Tuesday, June 26, 2012

UN Agenda 21's Dismantling America

UPDATE  - Rosa Koire's going to be appearing again on the Alex Jones radio program this week on Thursday, June 28th.  A while back I listened to an urgently needed radio interview by Alex Jones of Rosa, author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21.  To think I hadn't even heard about this abominable U.N. Agenda 21 prior to this interview!  Ms. Koire's delivering a dire message that all Americans need to know is behind the gradual dismantling of our country on behalf of a world government.
From this interview and the videos below I've learned there are things we can do locally to prevent what's been described as a "below the radar" growing totalitarianism threat to our freedoms.

 For those who want the details of this program, take the time to listen to  Rosa Koire's presentation.  This is extremely helpful in understanding what's happening in the U.S. under Agenda 21.

This is also a helpful video presented last year as a follow-up to Rosa's pioneer work disclosing U.N. Agenda to the American public.

Rosa Koire's from the San Francisco Bay area who wrote a very significant book, goes on radio interviews on popular radio programs, yet has no Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin accounts.  This message Rosa has about UN Agenda 21 is extremely important and dire to all our futures.

Rosa was great on this radio program but needs to get her message out more effectively on the Internet.  

This is actually the start of the interview, but the first video I posted has more viable information related to Agenda 21.

It's rather unfortunate Ms. Koire doesn't yet have a viable social network to convey this much needed information effectively on the Internet.  It's totally puzzling someone can conduct such incredible interviews as a great communicator, yet not have the basic infrastructure necessary to help get the message out, not even having any Facebook page.  Why, even I have a Facebook page as a complete nobody.
"Over the course of the legal challenge Koire became aware of the source of the planning revolution she had observed over more than 10 years:  UN Agenda 21.  Through her research she found that much of the funding to implement local UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development land use programs comes through the diversion of property taxes to redevelopment agencies.  Her work in providing information and solutions for communities fighting UN Agenda 21 has spread across the nation as more and more people become aware of the increased restrictions on their property rights, and the methods used to implement social engineering.   
Through her website www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com and her grassroots tactical organization, Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, she, with other community leaders, has enabled activists on many seemingly unconnected issues to come together and fight the source: UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. - Rosa Koire, ASA Executive Director, The Post Sustainability Institute.

Rosa Koire put together a powerful message through her book and has great communication skills.  I don't understand why she has no Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter page that are most necessary to be effective in this Internet age.  This tiny little oversite makes Ms. Koire invisible and therefore non-existent to millions of people who need to hear and/or read her message.

Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21 
The Post Sustainability Institute

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What I'm Posting's Gonna Change Your Life Forever

Very few of us have the ability to think for ourselves with an original thought as opposed to being brainwashed and cultivated by our culture.  I tend to gravitate toward original thinkers.  Once in a great while I feel I have something unique to share of my own thought process that hasn't been manufactured by someone else.

Unfortunately I don't have any original thoughts to share right now though I do have questions.  Questions like, why did my mother have a gynecologist stick his hand up my rear end for a pelvic exam when I was only 13 years old? Why was that necessary?  I've been told pelvic exams aren't meant for girls at that age.

Puppets are entered from the rear end, perhaps that pelvic exam was my initiation into puppet hood in which I've been endlessly manipulated by others for years.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

BOMBSHELL - New DVD Exposes Obama's REAL Father Was Communist and His Mother White Trash

The fruits of Obama's progress of destroying America's capitalist system are becoming evident along with the newly revealed fact of who his REAL father is.  After two years of research,  film maker Joel Gilbert pieced together evidence after noting how excited and passionate Obama became when giving speeches over class struggles.  The outcome of painstaking research is a new film released on DVD entitled Dreams From My Real* Father.

For those unaware, terrorist leader Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground who was convicted of bombing the U.S. Capitol admitted to writing Obama's biography. See video Bill Ayers: "I Wrote Dreams From My Father".   Ayers was pardoned for his terrorist bombing by President Clinton in 1992. 

This is the REAL story on the offspring communist seed that's planted itself in the White House.  

The real story behind Obama and his fraud on the American public.   

In a 1980's documentary, a FBI witness describes terrorist Bill Ayer's communist plans to send Americans to Reeducation camps and to ultimately kill off  25 million people.

Obama sure wasn't about Motown, but about destroying the infrastructure of what enabled Motown to become popular in America through a free market Capitalist system.  

