on being with David Bowie in the after life, you won't find him in heaven with God Almighty, this I can assure you. God has higher standards, Jesus said it's hard to get into heaven.  Fear God because He's Holy and an all consuming fire.  Eternal hell's real as is heaven!

Also see:

David Bowie - His Satanism's Worth Serious Cultural Review - February, 2012

Monday, January 4, 2016

I'm So Sorry I Designed, Scientists Are Satanic Madmen!

I just got finished reading some of Steve Quayle's Xenogenesis today that's so hair raising and horrifying I feel a need to publicly renounce a science based website I created many years ago.

Back in 2000, I completed a one year website project of (site map) that at the time I was quite proud of. This site was my sole creation, including all the artwork, of various research of discoveries in human evolution, human memory and future trends in science. Today I recognize my work as an abomination of a backslid Christian.  I shamefully recognize this site I created is AntiChrist based that pointed to a dangerous path with serious consequences for humanity's future.

There's no such thing as human evolution, it's been disproven as well as through human DNA that it doesn't exist. Madmen have hacked into our DNA with plans to rewrite its code to ultimately make God's redemption impossible just as in the days of Noah's flood.  They have plans for human genocide and to merge with technology to travel the stars just like Star Trek.

I don't believe I've ever publicly renounced this website likely because it's home page isn't available today, just the backside skeleton infrastructure's still up from with some old Java code because someone bought it from me on eBay. Needless to say, as a restored repented Christian, I am quite ashamed of the godless fruit I produced back then out of apparent rebellion and hardness of heart.  I have no one to blame but myself.  At some point I did eventually recognize the theme of human evolution pointed to genocide of humanity while a small elitist bunch planned on merging with technology into a new species.  Selling the site on eBay wasn't enough, my work needed to be renounced publicly.

Because I've since repented and asked God's forgiveness, His Word promises He forgives me, but nonetheless this site is part of my fruits of darkness which are many over the decades.  No one wants to have to stand in front of God with these kind of fruits in their basket, regardless if they're saved or not. Instead of looking forward to the future now, I really look forward to these bad fruits and memories being erased forever. I don't care about my human memories that God promises will be removed forever replaced with Himself.

What the Brainchannels site really represented at the time was a struggle with dark forces for my mind as a backslid amnesic Christian who forgot who she was in Christ.  While I hadn't picked up God's Word in many years, there I was involved with science and technology as my plan for salvation of my future, fool that I was! I even considered myself suddenly "agnostic" when I learned what that term meant from a former wealthy employer. I also was a frustrated person who believed herself to be a lesbian, though I proved to myself many times over I really wasn't. In fact, I was much better at driving women away from my personal life then I was attracting them.

There was no excuse for such rebellion after I was given the truth of God back in the mid 1980's, even being water baptized and given special help by Christians to help me through my homeless period when I was recovering from two very powerful magic mushroom experiences.

I'm grateful and relieved God was faithful to my life giving me many chances, otherwise I would have slipped forever into eternal hell.  Scary to even think where my spiritual wanderings led me many times down such a dark dangerous paths in life that included experimentation with magic mushrooms that I believe have contributed to many epileptic seizures in my sleep later in life.

Occultic practices included:

Ouji board (1968)
Automatic Writing (1968)
Experimentation with magic mushrooms (1982)
Astral Projection (1981)
Mental Telepathy
Spirit Channeling in Music
Listening to Spirits Being Channeled Through Humans (Relative's tape)
Reading about Spirits Being Channeled Through Humans (Seth Speaks)
Hinduism, related Meditation
Reading new age related books including Course in Miracles, Autobiography of Paramahansa Yogananda
Attending the Self-Realization Fellowship near Malibu, CA

For the past 30 years I've experienced occasional mild epileptic seizures in the middle of the night that gave me the feeling of levitation along with the rushing sounds of strong wind.  These things happened because of my experimenting with astral projection I read about in a book and through magic mushroom experimentation.  These practices open doors to demonic entities that require deliverance from in Jesus name and full submission to God. (James 4:7)

It's taken many years to realize how these wanderings blinded and caused me delusions keeping me from enjoying God's grace. Not many wander to the degree I did back in the 1980's especially. Most women my age were in college with boyfriends they planned to marry while I was getting myself into all kinds of spiritual trouble with God getting nowhere in life.

