Sunday, July 2, 2017

What a San Francisco Christian's Photographs Look Like

I know I haven't been blogging in a while, time goes by so quickly in this day and age!  I've been focused more on doing things in my local community here in San Francisco. Consequently, I've been doing many mundane things like scraping graffiti labels off of poles that gangs use to communicate with each other while summoning paint restoration through San Francisco's 311 App.

What I've since discovered is that God can work with any small mundane thing I do to bring joy and meaning to life.  I've decided to present some of my photographs and explanations of how they came about.

The photo at left happened when I found a label on a lamp post with the word "worthy" on it.  I naturally didn't remove it, but instead added stickers I had prepared for such an occasion. The flower shop in the background provided a perfect backdrop.  Yes, I believe God led me to this opportunity.  

I saw "I Am", an infamous passage in Old Testament Scriptures
near the end of a hard day that cheered me up a bit.  After I parked at a meter
I went into meet the client who, out of the blue, began sharing he was into photography.

God led me to this spot shortly after the flower cart (first photo) that
was on another street a block away.  I used the backdrop of darkness and a door
that represented the darkness of hell Jesus saves souls from.  I added another sticker
of a butterfly that said "I am a new creation".  No, I didn't write what was there, just collaborated.

As I was about to walk into St. Francis Hospital I saw this unique
cloud formation that appeared as a large fish hung from its tail.  The fins are notable and
this hasn't been altered except minor contrast adjustments.  It represents
how Christians are always fishing for souls to save.

I've decided in this blog post to include my other Christian based cloud series.  All of these photographs are natural, haven't been altered except in the photos below with my iPhone's magnifying glass feature to zoom into the details of what is seen far away from my apartment's window in San Francisco.

My Jesus Captures a Demon Cloud Series

A few months ago this year I glanced out my window to see this unusual cloud formation so I decided to take photos of it.  

This zooms in on the image of what I see as a face, beard and hair

This zooms in on what I see are hands 

After I took the photos I was flabbergasted to glance out again 20 minutes later
to see what appears to be the head turned toward me.  The clouds haven't
been altered except the circle I placed using my iPhone program.

I cropped the photo to get a closer look at it. What I see is the
face and beard of a man and an alien head below of a demon.