Saturday, June 23, 2018

Former New Age Gurus Steve Bancarz and Doreen Virtue Witness for Jesus!

I haven't been blogging for a while healing from cataracts surgery. I can see quite well but am still in the prescription eye drops phase. Since I'm still a bit under the weather health wise, I thought this was a good time to present a few great witness testimonies for Jesus from two very popular former New Age author teachers who recently converted. Both Steve Bancarz and Doreen Virtue surrendered their lives to Jesus and their testimonies are quite moving and powerful!

Back in the 1980's during my 20's I read a lot of New Age junk along with pop psychology I now wish I hadn't. I spent a brief time at the Self-Realization Fellowship near Malibu and was much like today's millennial generation (without the dreadful tattoos and piercings I might add) seeking independence and utopia. I still had brief interludes with Christians interwoven through the spiritual mess who helped me through recovery from homelessness. I became homeless shortly after accepting someone's offer of hallucinogenic mushrooms and, yes, I went back for seconds!

I had deduced from their actions that Christians clearly wanted to influence me to find a husband and have children. Having been a Southern California liberal at the time, I had to move on from the stereotype envisioned for me because their plan to hook me up with Christian men didn't seem appropriate for my situation. In fact, by Christian standards I was really a reprobate in rebellion so they let me go on my merry way to San Francisco.

Former New Age leader Steve Bancarz' witness testimony for Jesus.

Former New Age top selling author Doreen Virtue's witness testimony for Jesus.

Now that I've aged a bit I've noted Jesus's faithfulness to my life that I myself have a strong witness testimony I've shared on my own shadow banned YouTube Channel.  The only thing that prevented me from completely surrendering to Jesus back in the 1980's was the intense pressure Christians applied for me to follow social protocols to find a husband, get married and have children. That just wasn't going to happen, the men in California are and will always be among the worst in the entire nation as untrustworthy being disloyal to their wives and I had no intentions of leaving my home state.

My own witness for Jesus after years of backsliding, behavioral issues and rebellion in San Francisco


I wanted to mention that fasting is very important for those who have been involved in the occult New Age movement. When I was in the hospital two weeks after a bike accident, eating very little had a large impact on restoring my relationship with Jesus as well as a hospital chaplain and others praying over me. God also completely removed my taste for alcohol and I haven't since had even one glass of wine since 2012. 

Today God answers most all of my prayers and is growing my faith revealing Himself to me in many ways that He is kind, patient forgiving and merciful that I'm no longer a child of wrath.  Lately I've been noticing the way my brain i.e., flesh, often interferes in my relationship with Jesus as a pain in the rear. I have to pray to overcome these things as well as fast. It's not easy to fast since there's a Trader Joes two blocks away and thus far I am only able to do a coffee/juice fast for from 9:pm - 3:pm each Sat/Sun.

Also See:

Steve Bancarz' new website Reasons For Jesus