Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Morrison Planetarium Fulfilled My Life's Dream

Last Sunday we checked out the new Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. The place was amazing and well worth its $24 ticket that included entry to the largest all digital planetarium in the world, the Morrison Planetarium. They opened up the design of the new museum to have large spaces not being so dreary and cramped. It even has an indoor stream and see through water walk ways.
The Morrison Planetarium is the largest all-digital dome in the world with a 75-foot diameter projection screen tilted at a 30 degree angle. Thanks to immersive video technology, the dome seems to disappear when imagery is projected onto it, creating an experience more like flying than watching a movie.
First, as someone whose been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium twice, I can say the museum's Steinhart Aquarium aquatic section is nearly similar. It was obvious the planners took cues from Monterey in building their own. They had a tremendous sea horse tank that made my jaw drop, and many jelly fish tanks too.
Steinhart Aquarium is home to 38,000 live animals from around the world, representing more than 900 separate species. Come nose-to-beak with an African penguin, watch sharks and stingrays cruise beneath your feet, check out the set of teeth on a piranha, and learn about the critical, life-sustaining role that water plays on Earth.
There was so much to see, we missed the tropical forest bird section preferring to check out the world class Morrison Planetarium. We weren't sorry because it was a once in a lifetime experience! We were among the first crowds to see the planetarium's latest new show the Journey to the Stars.
In the new Morrison’s second show, travel through time and space to experience the dramatic lives and deaths of stars. Witness brilliant supernova explosions, dive into the heart of the fiery Sun, and watch it transform into a red giant five billion years in the future. Narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, Journey will help you discover the deep-rooted connection between humanity and the stars.
They took digital images from the Hubble Telescope coupled with their digitally generated universe to make it seem we were flying through space and galaxies like on Star Trek. One really did have the feeling of being suspended in space, viewing the earth, sun, planets, and far away galaxies while traveling through space and time in order to see the birth of stars. It was awesome and breathtaking.

After the planetarium show, it made us feel like we had experienced something the entire human race would like to see at least once in their lifetimes along with all preceding ancestors. It was that spectacular! It's something I recommend everyone see as a once in a lifetime event. My life is fulfilled after that experience; it fulfilled my dreams in every way. I've always wanted to go into space and visit galaxies and witness the birth of stars.

For $24 we got to see an incredible museum full of human history milestones like a moon rock, asteroid we could touch and amazing fish in natural environments, rain forests, and traveled through time and space. The cost was a great value and I'm definitely going back because I couldn't possibly see everything in a matter of four hours.

Once again I have another reason to be proud to be living in San Francisco that has transformed itself to a world class city in 15 years since I moved here from Los Angeles.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Global Warming Fraud - Hackers Expose Al Gore Scientific Fraud

Alex Jones is having another hernia, this time a celebrative one, over the disclosure of white hat hackers' hacking into a British University's database to expose the global warming fraud scam perpetuated by Al Gore, the Rothchilds and others who plan to profit off enormous taxes and infrastructures. They are even trying to make Global Warming a new religion of sorts.

The San Francisco Science Academy is really promoting this global warming fraudulent scientific data from what I could observe. I'll have more on that later.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

San Francisco Academy of Sciences Visit Today

Am I ever so fortunate to live in San Francisco that has totally upgraded itself from 18 years ago when I first moved from Los Angeles! The city has brought me such wonders as the Pharaoh Hatshepsut who I had previously studied and placed on my web site in 1999, and most recently tremendous artifacts of King Tut. Today I'm going to the newly restored and remodeled new Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. I waited a while after it opened so they could work out all the bugs of their beta version.

The former Academy was a really outdated relic from the early 1900's (it actually was started in 1853 but had to be rebuilt a few times due to earthquakes). It included a small tank that held a dolphin and s
eals for decades. They would swim to each side continually as if in type of Mobius Strip (Loop) unable to escape. I visited 25 years later from way back in 1970 when I was just ten years old and remember seeing the dolphin way back then! Some of the eels had been in their tanks for 30, even 40 years.

What's really exciting news is the museum also boasts:

The Morrison Planetarium is the largest all-digital planetarium in the world. State-of-the-art projector and software technologies allow the planetarium to produce the most accurate and interactive digital Universe ever created.
San Francisco has significantly upgraded its city since I first moved here in 1995. They completely rebuilt the De Young Museum and built a large Asian Museum as well. When I arrived the main library was about to open that is really a stupendous building. Today many homeless people use the library and make it rather unpleasant for the public. Security does nothing whatsoever to protect the public because it's a political issue in the city.

Around the time I
arrived in San Francisco they had also restored the Legion of Honor I visited last week. At the time I had thought it was brand new until I saw an Edgar Hitchcock movie that featured the museum in its background. I still haven't gotten around to visiting the Hall of Flowers that houses all kinds of hard to find exotic plant species.