This Obama is so delusional, he thinks of himself as a king when the facts of his origins are becoming ever so clear that he's a fraud, a criminal and a very dangerous wanna-be dictator.   Americans are so brainwashed and willfully ignorant to fall for this idiot's farce!  We'll all pay a very high price for enabling this fraud criminal to get away with what he has.  The love of fame and celebrity is what numbs and prevents many Americans from acknowledging they've got an enemy in the White House whose preparing to allow all hell to break lose on American soil.

U.S. Military on U.S. soil preparing for war with its own people.

I never voted for Obama. I didn't vote for either trash candidate offered in the last election.  I've since repented over voting for the NAFTA sell outs Clinton and Gore.  These are all a bunch of crooks and enemies of America posing as politicians conning Americans.  They work on behalf of foreign world body banking interests and nothing more.  They plan on killing off millions of Americans!

Official Site: Dreams From My Real Father

Friday, June 22, 2012

Wild Eyed Women Chasing Me Down On The Streets Wanting My Job!

People are becoming desperate.  There's an intensity growing I've been noting especially the last few weeks.  Women are becoming crazy in particular and I've been noting a pattern of growing intensity coupled with a disconnect from rational thinking.  Here are a few examples I've encountered the past few weeks:

Desperate, Wild Eyed UPS Notary Public Gets In My Face Demanding I Provide Her With My Yearly Income and Other Information

There's always a downside to everything and in this case when I have my business signage, I get crazies who approach wanting me to help them become self-employed in my field.  When I'm not approached on the streets they also ask me questions at businesses where office workers are very curious.

  • Yesterday as I was walking into my office building some loud obnoxious lady got in my face rudely demanding I provide her with information on how I make a living as a loan signing agent. The lady presented herself as an employee at UPS and a notary public expecting me to be some information hub for her future self-employment.  As I politely attempted to dismiss her preempting an appointment I was headed to, she demanded my time like some crazy person.  Knowing full well my name would be fully accessible to her on the Internet, I was as polite as I could be while telling her the downsides to the business that are numerous.  Her final departing question as she walked down the street about 40 feet away was how much money I made.

Crazy Receptionist at Law Firm 
  • A receptionist tells me the lawyer who summoned me for a notarization isn't likely there and didn't inform her of time change he made with me of the appointment for her schedule.  She proceeds to seat me in some cheesy conference room and says she will check to see if he's in his office anyway.  After she checks, she comes back offering me water making me believe he's there.  I wait 15 minutes and finally come out asking where the attorney is and if she could call him since he didn't give me his cell number.  She calls him and leaves a voice mail message.  When he calls back, he doesn't call me but tells her he thought he made the appointment later.   After I told her I wouldn't be coming back and wouldn't provide any services to their law firm in the future, the receptionist threatened to report me on Yelp!  The lawyer called later to apologize saying the receptionist was recently hired.  He apologized claiming he was in a tunnel and couldn't reach me by cell.  

Crazy Female CEO of a Site Inspection Firm
  • Ladies at a site inspection firm for credit applicants were intent on harassing my business for their system's flaws for site inspection appointments they had scheduled with me. I was getting friendly reminder emails about appointments I was assigned, and related phone calls over their mistakes.  When they called, they wouldn't listen to me, reading from some script.  Finally, I went out to the address of a medical establishment that had two locations that they needed inspections at both locations I was assigned too.  The CEO couldn't get it through her head I went to the correct address provided on the form because there were two addresses.  She kept saying I should have called before hand to confirm the address was correct.  She refused to pay me for going to the correct address that was closed because it's only open one day a week. The CEO couldn't handle the fact I pointed out the flaws in their system to them.  

I've learned over the years that there are many stubborn, crazy, obnoxious women who permeate this planet.  I understand now why men wanted to keep women in the kitchen and in child rearing.  Especially after I've witnessed Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein become monsters over the years.  In my next life I'll just get married at 21 and have kittens.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Society's Break Down Accelerating Into Crazy Times

I'm experiencing things that indicate society is rapidly breaking down.  In the past 48 hours I've encountered unusual activities which are going to be added to the FBI report I posted about earlier. See I've Reported My Landlady & Criminal Network to the FBI - May 22, 2012.   Others have also been sharing they've had similar types of experiences.

The first incident I learned about two days ago put me in research mode as to how someone could have possibly obtained debit card info I hardly ever use to try and purchase merchandise in Florida. The transaction was declined but I was very curious.  My curiosity was interrupted however after I received another phone call from a credit union claiming someone is doing something else related to fraud though not with a credit card.  This caused me to have to drop my other research to tend to the new issue that required me to mail out statement of fact documents.

