Monday, November 15, 2010

Death Bed Notarizations Are Heart Breaking

Sunday morning I was called to the St. Francis hospital in San Francisco to notarize a durable power of attorney for a terminal cancer patient.  When I arrived I was prepped about the circumstances, that the patient was only 49 years old and was in significant pain.  It's the first time I had ever been called for an emergency due to someone being on their death bed. 

When I entered the room the the poor guy was obviously in a lot of pain contorting on the bed with needles and tubes all over him.  His family was there, including his sister who was going to oversee his finances with the power of attorney documents.  I was given Richard's driver's license and the photo showed him as a happy smiling person.  I felt very sad over the whole thing since I've never met anyone who was definitely expected to die within a short time. 

Later that day, I listened to the Alex Jones Radio Sunday program where Alex was expressing anger over all the cancer patients due to the chemicals put in our food and water supply. Alex was really angry and ranting about it a while about cancer being a relative new disease. 

I can't find the rant on cancer in this video I've previously described, but this clip is still informative.  I believe the ranting part is in the other parts of the video series.

If you check out cancer on Wikipedia, there's a large section overlooking the history of the development of the disease. For instance, when did it emerge?  Yet, Wikipedia has a large section dedicated to claiming cancer is genetically influenced.  There was a time when cancer was very rare, 1 in a billion children had cancer a matter of 80 years ago.  It seems very logical chemicals in our food and water contributed to cancer's growth, not to mention smoking.  

So basically, Sunday was dedicated to a new awareness of cancer for some reason. 

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