I'm sorry it took a serious bike accident (also see my witness testimony) as late as 2012 for God to get through me of the spiritual danger I was in. Sometimes God has to take extreme measures to get through to to the spiritually deaf and blind. No one can say I'm one of those who just naturally went towards the light of God in life, that the dark side seemed appealing making me one of the many fools of this world, certainly not a natural born Godly woman who knew instinctively to turn to God for help.  I have no bragging rights in that regard, and its best everyone know that God hates pride that caused Lucifer the angel to fall from Heaven to become Satan on earth. If you're a proud person, you're not favored by God who demands humility and repentance from fallen sinners we all are.

In any event, I highly recommend Steve Quayle's book Xenogenesis, 2014, it's a real eye opener of what the scientist madmen are planning for humanity.  The book's also available at as well as

Also see:

Cheryl Meril's Witness Testimony of Serious Bike Accident Brush with Eternal Hell

Saturday, December 26, 2015

REALITY CHECK: Why Send Donations To Alex Jones, WND and The Hagmann Report?

I've been noticing a growing trend of for-profit entities on the Internet posing as public servants using radio and various Internet outlets to ask for public donations.  They make you believe they're doing such good work fighting the corruption and evil of society that you might be willing to donate whatever you possibly can. I've donated to three of these business entities over the past eight years and want people to make sure they understand these are business men first and foremost. You certainly won't benefit from any tax deduction under the IRS code because these aren't charitable organizations.

Now I know there are many charitable organizations that are greedy leaving little left over from administration costs to help others, but at least we can check up their financial information through the Guidestar non-profit 503(c) website. We can also use other Internet site tools like Ministry Watch to determine if our contribution is being utilized properly, but this isn't so with for-profit business enterprises.

A few examples of the trend:

Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet/Infowars

Each year Alex Jones' Prison Planet has a donations drive asking his listeners to donate to his for-profit enterprise.  What did Alex do with the donations over the years? He built up his organization so that it really didn't need him as much so he could go about raising a family.  In came the big breasted cleavage young female newscaster as a return on donor's investment (except mine) along with a few amateurs to do Jones' job whom he paid well with public donor funds.

Though I can't blame Alex for wanting more free time in his personal life, is this really rational to expect the public to fund your organization this way detracting from other charitable organizations who operate under the rules? For instance, how much does Prison Planet profit per year? As a pseudo charitable donor, you'll never have access to this information.  My donation paid for a pretty young woman with large breasts and cleavage in full view on-air, for a few really bad newscasters, upgraded studios and tech crew and for the release of new male vitality product.  Meanwhile, Obama's still in power doing just fine destroying America's values and future.

In sum, donations from millions of Prison Planet viewers likely made Alex Jones wealthy but we can never know for sure since we have no access to his business finances unlike a charitable 503(c) organization.  Back in 2008 I lost approximately $13,000 to Prison Planet sponsor's gold and silver coins scam where 50% of my cash value was depleted upon purchase.  I've since forgiven them for their misrepresentations, but that doesn't mean I can't let others know these people aren't the public servants they make themselves out to be because big money's involved.  Along with the financial loss to the metals scam, I gave $50 to Prison Planet in charitable contributions I deeply regret.

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

The father and son radio broadcasting team Doug and Joe Hagmann are apparently too shy to directly come out asking for donations from their listeners so their frequent guests like Steve Quayle ask for them, "can you please give whatever you can to them?" he asked on air a few weeks ago. Quayle made it sound like the duo were struggling financially due to recent upgrades in their studio and satellite radio program expenses.  Though the need for money may be true, why can't these for-profit businesses form a charitable organization so Christian listeners' donations are tax deductible? Until then they remain for-profit entities, not volunteer public servants. I'd like to know where the $50 I provided over the past year went to other then calling down hell fire on me on the HH FB page for pointing out Jonathan Kleck's in need of deliverance.

In summary, if a business is a for-profit enterprise, it corrupts God's purpose to have to bring in pop culture guests on the radio program who are well documented false prophets/teachers such as Jonathan Kleck.  The foregoing defeats the purpose of the alleged "Christian Church" based radio program and its godly principles turning it into a hypocritical joke.  If HH can't afford to operate as a for-profit business finding funding through suitable sources, it should become a charitable organization stepping out in faith being true to God's Word as a genuine ministry. Otherwise, its quite a double minded approach to running this for-profit business God can't possibly approve of based on His Word.

