Friday, August 17, 2018

SFPD Retaliation? Five Semi-Auto Gun Shots Fired in Nob Hill's California Street @ Midnight August 17, 2018

Did SFPD stage retaliation over my blog post?
Since the timing of an incident early this morning around midnight happened within 50 feet of my apartment window, I call into question what this really is all about.  I've never ever experienced anything like it in my entire life! 

Within just days of posting my last blog article about the SFPD being taken over by corporate interests in San Francisco, this happens? Really? A bullet hole lands into our building's garage door directly below my apartment?  Automatic weapon fire?  No one injured, no ambulances show up, just the SFPD appearing ten minutes later with several officers blocking the street in order to look for the bullet casings?

In spite of the bullet hole in the garage door, the police never inquired of the building manager to get to the bullet casing. I heard a police officer just stopped by for a police report interview this afternoon of tenants.  According to one tenant the officer insinuated what someone reportedly found and turned over to police in the garage was likely not the same bullet last night. 

I don't expect last night's issue to ever be resolved. No injuries! Swept under a rug along with everything else.

See last blog post:
San Francisco Government Bribed By Corporations Sells Out the SFPD. . . . - August 7, 2017