Later in the day someone called to ask if I provided fingerprint services for background checks.  After I referred him out, he went into a long diatribe about how he witnessed a finger print business owner being very rude to a woman that he couldn't use his services.  I considered that call very strange to say the least.  I didn't express any particular interest in the man's issue but he wanted to talk my ear off about it.

As I was at the post office a lady asked me for my business card and shared  a similar experience of credit card fraud.  This credit card theft seems to be happening to everyone I speak with lately.  Customers have also been bringing in forms to notarize related to credit card fraud statements.

It seems we're all under attack in one form or another.  Things are breaking down. Be on guard, the zombies are coming out of the woodwork.  People are going crazy.  Oh snap!  I wish I had more time to blog but I've got a business to run and when these other things come up they take priority.  I'll get back with the blog thing hopefully by tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Adidas Cancels Release of 'Shackle Sneakers' Amidst Outrage

What was Adidas thinking when it planned to release its new shackle sneaker design it since canceled due to outrage expressed on its Facebook page?  Who are the idiots behind such design and production of these trashy ideas?  Whomever they are, they should be fired and denied a career in the field because this is pure insanity.  Wait a minute, I see the primary person behind this humiliation of the human race is designer Jeremy Scott.  What an a-hole!
"The public got its first look at the sneakers when Adidas added a photo of them to the brand's Facebook page on June 14 with the caption: “Got a sneaker game so hot you lock your kicks to your ankles?”  The posting racked up nearly 3,000 comments, with many calling the sneaker inappropriate and ugly." - Adidas Cancels Release of Controversial Shackle Sneaker - MSNBC.com

They should give fashion designer Jeremy Scott his shoes back and make him wear them the rest of his life in shame.

In spite of its cancellation of this sneaker's release, I highly recommend people boycott this company. The very fact they announced the shackle sneaker's release is enough to tell how little they think of a public they obviously view as dumb enough to accept such garbage.

A big F*** you to Adidas!  Wear these things yourselves a-holes!  You can take your slave shackle shoes and shove them where the sun don't shine!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Worse then Dr. Frankenstein, Mad Scientists Rise Playing God

As stated in a previous post Are Body Scanners First Step Towards Beam Me Up Technology?, nearly everything introduced in many of the early Star Trek and Star Trek Next Generation episodes have come to fruition today or are in the early stages of development.  The closest thing to Beam Me Up Scotty technology I've found is in the proposed technology recently posted about The Digital Immortality Institute (DII) in How to Become Immortal: Upload Your Mind.

The concept is based on uploading the contents of a person's brain and then downloading it again into a new body. This is the kind of thing science fiction movies are made of but DII says it's possible.

DII has determined the three things necessary to achieve digital immortality are:
  1. Guaranteed Internet access;
  2. Ensure the identity integrity of the avatars for each individual user;
  3. Make sure the personality, memory, everything that makes up the person as a unique individual, has been uploaded into the digital facsimile before the actual person dies.
Transhumanists Play God

Not surprisingly, the concept of digital immortality comes from transhumanists.  (See Are Chemtrails Worldwide Biowarfare Against Humanity?) Anders Sandberg, a DII scientists and member of the new transhumanist movement, believes uploading minds and downloading them into new bodies is a technology that is imminent. Why?  Sandberg says the technology will emerge because of people's desire to overcome aging and death as well as solving problems of overpopulation.

As with all new technologies in development there's always a concern of misuse by those with evil intentions.  Playing God as these scientists have and do can have serious consequences for us all.  For instances, Marvin Minsky, known as the father of artificial intelligence and creator of artificial neural networks, as well as the co-founder of the AI lab at MIT sets all ethics aside in stating:
"Scientists shouldn't have ethical responsibility for their inventions, they should be able to do what they want. You shouldn't ask them to have the same values as other people," Minsky adamantly declares. Source
Minsky's quote was related to questions posed about who will have access to the immortality technology.  Minksy clearly responded like a child throwing a tantrum over a toy being removed. 

I get the strong feeling that scientists like Minsky are beginning to really reach for a God like status in so many areas of our culture.  These scientists are perhaps even psychopaths who have no conscience believing the sky's the limit and they can do whatever they please. Anyone who thinks it possible to upload a person's mind and personality through the Internet and down back into another body fails to recognize human consciousness and soul.  To these kind of scientists, human beings become nothing more then little things floating around in their petri dish to manipulate.