Sub-Categories Within Hagmann & Hagmann Report Seeking Donations

Example - Guest, Benjamin Baruch, False Prophet Money Grubber

Those who appear on the Hagmann & Hagmann Report also ask for donations by the way. I received two emails from one of the guests, Benjamin Baruch I heard on the program who provided me with a "Go Fund Me" link. The email was full of some very con sounding materials asking for a donation to an alleged new ministry he's associated with along with another email hinting at funds needed for a film he's gathering funds for.

World Net Daily

This latest request for funds from the public at WND is what inspired my blog post today because its just so sleazy in my opinion.

WND's a for-profit business operation based on investigative journalism.  They make money selling advertising on their site and videos where millions of viewers visit each day as well as from selling books and products, even on cruises they promote.  I've subscribed to their outstanding Whistleblower magazine on and off the past three years because their publications are outstanding.  The following's a good example of the ramping up of this trend of for-profit businesses asking for public donations to fund themselves while claiming to be performing a public service.

In an alleged article it posted at the top of its website WND writers start out telling a FRAUD story about themselves as follows:
WASHINGTON – With the possibility fading of Barack Obama’s Justice Department prosecuting the inevitable Democratic Party presidential nominee, a new independent campaign to expose what it sees as Hillary Clinton’s criminal actions and prosecute her at the state level is on fire, says one of the organizers. Read more at
WND goes on saying this effort will be publicly funded by ordinary Americans (gag!)
Farah and WND senior staff writer Jerome Corsi, a two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, have teamed up with the express purpose of bringing the Clintons to justice. Farah and Corsi have been investigating and reporting on the Clintons for 23 years. 
The project will be funded by contributions from ordinary Americans to accomplish three goals: 
  • expand the investigative reporting efforts into Hillary Clinton’s illegal activities;
  • empower prosecutors at the state level to bring charges against her;
  • prevent her from becoming the next president of the United States.
My question is, where is public transparency with the donated funds? How do we know the funds will be used for the purposes as claimed?  Furthermore, why does WND feel they can do a better job then Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch and Jay Sekulow's ACLJ both very committed well organized networked charitable non-profits that are doing an effective job already?

WND's Jerome Corsi's always looking for a good story to write with a lot of research hours but my experience with his work is that it's cursed with continual failure to accomplish much of anything. Not so with Judicial Watch and Jay Sekulow's ACLJ that can use every penny of what WND and Alex Jones want to take from their contributor base.  These are extremely effective organizations in accomplishing real goals.

The Buck Stops Here With Donors To For-Profit Entities

Bottom line is, as this growing trend continues, these for-profits are deceiving people for donations. It's my responsibility to make sure what God's provided doesn't go to waste on scams, fools and impostors. WND's latest fraud article's a good example.  All the while we have no idea where the money goes in these businesses. People who donate to these for-profits need to realize they're likely throwing money away that could be utilized best elsewhere.

My message to these for-profit businesses that I've donated to in the past is to get your acts together. If you're taking donations away from God's charities you could find yourselves in a lot of trouble with Him with tangible consequences for being deceitful. No doubt we forgive you but this trend can't continue without exposure and God anticipating your repentance!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Hagmann Report's Spiritually Dangerous False Prophet Sensationalism

Another false prophet appeared on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report radio program a few weeks ago leading me no choice but to completely end my listenership, this time over con artist extraordinaire false prophet Benjamine Baruch.

For those who've never heard of the father and son duo, the Hagmanns have been seeking after sensationalism of late to attract more listeners, a common trap of for-profit businesses.  They recently upgraded their studio being on satellite broadcasts, far above their former amateurish BlogTalkRadio venue.

As previously noted in an earlier post, there seems to be an attempt to confuse the Hagmann's listener audience that they're not a for-profit business, being more of a charitable organization in need of donations for their good works spreading Christianity.  Alex Jones of Prison Planet used a similar means of requesting donations from his audience, though he was a for-profit business, by acting like he was performing a public service doing volunteer work.

Christian Author Benjamine Baruch Calls Humanity A Dog,
Threatens Incineration For Not Following Him.

