Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Why Any Google Employee Who Claims to be Christian IS A LIAR!

Here's the primary reason why there's no such thing as a Christian follower of Jesus employed by Google.  GOOGLE is an evil company! Though a small few of Google's employees may claim to be Christian, they can't possibly be genuine if they remain working for Google under the growing evidence of its reprobate depraved Antichrist activities.

Through its subsidiary YouTube, Google has censored Christians time and time again spreading the good news of the Gospel while allowing child abuse sacrifice videos to remain up for profit of its advertisers!  I've witnessed a plethora of really good people who put up high quality content the reprobate employees at Google censored while allowing abomination videos such as these to remain.

Its latest depraved video is child abuse for profit, the virtual hanging if an innocent little boy for a rapper's audience entertainment went viral seen by millions within a few hours. See Racial Justice Rap Video Depicts White Boy Being Hanged.

A screen shot of a YouTube video that went viral on 9/12/2017 of
a little boy being virtually hung as race bait designed to outrage.

I'm one of thousands who have flagged the video YouTube's ignored!  Many God fearing people with Youtube channels are being censored with their videos removed all together while depraved evil Satanists are encouraged to post child abuse such as the latest video mentioned above! This evidence proves without a doubt that Google is an evil company run by Satanists who censor Christian content providers while encouraging dark, evil images of attacks on innocent children.

There are hidden Masonic symbols designed to place curses on Google's users.

Google is of the Antichrist!  Google is run by Zionists who own 95% of America's media industries. The fake Jewish Zionists plan on killing off Goya gentiles to bring America into civil unrest and this is why this is happening.  It's the Zionists who are trying to destroy America using various proxy puppets to do their dirty work!  Google's run by Zionist sociopaths who follow the Satanic Kabbalah and Babylon Talmud that's full of vile antichristian rhetoric against Jesus who they hate.  (See Texe Marrs' well researched book Conspiracy of the Six Pointed Star for more info.)

One of the top 5 evil companies of all time!  Godless, soulless, Antichrist, greedy, criminal, unjust, murderous organization far more hideous than the Mafia ever was or will be.

Such is why you won't find any genuine Jesus loving Christian employed at Google.  If a Google Christian employee does still exist, they are being called out NOW from one of the most evil Satanic companies of all time,before God runs out of patience with their willful blindness.  If a Google employee walks into your Bible study as she did mine two years ago and starts telling tales of her daddy instead of Jesus just walk out of the door and never return to their liberal dead head church group ever again.

Here are some things I've done to get away from using Google:

I use Opera for my browser
I use Yahoo and others for my search engine
I don't use Google on my personal computer, only on public computers I have no control over.
I don't download Google apps other than YouTube.

YouTube is too universal not to use but I stay away from evil on its platform and expose it when I'm prompted to do so by the holy spirit.  I highly recommend to stay as far away from Google as possible and if you come across evil, flag it in spite of Google's employees ignoring your request.