Thursday, February 18, 2010

Judge Throws Out Ed Magedson's Defamation Suit Against Attorney Sarah Bird

A Federal Judge in Arizona has dismissed Ed Magedson's RipOff Report's defamation lawsuit over an alleged defamatory article by attorney Sarah Bird. Sarah Bird's article "The Anatomy of a RipOff Report Lawsuit," posted on stated Ripoff Report "has widely and universally accused of promulgating defamatory content and then extorting money from the victims of the very libel it publishes," the lawsuit states. Magedson is the owner of Xcentric Venture which operates

Many, including myself, hope RipOff Report gets taken down under the Federal racketeering law since it clearly profits from extorting money from people. It would be one thing if Magedson didn't charge thousands of dollars to make his personal correction comments to various reports. The fact is Magedson participates in extortion using his website to do so as such. In her article Bird proposes RipOff Report's alleged violations include:

• Defamation
• The Communications Decency Act (42 USC Section 230)
• The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization’s Act (“RICO Act”)
• Extortion

Other extortion businesses also branch off from the ROR monster, such as which is currently listed on the first page of a ROR Google search. Reputation Armor is a service fraudulently claiming to be able to remove RipOffReports.

I'd like to see more lawyers such as Bird hand RipOff Report a sound defeat and expose its operation for what it is.

Rachel Maddow to Glenn Beck, "Back Off"

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Rachal Maddow's a lot like me at least in being unwilling to put up with any crap from any of these lying, snickering narcissistic guys, such as Glenn Beck (above). Beck accused Maddow of "lying" about him.

Then there's this video showing Glenn Beck's really a 9/11 truther he had so hypocritically set-up Texas Governor candidate Debra Medina as on his program a few days ago. "I also had questions about 9/11." "You have a responsibility to question your government" Glenn Beck proclaimed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Strange Coincidence Between Michael Jackson & King Tut

I couldn't overlook another strange coincidence between Michael Jackson and King Tut again. Last year I posted about the strange resemblance of Michael Jackson and King Tut in an ancient Egyptian depiction shown in a MSNBC video last year. I also noted the strange coincidence of the King Tut exhibit coming to San Francisco in June, 2009 just 31 years after I missed the last one in 1978. I noted the Tut exhibit had opened just a couple days after Michael Jackson died.

In my article I noted I once admired the King Tut tomb coffin replica in the Luxor gift shop in Las Vegas back in 2001 Michael Jackson was purported to have purchased years later. Now there's yet another coincidence I cannot possibly overlook. This is astounding! Both King Tut's and Michael Jackson's autopsies (i.e, cause of death) are officially released to the public within just a few days of each other! The difference is one was purportedly murdered, the other turned out to have died a natural death as a surprise to many.

What are the odds? I'm speechless. It only took 3,000 years for the results of King Tut's reasons for death.
I mean, what are the odds, that within a week of Michael Jackson's autopsy report being released to the media around February 10th, scientists released DNA evidence that disclosed after years of tests, how Kint Tut died! I just glanced over the news last week over what caused Michael Jacksons' death and a week later here is King Tut 's autopsy report from his DNA?

This is all too much to comprehend. What are the odds of Jackson's autopsy report and KingTut's being released within a week of each other? Considering King Tut's DNA results is a miracle in itself having taken thousands of years to produce, this is just too strange a coincidence to overlook. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone has overlooked it.

I'm convinced Michael Jackson tuned into King Tut's vibe as an artist. Only a musician, singer or actor/actress or singer can truly understand what this means.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Glenn Beck Faces Wrath of Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters Over Fabrications

This is a good example of how a certain men take the liberties to fabricate and lie about women they feel intimidated by. Check out this great video of how Glenn Beck has to face the wrath of Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters for his deliberate fabrications about a non-incident on an Amtrak train. This is the kind of thing lawyers do on behalf of their clients, is make up stories and false characterizations of women in legal briefs for entertainment value. They think it's cute and funny and they get away with it because they're lawyers.

Friday, February 12, 2010

John Edwards Admits He's a Narcissist

This serious looking fellow isn't just any guy, he's former Democratic nominee John Edwards. This is a guy people worked hard towards making him the next President. Imagine that, John Edwards, President of the United States?