San Francisco has so much to offer and I don't for one minute regret living here. The San Francisco International Airport has also been redesigned and is completely state-of-the art in every way. For local travel I can catch a ferry ride across the bay to visit Sausalito for $8 and there's all kinds of other nature areas to get away to. Everything I need is within walking distance. I love to walk and it only takes 30 minutes to walk to Fisherman's Wharf. Other spectacular places are the domed Westfield Mall, the rather new Apple Store and the newly restored Ferry Building Clock Tower shopping mall.

I got out of my car fetish a long time ago. In Los Angeles when I departed with my sports car it was a horrifying traumatic experience as if the world was coming to an end. In San Francisco I don't need a car and can save a lot of money using the Zip cars occasionally. The underground Bart train enables inexpensive visits to surrounding cities.

From where I live within one block is the Nob Hill Masonic Auditorium that features some top names in the music industry. Two blocks away is the historic Fairmont Hotel that has hosted many historical figures throughout history and is also where the United Nations was formed in 1945 (not quite a good thing from my point of view, but it is historical nonetheless). I'm very fortunate to have lived long-term in one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in. San Francisco is a historically transient town.

The building I've lived in since 2003 is in the heart of San Francisco and was built prior to Amelia Earhart's infamous flight. It even has the same glass cut door knobs from the 1920s.

Mobius Loop on Wikipedia

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Donny Osmond Really Looked Like This!

After 30 years I forgot what Donny Osmond used to look like back in the 1970s. He was so adorable! Times were so different back then as the bad boy syndrome hadn't presented itself in main stream yet. This clip is cute and worth watching featuring Rodney Allen Rippey at the Grammy awards with Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond. I hope he's doing okay today, these child actors go through hell having fame so young in life.

This video is interesting as Donny talks about his former friendship with Michael Jackson. Donny's a very intelligent guy and communicates well.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cyberbaby Blamed Me For Another's Posts and Letter

Watch dogs don't care whose made the noise, they just bark and bark and attack whoever happens to be there. Such is how Cyberbaby #2 made the big mistake in accusing me without due diligence or knowing for sure. Cyberbaby had an issue with someone in 2005, and that person contacted me in 2006. I wrote very little on this blog about this cyber and whatever I put up on the Internet wasn't significant to warrant such baseless accusations made under oath.

So what that I put up the cyber's traffic record and merged pages in a PDF from rip off reports? I wrote about 3-4 articles on my blog in 2 years.

Something I've learned and come to the conclusion about is men in this day and age are big babies. Big, big babies.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Red Alert on Internet Criminals? On Second Thought. . .

About my last "expose the frauds" post, I've since reconsidered my intention to expose such individuals on this blog. When you're dealing with criminals who will stoop so low as to con people out of $1,000 on the Internet while not providing any services, I don't think it's a good idea to go around "exposing" such people outside the criminal judicial system.

After having acquired a little experience in the area by now of exposure of underhanded individuals (uh hum) it kicked in yesterday it's really unnecessary. First, many people have already complained about them and the word is already out. Sure, this blog could help expose them a bit, but what good would that really do? They'd probably pack up and leave town for a new con business.

The right way to deal with guys like this is to report them to the FBI's Internet fraud division because they're outside California. Charges could be for wire fraud and a freeze could be placed on their bank account as well. The FBI must have its hands full dealing with all these Internet con artist crooks.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big Red Alert Story Brewing

I'm nearing certainty that a service company that allegedly takes $1,000 of people's money and doesn't provide any services is criminal. I'm itching to expose these frauds but am being patient. I'll give it another few days before I blow the lid off these possible frauds. If it's true they're criminal, they are really low life scum and unbelievable Internet con artists.
You might think you can spot a con artist because he's someone you instinctively "don't trust." But the term con artist is short for confidence artist -- they gain your confidence just long enough to get their hands on your money. They can be very charming and persuasive. A good con artist can even make you believe he is really an old friend you haven't seen in years. How Stuff Works

These guys better not be scamming and conning people because wire fraud and all kinds of things can land them in prison in no time. Anyone who sets up a bank account to receive funds is subject to close scrutiny needing to provide social security numbers, drivers licenses, etc. This is also one of the kind of situations you can report to the FBI as a legitimate complaint based on commerce being done across state borders.

In the interim, I'm happy to report I'm officially severed from my AT&T land line. I now use Magic Jack™ for all of my personal phone calls via the Internet for just $19.95 a year (plus the cost of the USB device). You can buy it at Radio Shack for $35 including the one year access fee.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cyberstalkers Who Run to the FBI Need Psychiatric Help

The FBI could probably raise a mountain of money for itself by taking all their contacts from crazies like Edmond Wollmann and Cyber #2, then publishing them for entertainment value. Wollmann's confirmed under oath he contacted the FBI about me for whatever imaginary criminal acts he believes I've committed against him, a trait of his delusional nature. Likewise, Cyber #2 has also claimed under oath to have complained to the FBI about me.

