Thursday, June 23, 2011

Colloidal Silver Put To The Test: My Cold Didn't Turn Into Bronchitis For The First Time!

I think it's important I report back since my initial post that colloidal silver used as an antibiotic has proven successful for me in combating full blown bronchitis after I recently contracted a cold again.  Prior to colloidal silver therapy, my colds always turned into full blown bronchitis no matter what I did.

I only recently had a serious case of bronchitis last January for six long weeks of misery.  At that time I decided to find a new strategy since I've been unable to prevent colds from turning into a serious illness over the past decade.  I've been unable to prevent colds from going nuclear even under a doctor's prescription of generic penicillin.  I had no choice but to find a new strategy especially since the antibiotics prescribed to me were damaging my system in being extremely harsh.

My strategy was to dispense colloidal silver through a nano particle nebulizer inhaling it three times a day.  I'm very familiar with the stages of what my cold goes through prior to full blown bronchitis.  Usually the cold starts mild and goes into remission a few days making me believe it's nearly over.  Then I'll need to start taking cold medication that causes a fluid build up in my lungs to the point of serious hacking coughs in which I practically throw up my insides for weeks upon end.  At that point I call a doctor who will only prescribe antibiotics when I have full blown symptoms of bronchitis.

When I started the colloidal silver therapy I developed no such symptoms of fluid build up in my lungs and have been able to breath fairly freely without cold medication.  The past 6 days I've only felt it necessary to take four Sudafed PE tablets.  As it stands now I'm comfortable though I do still have symptoms of a mild cold on day six.  I sleep well at night which is unlike my previous experiences of requiring large dozes of cold medication.

This information is significant since I've never been able to turn back a cold from bronchitis the past 10 years as an example of my struggle in dealing with this severe problem. I can report back with 100% conviction that colloidal silver therapy delivered directly to the lungs through a nebulizer has prevented my cold from turning into bronchitis. 

It's empowering to take control of one's own health from a failed decade long struggle.  I'd highly recommend colloidal silver as an antibiotic for treating the early stages of bronchitis.  This is not medical advice, just a matter of sharing my own experience.  I make my own colloidal silver that also saves a tremendous amount of money compared to purchasing doctor prescribed medication.

For more information, visit my original post Colloidal Silver Making Secrets Spread Like Wildfire.

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