The reason I chose to be a loan signing agent during the worst time in real estate history is because it's a great way of networking with people in the business community. People who refinance their homes in San Francisco tend to be successful people. My strategy has proven correct as I've been asked for my business card a lot. I also get to visit people at their homes or offices, something I prefer rather then in my own typical office setting.
For instance, Friday I performed signings for an executive at the Department of Education who lives in Maryland but was visiting the San Francisco office. I also did a signing for an intellectual property attorney at her home in Pacific Heights. I did another signing for a woman at SalesForce.com and another for a couple, one with his own advertising business and the other an employee at UC Berkeley.
I tend to get a lot of other types of interesting information from people I perform loan signings for. I learn about their home remodeling projects that run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, their travels to far lands and their pets. Last night one of three large cats plopped himself on the loan signing papers and we all laughed.
People are generally very nice at the signings, especially because they're getting a lower interest rate on their mortgage. A while back an attorney and his wife who live in a home from 1890 in San Francisco gave me a slew of peaches insisting they had too many from a tree. I gratefully accepted and made peach crisp out of them. They were the couple who I had posted about earlier who wanted to frame the bank's description as "padding" of its undisclosed fee.
The best part of being a loan signing agent is being exposed to so many people in the close knit community of San Francisco. When I had an office job at law firms, it got boring seeing the same people each day and it often felt like such a dead end. Today each day when I wake up I never know who I'm going to meet. San Francisco's swarming with talented highly educated business people and most everyone I meet is a pleasant surprise.
The other great thing about what I do is that I rarely have to go very far and have restricted my signings to certain zip codes. The other day someone called saying "it's only two miles away." They responded with laughter when I explained that's far for a San Franciscan to travel. I wasn't kidding.
Here's a good Peach Crisp Recipe
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