The FBI must receive a lot of crazy stuff from guys like these considering the nature of their alleged disputes. For instance, back in 1999 an extremely self absorbed Edmond Wollmann also complained to the FBI by letter claiming the Scientologists were out to get him after their allegedly having knocked his site from the top of Google. Imagine how self important and crazy someone would have to be to contact the FBI about their website being knocked out of first place in Google? (This was even proudly admitted at his deposition).

Apparently contacts with the FBI make these nutjobs feel powerful and omniprescent. The fact is the FBI doesn't address these kind of cyber complaints, except for across state border Federal matters. The FBI would surely note the crazy nature of such contacts with it and create a nutjob file for these kind of complainees (for Wollmann one was created at least a decade ago)

Needless to say, I never contacted the FBI over Edmond Wollmann or Cyber #2.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

MagicJack Beamed Up My Landline For Good

I've been cruising a while on an AT&T plan that included three services for under $100. The past two months however my bill doubled and boy was was pissed! This is the worse time to be throwing away one's money. Yesterday I spent the entire day figuring out ways of ridding myself of my land line for good. I had cords and phone lines strewn about everywhere trying to figure out the best communications system for my place.

The reason my bill skyrocketed was apparently I gradually forgot my long distance plan was the bare minimum. So whenever I called long distance call, if even it was only to the next city, it was .33 a minute. With that in mind I decided enough was enough of the landline.

The only thing keeping me on land was the false belief I had to have a land line to have DSL. Not anymore! Over a year ago it became possible to have a DSL internet account with AT&T without a land line.
So I managed to talk AT&T down to $25/mo for Internet so now all I'm paying for is both cell phone and Internet. For my personal phone and fax needs, I have MagicJack.

You simply plug MagicJack into your USB port and plug your phone line into it and you can use your phone like usual. You will have voicemail, caller ID and conference calling for $19.99 a year! Not only that but if you buy a 5 year package, you can have unlimited phone call usage for $59.95.
I tried the MagicJack system and really liked it.

I can use MagicJack on an PC system, including a portable. I can hook up either my phone or a headset, and it also takes faxes into the printer.
You can get a MagicJack at Radio Shack for $35, including 1 year service, or through

Get this, it sends you an email with a .wav file of your voice mail when you get a message. You can forward your calls to your cell phone too at any time. Land lines will be history in no time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's Up With Kristy McNichol World News Articles?

Talk about freaking me out! I got a few Google news alerts on Kristy McNichol, former actress, and was afraid to read them for fear she had died. Someone seems to be sending around a generic press release on her with no new information that world news organizations are picking up. It's the kind of stuff you read when someone dies, except it didn't say anything about her dying, thank heavens!

Kristy McNichol's too young to die!
You mostly see a flurry of stuff on Kristy McNichol on her birthday which is September 11, 1962. Here's what they're posting in the article:

Kristy McNichol was born on 11th September 1962 in Los Angeles, California. She is a well known former actress of the Hollywood film industry. She had played a role of Leticia ‘Buddy’ in “Family” which was a popular drama series of television and a role of Barbara Weston in the “Empty Nest”, a sitcom series. Jimmy McNichol, a former child actor is the brother of Kristy McNichol.

Bipolar disorder was diagnosed in Kristy McNichol in 1992 and then she took her retirement from the acting career. Her mother Carollyne was also an actress and a business manager while her father Jim McNichol was a carpenter. Her mother has a Palestinian but her father has a Scottish background. Initially Kristy McNichol appeared in commercials with Jimmy McNichol (her brother).

She has also given guest appearances in some series like “The Bionic Woman”, “Starsky and Hutch”, “The Love Boat” and “Love American Style”. She was casted for a role “Buddy” in “Family”, a television drama series which was on air from 1976 to 1980 and this role has become her recognition among her fans. She had also won Best Supporting Actress Emmy Award for the same role, one in 1977 and the other in 1979.

Some other future actresses and actors like Michael J. Fox, Helen Hunt and Leif Garrett have also given their guest appearance on this show. Aaron Spelling was the producer of this show which was considered to highlight the real life issues. Kristy McNichol spent her whole life in Los Angeles, California and never got married. After getting her retirement from the acting career, she joined as an acting teacher in a private school of Los Angeles.

Here are the unusual world news organizations that posted this story on the Internet:

So WTF is this all about? Is there some looney tunes fan out there sending out press releases on Kristy McNichol? If so, it sounds familiar.