So what's all the fuss about you might ask? Well, it seems Mr. Edwards got himself in a little trouble with his wife Elizabeth. I was pretty much ignoring this story until I learned Ms. Edwards, whose cancer-stricken, was apparently slapped around a bit by the former presidential nominee. It seems Mr. Edwards has a sex tape with his mistress floating around out there the court is demanding to obtain to place under lock and key. The judge apparently can't wait to see it. The mistress also had Mr. Edward's child.

So what is one to think about all this? The first thing that struck me is John Edwards must be a narcissist to be such a cold hearted bastard to slap his cancer stricken wife around after he cheated on her in such a demonstrative way. Turns out, it seems I'm right. John admits being a narcissist himself:

Here's John Edwards' official statement about his affair. What a revealing document this is, especially this bit:

In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up - feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help.
A blogger responded to the statement in his article "Edwards: Narcissistic Twerp to the End":
Oh, vomit. What an unmanly, self-degrading statement. If you want to beat me up -- feel free. Me, me, me. I hate this therapeutic culture. Take it to Dr. Phil, you vain, narcissistic, faithless half-a-man.
The bottom line is, there are about 5% of politicians who are genuinely good. Take for instance men like Ron Paul and . . . I'm drawing a blank. The rest are criminals and con artists. Keep that in mind the next time you go to the voting booth and think you're voting for an all American good guy. The same applies for female politicians. I used to think Pelosi was a good woman too. I was wrong, so terribly wrong.

John Edwards, former Democratic Presidential nominee, clearly needs a restraining order.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cyber Stalkers Should Be Scared Now

There's a lot of talk lately about how the government's considering dealing with criminal abuse of the Internet. The problem is being addressed. Unfortunately, as is always the case with most anything, the people who have abused the Internet have ruined it for the rest of us.

The government always addresses others' extreme abuses with having to place restrictions and regulations on all of us. They're talking about requiring everyone to have an Internet Driver's License now. It's not that I don't want these anonymous criminals under control, but I can see the potential of how the government can really step in and use laws to oppress freedom of speech and become unduly oppressive. People have confused defamation with freedom of speech

Time Magazine has an article entitled "Craig Mundie wants Driver Licenses on the Internet" as an example. Here's a quote:
What Mundie is proposing is to impose authentication. He draws an analogy to automobile use. If you want to drive a car, you have to have a license (not to mention an inspection, insurance, etc). If you do something bad with that car, like break a law, there is the chance that you will lose your license and be prevented from driving in the future. In other words, there is a legal and social process for imposing discipline. Mundie imagines three tiers of Internet ID: one for people, one for machines and one for programs (which often act as proxies for the other two).

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Edmond Wollmann's AOL Sock Puppet Identities

In his deposition last year, Edmond Wollmann claimed he never posted anything except under his real name and that he didn't really know what sock puppets were.

Here's an example of screen names Edmond Wollmann has used. One, two, three identifiers weren't enough. He filled up his entire AOL sub accounts slots available with various odd identities.
Here's a few informative pieces of information contradicting Edmond Wollmann's claims he doesn't know what sock puppets are and doesn't use them:
"You guyus [sic] are still spinning this sock puppet
crap believing I posted under other names to
support myself-what sort of idiots are you?" Link
I believe the "EWollmann" AOL account was purchased by someone on behalf of Wollmann who had lost the account in the 90's. I believe Wollmann still
wanted the email address after he lost it due to violating AOLs terms and conditions. He mistakenly used it in writing me in 2007 which is why he sent me a lawsuit threat. Imposters don't generally do such a thing as threaten lawsuits.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cyber Stalkers Are Masters At Hiding Their True Identities

I believe in order to maintain their warped lifestyles, cyber stalkers are required to make sure their identities are protected at all costs. This means no one should be surprised they have mastered hiding their identity behind various means and tricks. The various levels one must go through to get to the bottom of true identities is mind boggling.

It boggles the mind the time and energy these cybers put into their craft. I was talking with someone last night and we both agreed they find their craft entertaining. One of their objectives with me was clearly to drive me insane and enjoy such a process of torment.

Stay tuned. . . a few key events are coming up ahead for this case. I'll be posting the info this week. I'm intensely busy.

