Thursday, January 28, 2016

God Conducts His Orchestra of Christians - Here's How He Works

Palos Verdes H.S. Orchestra, 1975
Christianity can be a lot like being in an orchestra. Since I've played in a few youth orchestras decades ago, I have a good metaphor to use in my daily walk with the Lord.  As a violist, I had to keep my eye on the conductor and his direction, including timing and beat of his baton, just as Jesus did. The conductor would motion the degree of intensity of a certain phrase he wanted to bring out in the music embellishing the manuscript within the constraints of the piece.  God's all about timing and intensity as well.

It was hard being in an orchestra at times, new people would enter who didn't play well or really care to practice.  They'd therefore bring the rest of the players down as a burden. That's why we worked in what we called sectionals to improve our playing together much like Christians attend Bible study groups.

As the middle instrument of the string instruments, the viola was the mediating tone between the violins and cellos.  Violas didn't stand out much because of their reconciliation quality of the instrumentation in musical manuscripts.  Many modern composers of the 20th Century even decided that the viola wasn't necessary for their compositions they left out.  I recall having to learn the violin in order to play in the high school musical Sugar back in 1976 because there wasn't any viola part. I was under the belief violists would be extinct, a ridiculous lie since there's always plenty of 17th through 19th Century music around to play.

Playing viola was a very a deep spiritual experience for me. (Photo of Tanya Solomon)

I recall when I had a few viola lessons from a peer's recommendation of a teacher how she had me do some really contorted things in my playing, including placing sewing spindles to distance my left hand from my fretboard when I played.  I recall the conductor asked me what that was all about and everyone seemed shocked the teacher felt that was necessary. Today I recognize it was politics coupled with humiliation because her other students were competitive who I knew disliked me since my Freshman year because I won two awards.  So the teacher was trying to humiliate me as if I needed special help.

The Word of God's like a musical manuscript with God being the Conductor, Composer and Creator of the orchestra players and instruments. There's always a few players who don't play in harmony or strive to play well that they think they have a right to bring others down and in bondage to their false beliefs about God the entire orchestra's affected by

Ever since I've been young, women in particular have been doing a lot of damage to my life trying to keep me in some kind of bondage under their, not God's, authority.  Christians refer to this as "false guilt" having done something in another's eyes that was wrong, but not according to God's Word. Just imagine if suddenly one of the players jumped in the way of the conductor and hijacked the music, it would be an act of rebellion of the order of things.

So this is a lesson to those who think it was right for my viola teacher, who also taught my peer violinists, to recommend I place a sewing spool in my left playing hand whenever I played viola, never instructing me on when to stop doing this as if I was a handicapped player.  Similarly Christian females want to oppress and handicap my walk with the Lord in my experience.

God knows whose trying to hinder, not help, His followers. God knows who the wolves are and its not me.  I repented!  When someone cyber stalks me with bad intent, they get information boomeranged back that they have actually become the person they believe they're reading about, especially if they believe and spread the information on the Internet.  So if you search for info on me with bad intent, it all instantly becomes part of you!  I hope you'll repent as I have in the past of searching for dirt on people to use against them over a personal dispute.

People with broken hearts and cracked souls who have yet to find God's healing, snap fast into vicious wolf like behaviors. Women especially.