It's come to this that whenever I hear stories of baby aliens and all kinds of strange stuff in the news I instantly deduce someone's found a means to generate income from an elaborate hoax. The hoaxes are easy to recognize since they often include genuine scientists who participate in long drawn out investigations that a simple DNA sample could solve. For instance, one can easily observe a pattern of documentaries such as on The History Channel's Monster Quest in 2009 presenting multi-million dollar industry hoaxes that contribute to scientists salaries.
In the following baby alien hoax documentary video, it's clear a few scientists and their production companies in Mexico are desperate for income.
What appears to the human senses as a baby monkey, perhaps in a fetus stage of development, is used in an elaborate hoax generating income for scientists in Mexico.
The first sign of a hoax is how unnecessarily drawn out an investigation is when DNA evidence isn't obtained over an alleged non-human life form. In this particular alien baby hoax, one can observe they leave off in their documentary claiming they will be obtaining a DNA result. Yet three years later, there's still no DNA results. The reason they haven't presented their results are clear; the well paid scientists don't want to face public humiliation of a likely monkey specimen.
Many people believe simply because genuine scientists are involved in researching a specimen that it can't possibly be a hoax. The fact is that scientists are involved in hoaxes all the time they're well paid for. Think about how you would react if offered thousands of dollars to research a hoax that would generate millions of dollars in advertising income for a documentary? Would you turn it down if you had limited income? Believe it or not, scientists are mere human beings who aren't going to say no to a job offer simply because they know it's a hoax. Like many attorneys do in their legal briefs and frivolous lawsuits, scientists will draw out their research in order to generate income.
Here's a few examples supporting scientist involvement in profiting from hoaxes.
Surprise! There's no Lochness Monster. The inventor of the multi-million tourist and television documentary hoax later admitted to his ridiculous contrived photo on his deathbed. Scientists have made millions of dollars being funded for such research of the Lochness lake to come to the conclusion such a massive monster had no means of surviving without any substantial food supply. See Wikipedia under subtitle "Surgeon's Hoax"
Surprise! There's no Bigfoot monster. The latest scam was a 2008 press conference in Palo Alto over a dummy rubber corpse. The well publicized event was later proven to be nothing more than a money making scheme of a since fired police officer and his partner who took off like fugitives shortly thereafter. The industry's been going strong since the early 1970's and no DNA or substantial evidence has ever been found supporting the existence of the Bigfoot myth. See Police 'Hero' Fired as Bigfoot Claim Melts Away - Timesonline
Surprise! There's no real Face on Mars. Former NASA employee Richard Hoagland wrote a book and was paid for speaking events over the coincidence of an illusion of light and shadow. Humans have vivid imaginations, especially when they're high on marijuana, being able to see whatever we like in cloud formations, the same goes for sand formations on Mars. See Unmasking The Face on Mars - NASA Science
Surprise! There's no foreseeable Rapture. Even the Bible says only God knows of Christ's second coming. Regardless, Mr. Camping has since generated a lot of publicity for himself and Christian broadcast station thus generating advertising revenue in turn. Shameless in his scam, Mr. Camping has since named a new date in October for the event. Needless to say, millions of dollars have been made off of books from the Rapture prediction scams over the past several decades. See Hal Lindsey's multi-million best seller book The Rapture from the 1980's.
Ever listen to the iPhone ShoutCast app radio talk programs? Art Bell on his Coast to Coast Radio Program was a highly successful radio host whose since retired in 2007. In fact, you can still listen to his archived programs since the early 1990's on the iPhone app. Many of Bell's guests later proved over the test of time to be nothing but scammers trying to create new industries of income for themselves.

Look out, here comes the end of the world and Comet Elenin! T-shirts, documentaries, new YouTube stars, are all headed our way. Not to say the comet isn't real and will obviously have an effect on earth, but one knows by now it will be over hyped in the coming months as an earth shaking event as a means of income.
Other hoaxes: Surprise! Wall Street's unreal having become a rigged game and criminal Bernie Maddoff has confirmed the U.S. economy is nothing but a "ponzi scheme". The U.S. Supreme Court apparently views the U.S. Constitution as a scam hoax by voting against its own 4th Amendment in favor of unlawful police searches. Turns out President Obama's a hoax whose name is really Barry Soetoro and a former CIA asset. Bin Laden was allegedly recently murdered having actually been dead since 2001 from Marfan's disease. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, as President Bush initially claimed as a means to invade the country etc. Surprise! Politicians generally aren't really distinguished respectable persons but criminals and con artists who often act out their roles as lying clown buffoons.
Stay tuned for more hoaxes in a bad economy since people have to put food on their family's table.
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