Yesterday I was talking with a retired airline stewardess from US Airways. The lady said she got out of flying after 25 years due to all the intensity after 9/11's new security laws. We got to speculating the future of air travel was about to radically change. We both agreed that in the near future when gas and oil costs rise, this will be the final nail in the coffin for inexpensive civilian air travel. Many airlines simply won't survive.
Here are some ideas we came up with of how people will overcome the limitations of no air travel since only the wealthy will be able to afford it.

2. People will use more advanced 3D holographic technology to meet or attend speaking engagements
3. People will harness the Internet to share information digitally and in virtual meeting rooms.
Here's a recent presentation and example of how people can appear virtually in another place for a meeting or speaking engagement.
This is the first hologram of someone on television:
Back in the 1990's I envisioned people using holograms to communicate. My particular unique idea was in the area of entertainment however. I had envisioned hologram nightclubs of top musicians recorded in holographic images performing as if in real life. In a sense, it's a musician's dream to have a clone of one's self that makes money while one sleeps and tends to real life matters. For instance, I think they should now be able to record people like Barbra Streisand today as a 3D hologram to perform her songs for people to see her in concert in the future. Imagine if we had a hologram of Aretha Franklin to last forever for future generations to enjoy?

The thing with this holograph and 3D technology is that as kids of the 1950's and 1960's era most of us were introduced to it through the Wizard of Oz (the Wizard's appearance in 3D technology) and at Disneyland's Haunted House. 3D and hologram's have been around a long time and now it's finally turning into a viable industry with the advent of such 3D films as Avatar. Going one step further, some scientists even speculate in theory our universe is really one big hologram. What's up with that?
Primitive versions of the future 3D holographic world environments can be found in Another example is where people attend classes in a conference environment. Essentially the envisioned hologram environment will be similar to Star Trek Next Generation's holodeck where people have trouble deciphering what is real and what isn't.
Today we have the computer power to record holograms all over the world. We should begin to record holograms of the great artists of today before it's too late.
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