You're my friend tree! Drop your arsenal, a pine cone, on the asshole's head so he'll get amnesia and leave me alone, will you please?
These photos and messages are meant for the bullies. Nice people need not take offense.
Remember that bench you and your sweetheart used to sit on each year on Valentine's Day?
Another shot of an enemy's fond memory disappearing forever.
Here's your sweet heart's old bike you used to ride each Valentine's Day
Another shot of a memory leaving the earth, consumed by my angry pal.
Oh, here's that old 1970's motorcycle she gave you on your honeymoon! Being the spoiled prick you are, it's one of dozens your slut got you throughout your life. My friend the tree says no more!
Just a sign, nothing but a sign! What came first, the tree or the cane?
Another sign within a sign.
There's a road closed for you asshole, except one day you won't have the sign to tell you it's dangerous.
This way when you're trespassing and hunting you won't know why some angry dude's pointing a rifle your way.
Next I'll be working towards becoming deep spiritual pals with Black Holes. . . .
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