Monday, February 1, 2010

An Innocent Cyber Stalker? Humpf!

If one were to believe Cyber #1, someone wrote me with the email "" in May, 2007, that was once his AOL account long ago. That is, someone took such an account to impersonate him in order to cause havoc in his life.

After this person sent me a lawsuit threat message in ALL CAPS "take my email off of your blog OR I WILL SUE YOU!", they went on a rampage with my name all over the USENET astrology forum with dozens of egregious postings designed to show up in the Google search engine. That was just the beginning of a 2 1/2 year on-line rampage of me by a complete stranger.

This alleged impostor of Cyber #1 brilliantly mirrors his victim's psychological profile by writing with his well documented style and behavioral patterns. Yet, when push comes to shove and Cyber #1 has the authority and power to subpoena his impostor for his identity what does he do? He actually works with the impostor's attorney to hide his identity! Revealingly, the cyber also writes AOL explaining to them his predicament and that he has no desire to know who his alleged impostor is!

Cyber #1 has convinced himself he's covered since AOL confirmed in writing he does not own "" (in reality, no one does nor has since June of 2007) and that he "has not owned such an account for the past two years". Cyber #1 then begins presenting this as "evidence" he is innocent. The only problem is, the last two years of the AOL letter doesn't cover May, 2007, only October 2007 as the cut off time.

I don't know about anyone else, but if someone caused a lawsuit to be filed against me acting as my impostor, I would subpoena that person's identity immediately to prove it wasn't me. I wouldn't work with that person's attorney to cover up who that person is so approvingly. Had Cyber #1 submitted a subpoena for AOL to reveal the identity of the "Ewollmann" account holder, he could have theoretically vindicated himself. Yet, he has expressed in writing to AOL he has no interest in knowing who that alleged impostor is!

If I wanted to file a lawsuit against an innocent man for the purpose of harassment and torment, which is Cyber #1's allegation, I wouldn't choose such an impoverished pathetic individual with a mobile home in Los Lunas, New Mexico who has virtually no assets. One generally doesn't choose impoverished people to file lawsuits against for money these days.

The bottom line is, the level of insanity of these individuals really reveals itself in the degree they go to cover-up their true identities.

The alleged impostor's attorney has filed a Motion to Quash my subpoena.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Love Regus Businessworld's Spirit of Freedom!

I've been an office worker since I graduated high school in 1978 with the exception of working at the Front Desk of the Marriott hotel at LAX for a year. What this means is that I've felt overwhelmingly chained to an office desk space for nearly 30 years. This means I've been required to always be on time and at my desk an average of 7 hours or more a day.

For the past 10 years working at law firms, where I worked hundreds of hours of overtime, being required to be at my desk space was even more intense. Such is why when I discovered a new lifestyle, of having my own businesses using the Regus Businessworld lounges, I discovered for the first time in my life a sense of freedom in the business world.

Thanks to Regus, I'm no longer required to go to the same office each day, with the same people and petty politics. Now people call me from all over the city (and even from other states!) and tell me which Regus office they'd like to meet at. These aren't your typical kind of offices either, these are top notch stylish offices with nice views of San Francisco and the bay.

Just like a typical corporation, Regus has coffee and tea condiments available for its members. Suddenly, I find there's no boss, no petty politics, no real time demands, while the nice office, coffee, and many professional nice people are still there! At some of the Regus offices there's even a MAC to use.

Take for instance one of my favorite business locations at One Market, Spear Tower, on the 36th floor. This particular office allows its Business World Gold Card Members a large conference meeting room with a huge window overlooking San Francisco Bay. I recently had a meeting with an affiliate business representative in one of the offices. It's a great backdrop for any meeting. Regus also offers its Gold Card Members coffee and tea for their customers. There's a two customer at a time limit however.

For those looking for a way to break free from the traditional business world, Regus Businessworld is a good way to start-up your business on the cheap. When business grows, Regus offers other packages as well. For now I only pay $90 a month for two business addresses at a prestigious location. When you have a virtual office package, Regus even offers a FREE Gold Member Card that includes access to a free wireless connection. I had actually started with Regus first paying for the Gold Card because I didn't know it was free with the virtual office package.

Regus Businessworld is a great way to network and meet independent business owners. They have offices all over the world Gold Card Members can use.
