Sunday, August 20, 2017

RED ALERT: The Planned Annihilation of the Gentile Races in Process

Americans are asleep at the wheel having no idea what's happening to their country and why.  A tipping point's happened, a major step forward for America's enemies has occurred opening the door wide open for a nuclear war to occur.

Many concur President Trump's latest staff firing of Steve Bannon means the White House is now entirely controlled by Zionist wealthy globalists. This is important to know because it signals a victory for America's true enemies who are quickly moving towards their plans for WWIII.

Back in 2012 I had a premonition nightmare that spoke to my spirit of some conflict having ended horribly for America overseas that I could feel tremendous terror and fear engulfing the nation. I woke up sweaty with my heart beating outside my chest and intuitively sensed a Communist invasion was happening. I was so frightened that I recorded a video I since took down a few years ago.  I was hoping the premonition nightmare would never manifest just like the tsunami lucid dream I experienced in 1999 near Ocean Beach in San Francisco's Sunset District. I'm sorry to say, it seems the worst nightmare I've ever had is about to happen.

If you really want to understand what's happening to America in its final days of existence prior to its destruction, I challenge you to listen to this powerful video that will answer many of your questions. Listen and learn why America's had its end orchestrated in such a way.

The Planned Annihilation of the Gentile Races

The reason my nightmare's going to happen is Zionists are now completely in control of the White House who have invaded every aspect of our nation's infrastructure. They have completed their power grab and are ready to make their next move using the U.S. military as Israel's proxy.

Christopher Green speaks with frustration over how asleep Americans are to what's going to happen

Those who follow the leader who rises in Israel, whose minds are so darkened they will do whatever he says as their god, only the power of Jesus and the Word of God can set a human being free from such bondage. Prepare accordingly.  I recommend Texe Marrs books.