I'm going to start doing YouTube videos again, the one posted here's a review of Baruch's latest book Search The Scriptures Out of the Darkness demonstrating the psychosis of some of this false prophet's writing. Much like a criminal, Baruch believes his own lies that only discerning Christians like myself can call out as such simply because it doesn't adhere to God's Word.  Baruch entitled his book in order to seek after those looking for a way out of darkness. An email he sent to me is clearly designed toward's the naive and vulnerable, the lost and lonely women he hopes will send him money. Yes, it's all about money just like I reported in my other blog article Charlaton Nick Vermillion Unmasked as False Christian Teacher - October 30, 2015.

After he sent me two emails, including providing a "Go Fund Me" link, I did some research and came to the conclusion Benjamine Baruch's a con artist using Christianity for financial purposes.  Shortly thereafter, another false prophet, Jonathan Kleck, appeared on the Hagmann program thus confirming to me they've sold out to sensationalist pop culture stories on the level of Freemason's Art Bell's former paranormal based program.  See my post: Shout Out To The Hagmann Report - Jonathan Kleck Says He's a Fallen Angel - December 5, 2015
"Modern 'prophets' are highly predictable. 
A self-appointed prophet garners national attention by prophesying the end of the world, pinpointing a precise date and even a specific hour when the Messiah will gather His elect. The news whips many into a frenzy. The prophet’s followers sell their possessions, believing they won’t need them anyway. 
As the anticipated day comes, then goes, the false seer wipes the egg off his face while unapologetically admitting to a miscalculation. Still, he holds to his belief that the Second Coming is imminent. The bogus prognosticator follows up with a new and improved date and his prophetic fables gain new traction with his gullible audiences. 
Fraudulent prophets are a dime a dozen. Yahshua’s first response when asked about the final days of man’s rule said, "Don’t be deceived." When the real treachery appears in the form of the Man of Sin, the charlatans will look like pikers. Millions will swoon in adoration when the False Prophet performs eye-popping miracles on the world stage." False Prophets101
It's important to keep our Christian minds focused on God's Word and not allow others to lead us astray into deception. We all tend to like entertainment and allow it to get the best of us that's spiritually dangerous and unpleasing to God. The Hagmann & Hagmann Report's a spiritually dangerous program I can no longer trust for all the reasons stated.

See also:

The Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like a Church - December 4, 2015

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Does Barbra Streisand Even Know She's Been Dethroned By Adele?

It's no secret singers aren't the brightest people on the planet and they've often been recognized for being out of touch with reality in a "dreams come true" mentality.

I think of the idiocy of singer Barbra Streisand's most recent praises of Obama after he gave her a medal and then her later pleading in the media for all women to band together to vote for Hillary Clinton. I can't help but view Barbra Streisand as an idiot for this blatant disregard for facts and reality, especially that the Internet's at her fingertips to research for herself.   Does Barbra even know yet that Adele in the U.K. is in the process of breaking records and thus displacing her as a world renown singer?  Likely not, because Barbra Streisand likes to control reality to her liking.
"I don't have time to listen to new music (e.g. Adele, Taylor Swift). Because I'm working on music now, I never even put music on in my car. I can't." Barbra Streisand Doesn't Listen to Current Music - Times of India, December 11, 2015
In her statement, Barbra Streisand treated Adele with such disrespect not acknowledging her worldwide success likely because Adele's stated influences excluded her.  Barbra claims ignorance of today's singers because she doesn't want to know another has dethroned her the world's in a frenzy over.  Barbra has thus demonstrated her politics extends to musical rivals that I find quite disturbing.

I think the American public has had enough of Barbra's blatant disregard for reality preferring to use her privilege as a popular singer to influence politics.  It's just so twisted and obviously tied to money.

In a recent article in U.K. Daily Mail, Barbra Streisand Urges Women To Join Forces to Vote for Hillary Clinton, the delusional celebrity singer said:

"And calling for all women to join forces to end inequality, she urged them to support Hillary Clinton and 'elect the first woman president, someone who will represent our values and interests.'  She told the Hollywood Reporter: 'We have to join forces. Women are nurturers, just by our physiology."

Streisand believes we should vote for Hillary Clinton because "women are nurturers" that smacks of the 1970's era liberalism.  That statement alone should be a red flag for anyone considering taking Barbra's politics views seriously.  The singer's in la la land, in a  perpetual state of extended liberal beliefs that took root in the 1970's especially.  Barbra's also attempting to manipulate older voters especially with recent photo shoots with Robert Redford from the days of her film and song The Way We Were to remind them of how great those days were.  

