This story sounds like something out of Star Trek just like the
hologram post a few days ago. There's a new device tested successfully that sprays new skin on a burn victim's charred flesh that enables healing within as little as four days.
A traditional
skin graft procedure took a month to grow sheets of skin while being extremely painful that caused some patients to die. With the Spray-on Skin Gun, all a doctor needs is a small patch of healthy skin to then put into a solution to be sprayed onto the affected area. The procedure takes only 90 minutes.

As reported to the
National Geographic for its program
How to Build a Beating Heart (to air February 7th, 2011), for Matthew Uram the radical procedure has already saved his skin. Last July he received severe burns to his face, neck, shoulder, arm and hand after someone threw a cup of petrol on to a bonfire at a party. His hand looked like a "charred piece of meat", he said. Quickly taken to hospital, he was offered the chance to be one of the first patients to benefit from the skin gun. (Photo at right not Mr. Uram)
"It looked like something you would see in Star Wars," he said. "But I agreed."
He was glad he did: "They did it on a Friday, and my follow up was that Monday and the burns unit said it was completely healed."
Spray-on Skin Developed for Burn Victims - Telegraph
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