What our society currently has are symptoms of a sick government and its so called legal system. Right now, courts all over the country are complaining to the public by issuing press releases. For instance, the San Francisco Superior Court has been fear mongering over budget cutbacks requiring staff layoffs they say will greatly hinder justice.
"Justice as we know it today in San Francisco will be dismantled," Presiding Judge Katherine Feinstein said. I can't emphasize enough just how devastating this would be for our Court and for all people who depend on us. In short, justice will be on hiatus." SF Superior Court Preparing for Unprecedented Layoffs - SF Examiner.com

"The real cash cow of the San Francisco Superior Court is the Probate Division. Corrupt fiduciaries, conservators, attorneys, commissioners and judges have perfected the white collar crime of the century. Together they steal our loved one's (grandparents, parents, etc.) life savings. They prey on the elderly and the disabled and call it a conservatorship. These monsters are court appointed by judges and/or commissioners who instead of protecting our constitutional rights and upholding the law have chosen to line their own pockets with the hard earned money of our elderly and disabled population. The probate system in San Francisco generates hundreds of millions of dollars each year for themselves instead of the intended heirs. Can you say class action?"When the court system uses justice as a marketing ploy to the public, let's examine what kind of justice it really provides to warrant such a huge expense to its citizens. Though we occasionally hear about police officers and judges being convicted for crimes, there are many cases where serious offenses are given a slap on the wrist proving alleged justice is nothing more than a selective highly controlled rigged game. Take the veteran Chicago police officer who swindled an elderly man with Alzheimer's out of his $1 million estate.
In sentencing former police officer Donald Owsley, 63, for financial exploitation of the elderly and forgery, a judge cited a number of letters sent to him from Owsley's former colleagues as well as his history as a police officer. The judge's citing these factors prove beyond a reasonable doubt that one can commit a serious crime and get away with it as long as they are a police officer. Owsley faced a possible 15 year prison sentence. In the name of "justice" of and for itself, the system gave Officer Owsley a slap on the wrist of a mere 3 years probation for his offense. Additionally, the former officer made a killing profiting from his crime when he was only fined $36K for a $1 million scheme:
"Authorities alleged that in 1999 Owsley met Theodore Hoellen, then in his 80s, after a neighbor contacted police with concerns about Hoellen's mental state. Hoellen is now deceased. Authorities contended that over time Owsley persuaded Hoellen to sign over his Northwest Side residence as well as investment accounts worth a combined $1 million.
Owsley was charged criminally in late 2004 hours after a Cook County judge, ruling in a civil lawsuit filed by the Cook County public guardian's office, found that the officer had swindled Hoellen out of his estate. The public guardian alleged at the time that Owsley attempted the same scheme on three other elderly victims, but he was charged criminally in only the Hoellen case." - Probation For Cop who Cheated Man Out of $1M - Chicago Tribune

In another sign of government approved corruption, in its article Cheats On The Beat, The Sun reported that police officers in the U.K. convicted of criminal offenses while on the job are allowed to remain on the force. The officer's crimes, including DUI's, assault, Class A drug possession, were revealed under a Freedom of Information Act request.
"COPS convicted of serious offences are being allowed to remain on the beat, police bosses have been forced to reveal.
Thirteen criminal officers have kept their jobs in London's Met - Britain's biggest police force - since 2008. And dozens more in Britain's other 42 constabularies are believed to have been allowed to stay too." Cheats On The Beat - The Sun
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