As far as Streisand's praise of Obama after he awarded her a medal, that was a real fall from grace in my humble opinion, to allow him such privilege after doing such great damage to America as a traitor. Eternal hell awaits Barbra Streisand who conforms reality to her liking, being in serious denial of the consequences of her complicity with such evil.

The American people really need to get in touch with reality and stop listening to people like Barbra Streisand's Hollywood based delusional views on politics who doesn't live in the real world.  Ms. Streisand's in la la land and should stick with singing instead of trying to con Americans into her own delusional state of mind.

Here's a story that appeared back in late 2012 about how Obama and Hillary's State department were funding restoration of Muslim Mosques overseas with $770 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars.  The U.S. gov't even provided Internet access helping our enemies.

Atlanta TELEVISION NEWSCAST - National Disgrace I'll bet there's about 75% or more of the people in this country that will never get the word on this. For America’s sake, people, please pass it on. HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT, YOU AIN'T GONNA BELIEVE THIS!!!This is for real-------Please watch this News Report Atlanta TELEVISION NEWSCAST...WSB TVOutrageous!!!I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY BUT UN-BELIEVABLE!!!
Posted by Janet Williams Horn on Thursday, December 6, 2012
"Barbra didn’t say anything today that surprised us. Instead, she reinforced what we’ve known all along. She and other Hollywood types, who are all-in for Hillary without daring to use a brain cell in the process, are just mean girls defending a mean girl."  Barbra Streisand, Another Mean Girl Trying to Protect Hillary - December 9, 2015

See also:

Barbra Streisand on Gender Discrimination - "Even Female Mice Are Discriminated Against!" - Breibert - December 12, 2015

Barbra Streisand Thinks The American Economy's Great. What She's Missing - The Daily Signal April 12, 2015 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Shout Out To The Hagmann Report Jonathan Kleck Says He's A Fallen Angel

I think the Hagmann & Hagmann Report needs a better vetting process of choosing guests after their fiasco allowing false prophet and self confessed fallen angel, aka demon possessed Jonathan Kleck as a guest on their radio program a few nights ago. The father and son duo's former highly esteemed Christian based radio guests program has since lost significant credibility not only with me but with many in its audience. I only know this because I've been reading around some of the buzz on social media and many Christians are shocked they allowed the widely agreed false teacher, false prophet and demon possessed man on their program.

Click to Enlarge
The buzz on social networks was disbelief Jonathan Kleck was on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report. This is one of many similar reactions in the Christian community.

Joe Hagmann even defended Kleck as brethren under alleged slanderous attacks from those such as myself who discerned the truth about him by tweeting it out. It's not slander when what you're claiming is true. See my recent post The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like Church - December 4, 2015

Jonathan Kleck admitting he's a fallen angel in a human body
while standing next to his Satanic works

The likely reason the demonic spirit spoke through Kleck in this video is Christians had been praying in spiritual warfare over his false teachings and prophecies.  Demons always speak the truth about themselves when confronted by any anointed Christian.
"We can surmise from the following quotes that the ancient Church taught Christians cannot be possessed.  
Tertullian 1990-210 AD
Apology 23 -  . . . .'The wicked spirit, bidden to speak by a follower of Christ, will readily make the truthful confession that he is a demon.' - Fallen Angels by Ken Johnson, Kindle Pg 482"
Let me explain how I came to posting this article today. Last night I was led by the Holy Spirit to download Ken Johnson's book Fallen Angels so I began reading.  I had already been reading Johnson's books and happened to see a summary listed of his others so I checked them out on Amazon. Today I read about fallen angels with no intention on writing anything more about Kleck until God later confirmed to me I was on the right track. This is how the Holy Spirit led me today.

After reading about fallen angels, I googled Johnathan Kleck False Prophet and the above mentioned video branched off from another found on YouTube.  In other words, I never typed in "Johnathan Kleck Fallen Angel" because demons are the correct terminology used by we Christians.  So when I found this video confessional of a fallen angel possessing Mr. Kleck, I consider it the Holy Spirit guiding to confirm I was correct about Jonathan Kleck.

Jonathan Kleck's false predictions and arrogant unrepentant attitude revealed in this video.