In another example of scientists run amok with their petri dishes in the lab, in an article Playing God - Scientists in Final Stage of Creating Man-made life, Back in 2007 it was reported Dr. Craig Ventor from Syntehetic Genomics, Inc. was nearing completion of the world's first free living artificial organism.  Ventor stated:
“It will be one of the bright milestones in human history, changing our conceptual view of life.” Said Venter.

Others have a less “bright” view of Venter’s work—they say it could be potentially dangerous. It has been suggested that this type of technology could turn out to be the scary side of “playing God”, since it invariably suggests the chance that dangerous organisms could be inadvertently (or purposefully) unleashed on a world unprepared to deal with the consequences. Because there is no precedence, scientists don’t know for sure what kind of negative impact is possible. Source
Human beings aren't computers with hard drives to salvage and exploit! These transhumanists and artificial intelligent scientists who believe we are nothing more than machines that record data in our hard drive brains, need to be exposed before it's too late. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Americans Overhwelmingly Support $37 Million Theft of Heiress Estate By Hospital Staff

I feel embarassed after learning an overwhelming majority of the American public's in support of the theft of millions of dollars of Huguette Clark's estate by her hospital staff, accountant and lawyer.  Huguette Clark was one of the wealthiest women in America prior to her passing at the age of 104 last year.  Clark had been clearly mentally incapacitated much of her life living in a small meager hospital room with dolls.  That this lady of great age lacked capacity to care for her estate was as clear as day to anyone.

It's clear from thousands of comments and votes from the AP article Copper Heiress' Huge Gifts Spotlighted in NY Court on Yahoo News, that the great majority of Americans are in support of the theft of Clark's estate by those who cut off her distant relatives from having access to her for many years.  The majority of these commenters believe Clark was free to do whatever she wished with her estate while accusing her family members of neglecting her welfare.  I was just amazed.

Here are a few of the items given away to the hospital nurse:
Her nurse was showered with almost $28 million in gifts, including three Manhattan apartments, two homes elsewhere and a $1.2 million Stradivarius violin. Her doctors' families received more than $3 million in presents. A night nurse received a salary plus money to cover her children's school tuition and to help buy two apartments.  Saying the recipients manipulated the reclusive multimillionaire into lavishing large gifts upon them during her long life, public administrator Ethel J. Griffin is trying to reclaim a whopping $37 million for the $400 million estate.
Besides seeking an order for return of those gifts, the administrator asked a court last month to investigate whether a hospital where Clark lived should have to give back a $6 million painting by French pre-Impressionist Edouard Manet and whether the prominent Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington should have to return $250,000.  Copper Heiress' Huge Gifts Spotlighted in NY Court Yahoo News

Also see  At 104, The Mysterious Heiress Huguette Clark is Alone Now (Blogger note: Calling All Vultures!!) - MSNBC.com

In another similar case, an Alameda County judge in California befriended a 97 year old neighbor who lived across the street from him, then obtained her power of attorney. The judge proceeded to then evict the alleged friend from her own home, moving her into a hotel of all things where she lived for 10 years prior to her death in 2010.  After kicking her out of her own home, the judge proceeded to sell off her estate.   Judge Paul Seeman has since been charged and was observed smirking to reporters after being heckled by Occupy Activities he ruled over in another case. - Occupy Activists Heckle Judge in Elder-Theft Case - SFGate.com

Prior to his death and throughout many years, Michael Jackson's family members also complained of their being cut off from Michael.  This is what happens to wealthy people sometimes, that they become isolated and manipulated by con artists and schemers that includes their employees.

It's very clear Huguette Clark was isolated, extremely old and dependent on her hospital staff, lawyer and accountant.   All of these employees were entitled to a wage and bonus, not to a large portion of an estate, which amounted to their claim of $37,000,0000 in gifts.  No one in their right mind would give away such an enormous sum to their employees.  It's obvious the New York Court will rule in favor of ordering the alleged gifts returned to the estate.

I work with trust attorneys who share stories of what insane family bickering goes on after their relatives pass. People act like vicious animals fighting over their dead relatives' money.

Huguette Clark Estates Goes After $44 Million In Gifts Given By Late Heiress - New York Observer.

Copper Heiress' Huge Gifts Spotlighted in NY Court Yahoo News

At 104, The Mysterious Heiress Huguette Clark is Alone Now (Blogger note: Calling All Vultures!!) - MSNBC

Friday, June 15, 2012

Is This A Sign The Fall of Man And Civilization Has Arrived?

WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS BELOW.  A new terrifying photo has emerged from the Miami naked cannibal incident that speaks loudly of the utter depravity of mankind as it is today.  Many ask that with all our technology, food distribution and social support systems, how could this horror possibly happen?  

My hope is that visitors will really think about the significance of a homeless man's recent exposure to a cannibal as he peacefully slept in the Florida sun one day and what it really means for all of us.  This is a likely sign of the fall of mankind and civilization upon us.    

Ronald Poppo was a person without shelter or protection who had the misfortune of having his face half eaten, including an eye, as he napped on a sidewalk one sunny day in Miami Florida.  Poppo's face was bitten off, not by a stray hungry bull dog or vicious animal, but by another man who was completely naked lying next to him.

A demon possessed completely naked athletic looking male lay beside Poppo having affixed himself like a parasite chewing on his flesh for 20 minutes.  A complete mindless zombie, Rudy Eugene's autopsy didn't show he had ingested any flesh, that this depraved act had nothing to do with hunger whatsoever.

The sad part of this story is how former classmates of the cannibal have come to his rescue to "save face" so to speak not caring a thing about his victim, only about restoring the cannibal's own humanity.

Classmate Victoria Forte said: 'We are going to do our part as his friends to not let him go down like this.  'The Rudy we know was a nice gentleman with a warm smile and funny. He’s not like that at all.- Crazed 'Druggie' Chewed on Homeless Man's Face for 20 mins - The Sun.
A gentleman?  If this is the new standard for gentlemanism, being far below that of OJ Simpson, I think women like Victoria Forte are proving their standards are slipping a bit.

Alleged "gentleman", according to witness Victoria Forte, lies with his victim.  Ms. Forte had no words of support for the victim.

I think when someone commits such a heinous act that liberal minds rationalize over, the fact they have nothing to say in support of the victim in the dispute speaks volumes.  It's not only what you say, but what you don't say that has an impact.  Here's this poor homeless man without a face and Ms. Forte, the former classmate of the cannibal, has no words of support for recovery for.  It shows a lack of caring or thinking about the reality of the situation.  The normal thing to do would not be to go to the media in support of the sadistic man, but to make a statement in support of the victim.  Period!

The works of an alleged gentleman.  Without soul or conscience former friends of cannibal come to his ego's rescue postmortem without a word of support for his victim.

Excusing this evil rather than facing the fact the man had a REAL PROBLEM is something common in our culture.  The former classmate's seeking to save face of a sadistic man's ego who sacrificed another's face in his having gained media notoriety is pure insanity.

Miami Cannibal Attack Emerges- The Sun UK

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

YouTuber Finds Holographic Images of Life in Orion Nebula

I thought I'd pass along an interesting perspective from a YouTuber whose come up with a system to extrapolate life forms appearing in the Orion Nebula he claims can't be done in other nebulas because it's so unique.  In his videos he calls The Orion Nebula Templates of Creation,  5T4RSCREAM233 is dissecting an original unaltered photo of Orion  by coming up with cosmic arms, dragons, avatars and birds.  He basically views the nebula as a plethora of hidden holograms that need to be uncovered.
"This video series explores an extraordinary finding in the Orion Nebula. It is filled with representations of life all over it. I show you many examples of one-click proof bringing out highly detailed representations of life here on earth and possibly other places. I have not been able to duplicate these findings in other nebulae yet. Speculation and thoughts cause me to ask if this area is holding some kind of blueprints to life here on Earth whether they be physical or if they be part of the templates from a holographic universe perspective, this merits research." - 5T4RSCREAM233

Interesting, but the fact is any artist can pull some earth bound object from multiple dimensions of color and light.  It's when he begins showing bone structure and anatomy in a type of x-ray after he claims he's simply peeled off a membrane that it gets to be a little spooky.

More discoveries in the nebula.

Here's an interesting video based on the book the The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.  The summary of the book on Amazon is as follows:
"Today nearly everyone is familiar with holograms, three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Now, two of the world's most eminent thinkers -- University of London physicists David Bohm, a former protege of Einstein's and one of the world's most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, one of the architects of our modern understanding of the brain -- believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. This remarkable new way of looking at the universe explains now only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics, but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near death experiences, "lucid" dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings." (Blogger's note: Not the human mind, that's ridiculous, it has to be the mind of a superior being)

What I see is another industry emerging here.

The Holographic Universe - Is Our 3D World Just an Illusion? - Technewsworld.com