Saturday, December 5, 2015

Shout Out To The Hagmann Report Jonathan Kleck Says He's A Fallen Angel

I think the Hagmann & Hagmann Report needs a better vetting process of choosing guests after their fiasco allowing false prophet and self confessed fallen angel, aka demon possessed Jonathan Kleck as a guest on their radio program a few nights ago. The father and son duo's former highly esteemed Christian based radio guests program has since lost significant credibility not only with me but with many in its audience. I only know this because I've been reading around some of the buzz on social media and many Christians are shocked they allowed the widely agreed false teacher, false prophet and demon possessed man on their program.

Click to Enlarge
The buzz on social networks was disbelief Jonathan Kleck was on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report. This is one of many similar reactions in the Christian community.

Joe Hagmann even defended Kleck as brethren under alleged slanderous attacks from those such as myself who discerned the truth about him by tweeting it out. It's not slander when what you're claiming is true. See my recent post The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like Church - December 4, 2015

Jonathan Kleck admitting he's a fallen angel in a human body
while standing next to his Satanic works

The likely reason the demonic spirit spoke through Kleck in this video is Christians had been praying in spiritual warfare over his false teachings and prophecies.  Demons always speak the truth about themselves when confronted by any anointed Christian.
"We can surmise from the following quotes that the ancient Church taught Christians cannot be possessed.  
Tertullian 1990-210 AD
Apology 23 -  . . . .'The wicked spirit, bidden to speak by a follower of Christ, will readily make the truthful confession that he is a demon.' - Fallen Angels by Ken Johnson, Kindle Pg 482"
Let me explain how I came to posting this article today. Last night I was led by the Holy Spirit to download Ken Johnson's book Fallen Angels so I began reading.  I had already been reading Johnson's books and happened to see a summary listed of his others so I checked them out on Amazon. Today I read about fallen angels with no intention on writing anything more about Kleck until God later confirmed to me I was on the right track. This is how the Holy Spirit led me today.

After reading about fallen angels, I googled Johnathan Kleck False Prophet and the above mentioned video branched off from another found on YouTube.  In other words, I never typed in "Johnathan Kleck Fallen Angel" because demons are the correct terminology used by we Christians.  So when I found this video confessional of a fallen angel possessing Mr. Kleck, I consider it the Holy Spirit guiding to confirm I was correct about Jonathan Kleck.

Jonathan Kleck's false predictions and arrogant unrepentant attitude revealed in this video.

It wasn't too hard to discern Kleck isn't a genuine Christian that he's playing a game for attention to distract Christians from Jesus. The reason I'm not fooled is I read the Word of God, it's as simple as that. I watched Kleck's videos years ago but stopped my fascination of his artwork by unsubscribing. I thought Kleck was over with by now, that's why I was so shocked to discover he hacked into one of my favorite Christian radio programs by the Hagmann's.  It's Satan's servant and they come in many shapes and forms as I've reported in previous posts.  See Charlaton Nick Vermillion Unmasked As False Christian Teacher - October 30, 2015

Here's a site dedicated to exposing Kleck being a false teacher:
"Jonathan Kleck has a very popular YouTube channel and a radio show. He sounds very authoritative, he cites scripture, he references the Hebrew and Greek, and if people don’t know the Scriptures and their proper context well, then they can be misled. That said, any sound Christian should have enough discernment to know that the declarations about his salvation story and who he is, should cause red flags to go up." - Jonathan Kleck is a False Prophecy Teacher About The End Times, 
Get the word out, Satan servants are hacking into Christian radio programs any way he can to deceive and lead others astray!  I sincerely hope the Hagmanns' will seek counsel of the Holy Spirit for their defending this man as brethren and calling down hell fire citing Scripture inappropriately against Christians who allegedly slandered Kleck.

Note to the Hagmann's:  I'm sorry, I didn't want to humiliate either of you, I liked your program immensely!  Consider maybe it's time for a vacation to regroup and pray a bit before continuing down this road of anything goes unvetted guests on your program.  Also consider any sympathy with the devil's servants is viewed as complicity by God.  If either of you felt sorry for Kleck to give him such a large audience platform, it's still no excuse.

If nothing changes on your program, if there's no repentance from the broad path your program's currently on I'll be forced to no longer tune in. :-(

See Also:

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like Church - December 4, 2015

Jonathan Kleck Needs Deliverance From Demonic Spirits Please! - December 4, 2015

Website of Disclosures

Jonathan Kleck is a False Prophecy Teacher About The End 

Videos Christians Who Support Jonathan Kleck Must See - Lunatic Outpost

Google search

Johnathan Kleck False Prophet 

Amazon Book

Fallen Angels by Ken Johnson