It wasn't too hard to discern Kleck isn't a genuine Christian that he's playing a game for attention to distract Christians from Jesus. The reason I'm not fooled is I read the Word of God, it's as simple as that. I watched Kleck's videos years ago but stopped my fascination of his artwork by unsubscribing. I thought Kleck was over with by now, that's why I was so shocked to discover he hacked into one of my favorite Christian radio programs by the Hagmann's.  It's Satan's servant and they come in many shapes and forms as I've reported in previous posts.  See Charlaton Nick Vermillion Unmasked As False Christian Teacher - October 30, 2015

Here's a site dedicated to exposing Kleck being a false teacher:
"Jonathan Kleck has a very popular YouTube channel and a radio show. He sounds very authoritative, he cites scripture, he references the Hebrew and Greek, and if people don’t know the Scriptures and their proper context well, then they can be misled. That said, any sound Christian should have enough discernment to know that the declarations about his salvation story and who he is, should cause red flags to go up." - Jonathan Kleck is a False Prophecy Teacher About The End Times, 
Get the word out, Satan servants are hacking into Christian radio programs any way he can to deceive and lead others astray!  I sincerely hope the Hagmanns' will seek counsel of the Holy Spirit for their defending this man as brethren and calling down hell fire citing Scripture inappropriately against Christians who allegedly slandered Kleck.

Note to the Hagmann's:  I'm sorry, I didn't want to humiliate either of you, I liked your program immensely!  Consider maybe it's time for a vacation to regroup and pray a bit before continuing down this road of anything goes unvetted guests on your program.  Also consider any sympathy with the devil's servants is viewed as complicity by God.  If either of you felt sorry for Kleck to give him such a large audience platform, it's still no excuse.

If nothing changes on your program, if there's no repentance from the broad path your program's currently on I'll be forced to no longer tune in. :-(

See Also:

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like Church - December 4, 2015

Jonathan Kleck Needs Deliverance From Demonic Spirits Please! - December 4, 2015

Website of Disclosures

Jonathan Kleck is a False Prophecy Teacher About The End 

Videos Christians Who Support Jonathan Kleck Must See - Lunatic Outpost

Google search

Johnathan Kleck False Prophet 

Amazon Book

Fallen Angels by Ken Johnson

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like A Church

Last I checked Doug and Joe Hagmann of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report aren't pastors or ministers, yet they're threatening hell fire when a member of their audience tweets something speaking truth about their broadcast of Jonathan Kleck. See Johnathan Kleck Needs Deliverance From Demons Please! 

If Doug and Joe Hagmann truly believe they're a church and that Jonathan Kleck is their brethren, I'm sorry to say they're clearly delusional.  Not only are they not a church, Jonathan Kleck's a false teacher of Christ whose clearly in need of deliverance of demonic spirits.

I'm thinking that maybe it was my two donations to their program that caused the Hagmann's to think they're a charity or organization, a church? Because when author Steve Quayle asked on air to help out with a little for their program a few months ago, I expressed my appreciation for the upgrades with $25.  They may have believed I was tithing to their church or ministry?  Last I checked they didn't take any step of faith to become ministers of God's Word by becoming a non-profit organization.

The Hagmanns see their radio program as a church, their guests "brethren".

This is to clarify, just because you have a radio program that interviews men and women who either claim to serve or actually do serve Jesus Christ, doesn't give you the authority to behave and act like a church when someone brings up a genuine issue about one of the guest's on the program.  My hope is that the Hagmann's really aren't that delusional and blind to fail to recognize it was a real gamble to air Kleck's stories on its program.  Referring to him as "brethren" is a bit concerning.  Real brethren get delivered from their demons and heal due to their repentance.

Having Jonathan Kleck on their program and then referring to him as "brethren" while attacking me with threats of hell fire, well I think it's time for a reality check for these guys.  I do forgive the Hagmann's for overstepping their authority under false pretenses of being a church, which they're clearly not.  I think a reality check's in order for both of them.  I answer to God, not men.  

Obedience is key to being a Christian. For instance, I went to a deliverance conference in Phoenix Arizona back in the 1980's.  The rebellious, such as Mr. Kleck, refuse to repent and get delivered from demons preferring to channel them by seeking continual attention such as on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report.

I know whenever I need to repent of sin.  In this case not and certainly not under the direction of a liberal Joe Hagmann since the Holy Spirit convicts me whenever necessary.